


For years we have seen how our entertainment has been filled with interpretations of Greek mythology and in general, no one tells the story as the myth is. They almost never tell Creation according to mythology, what we have come to do here today




Before, it should be clarified that this Version of the Mythology is Based on the Version of Hesiod, in which Uranus is the Son of Chaos ... Since there are other versions in which they indicate him as the Son of Gaea and also her husband.

A long time ago, When Only The Chaos of Infinity and the Stars Existed, There was a Great Explosion and the Primordial Beings (URANUS, GEA, TARTARUS and PONTO) were born,

Uranus, the God of Heaven, is Born Alone in Infinity, as the Years Pass and after going through much Solitude, Heaven and Earth Meet and Take Earthly Forms in order to be Together.

URANO AND GEA formed their offspring and had 12 children (6 men and 6 women) whom they called THE 12 TITANS of Creation.

A long time ago, when only the infinite and the stars existed, there were 2 cosmic entities, URANUS god of the Sky and GEA Goddess of the Earth, URANO AND GEA formed their offspring and had 12 children (6 men and 6 women) whom they called THE 12 TITANS of Creation.

The 12 Titans were:

1) OCEAN Creator of the Seas

2) HYPERION that gave rise to the sun

3) TEA that gave origin to the moon

4) CRIO Creator of beasts and Animal Life

5) CEO The Titan of Intelligence, Creator Of Intelligent Life on Earth, With the Power of Evolution.

6) JAPETO creator of Death and The Underworld so that all Living beings Conclude a Cycle of Life on Earth.

7) TETIS Goddess of Fresh Water

8) TEMIS Goddess of Justice and Balance on Earth

9) FEBE Creator of plants and was the Founder of Great Oracles.

10) MNEMOSINE She was the Goddess of Memory and Guardian of Memories, Later She was the Mother of the Muses, Goddesses of the Arts.

11) REA Titanide mother of Love and Feelings. Creator of Generations and Fertility.

12) CRONOS Titan Creator of Time



Besides the Titans they also had several sons cyclopes and hecatonchires (giants with 50 arms). Which Were Considered Aberrations by Uranus.

URANUS had the Gift of Prophecy and Important Visions of the Future were presented in His Mind, He saw a Prophecy in which he would be Overthrown by one of his Sons and that this in turn would be destined to also be Betrayed by One of his Sons and thus Successively until Ending His Offspring. Due to the Prophecy Uranus always distrusted His Children and Decided to Keep them all locked in Tartarus. Besides the Titans they also had several sons cyclopes and hecatonchires (giants with 50 arms). Cronos Her Younger Son Was freed from Tartarus by Her Mother Gaea, After Many Years She was Tired of seeing how Uranus treated her Children, So she gave Cronos a Weapon Forged by the Cyclops in the Center of the Earth, it was a Diamond Sickle Bathed in the Blood of Gaia with the power to Cut or Hurt Even a God. Uranus In his Sky Form, He was Intangible and Immune to Any Attack. So between Gea and Cronos they decided to lay a trap for him. Gea would invite Uranus to have relations with her, when they finished making love, Cronos used a spell to stop time for a few seconds to approach and cut the virile member of his father, since according to Gea, the power of Uranus was in his Genitals. Cronos attacked him with the sickle and castrated him in cold blood. They say that his Cry of pain was So Great that it was Heard in every corner of the Earth, and that with his Blood the Sky was Dyed Red in the First Sunset. From the Clouds rained Blood and From the blood arose the Giants, Nymphs and Furies. In the sea a Great Storm arose and the sea was filled with Foam from which a Great Oyster emerged that gave birth to Aphrodite Goddess of Love and Beauty. Cronos freed the World from all slavery and all evil and for a time he ruled precisely in what was called the Golden Age where there was no Evil. After defeating Uranus, Cronos left the Hecatonchires and the Cyclops imprisoned in Tartarus, whom feared.

She Betrays Uranus the Love of Her Life, to Give a Better Life to Her Children the Titans, She still wanted to free the Cyclops and the Hecatonchires.

When Cronos Takes Command she Begs him to please release the Cyclopes and Hecatonchires, but Cronos Refuses. She ascended the throne with her sister Rea, whom she named her Queen. Cronos learned from Gaia of the Uranus Prophecy that she said that she was destined to be overthrown by one of her own sons And After Knowing that Prophecy He began to go crazy. Cronos and Rhea had a Daughter whom They Loved "Hestia" was a Divinity that Emanated Love and Warmth in her Energy, Her special Power was Fire. And for Cronos she represented a great danger, however, she was his daughter and it hurt him to make the same mistake as his father. So In his stomach created a timeless void where he would keep his children locked up forever, without posing a danger to him when chronos devours his first daughter hestia, gaia enrages him and claims that he is taking the same attitudes as uranus locking up his children and that the only thing he will achieve by doing that is Sow Hate and Vengeance. Tired of Listening to the Claims of His Mother Cronos decides to Banish her. Chronos to His Other Children swallowed them to the Days of which they were born. When her sixth child, Zeus, was about to be born, Rea asked Gaia to help her create a plan to save him. Rhea secretly gave birth to Zeus and gave Cronos a stone Baby wrapped in swaddling clothes. Then he is in charge of overthrowing him in a 10-year war called TITANOMAQUIA.

Furiosa Gea stays away from Cronos and the Titans to Power. And She only maintains contact with Her Daughters. When her daughter Rea (wife of Cronos) decides to save the Life of Zeus. Gaea enters Action again and Creates a Spell on a Stone for Cronos to See it in the Form of the baby Zeus.


Gaea Raises Zeus in a Cave where He is Fed by a Sacred Goat named Amalthea. Gaea trains Zeus to defeat Cronos and teaches him everything she knows, on the condition that he help her free the Cyclopes and Hecatonchires, and that by taking command he creates a better world for the titans and all forms of life.

Gaea Asks Zeus, to Find Metis the Daughter of the Ocean Titan, and Together They Helped Create the Poison that would Intoxicate Cronos, Metis also taught Zeus everything she Knew including her Transformation and Metamorphosis Techniques.

They finally released the Cyclops and the Hecatonchires, who Made the three Weapons sacred to the Gods, and helped them Win the Titanomachy.

When Cronos and the Other Titans were Defeated, Gaia asked Zeus for Mercy for Her Children, but Zeus was not willing to Take Risks. So without touching her heart, she locked up Cronos and the majority of the Titans and their allies in Tartarus. Seeing Gaea So Annoying, He Decided To Lock Her Up Also As He Considered Her A Potential Threat.

And That is the Reason why Gaea Hates Zeus So Much, Despite the fact that she raised him and taught him everything she knows, in the end she was betrayed by him.

Gaea joins Tartarus and gives birth to Typhon, Training Him for more than 300 Years in the Company of Other monsters and Giants, filling them with Fury against Zeus and the Gods for the way they had to Denigrate monsters and Titans.

 During that time, Typhoon Joins Echidna, his best friend and companion, they both had a dream and it was to make the world a better place for all the monsters who were oppressed and humiliated.

EQUIDNA: The Serpent Woman, She was also Daughter of Gaea and Tartarus and like Typhon she was also very powerful. And if she was His sister and also His Wife. She Possessed Eternal Youth, and used to be the Equivalent to Lilith in Hebrew mythology.

Together TIFON AND EQUIDNA Have Several Sons, thus being known as the Parents of All Monsters, Among their Sons are:

• Cerberus

• Ortro

• Chimera

• Sphinx

• Hydra of Lerna

• Medusa and the Gorgons

• Ladon, the serpent of the Hesperides

• Lion of Nemea

• The Eagle of Prometheus

• The Dragon of Colchis

• The Chromion Sow

After Cronos plucked the genitals from her father Uranus, she threw them into the sea. From the mixture of the blood of Uranus with the marine foam, the goddess of love was born. According to Hesiod, She Inherited the Power of "LOVE" that until now only Uranus had.

After a Great Storm, the Most Beautiful Creature that Has Ever Existed emerges from the Sea, It was the Goddess Aphrodite, a Primordial being and The Fifth Element of Creation. Much Foam comes out of the Sea, and A Giant Clam Opens, and As if it were the most Beautiful Pearl, Aphrodite emerges. She crosses the Sea walking on its Waters ... The Imposing and fine Girl arrives on the Island of Cyprus and Everything There Becomes Beautiful just by stepping on her.

During the Titanomachy Aphrodite was on the Island of Cyprus Protecting it from the War between Gods and Titans, making it the most beautiful place on the Planet, where Love Reigned and everyone was Happy.


and they make a deal

With her brothers she left her

Locked in Tartarus

The whole world was divided

With Hades and Poseidon

They share the whole earth, but with it not METIS: she was the Titanide Goddess of Prudence and Astusia, Daughter of Oceano and Tethys, and like her Grandfather Uranus, She received the Gift of Prophecy.

During His Youth Zeus looked for her in many places, Because he needed Her Help, Gaea told him to look for her ..., But she was hiding from him because she was afraid of him, because of a prophecy that she saw,

She had the gift of metamorphosis and transformed into different animals to hide, however she finally found her and she ended up falling in love with him,

During the Titanomachy, she accompanied Zeus and helped him create the poison with which Intoxicated Cronos, Cronos the Supreme Titan arrived.

very Difficult, So Metis taught Zeus the Gift of Metamorphosis.

So they could mix with their people and put the poison in their food ... In this way Zeus released his brothers. To Those Who Also Metis I Train in the Art of Metamorphosis into Animals.

After that, Gea and Metis told Zeus that if they wanted to win that war, they had to make a crusade for the underworld that Iapetus controlled, and free the cyclopes and hecatonchires, so that they in gratitude would make the 3 weapons that would be Definitive to win.

With her Gift of Prophecy, she helped him prevent the attacks of the Titans and that was how they managed to defeat the mighty Atlas.

 (Hestia, Hera and Demeter Were Sheltered on an Island in the Care of the Ocean by the Father of Metis). She, too, convinced her parents Ocean and Thetis to join them, and to give Poseidon the Kingdom of the Seas.

Metis also helped other Titans to join Zeus's side, such as Helios, Selene, Eos (Sons of Hyperion), Prometheus and Epimetheus (Sons of Iapetus), Hecate, Styx, among others.

Definitely Metis was essential for Zeus to Triumph in the Titanomachy and Save His Brothers, So After Consolidating His Power and Becoming The King of Olympus He married her, making her his First wife. (That's right, Hera was not his first wife, she was the third).

Metis gets pregnant with twins and had another prophecy, which she erroneously commented to Zeus. He told her that he would have 2 sons and that one of them would be destined to rule the world, she thought that Zeus would feel excited, but instead of that he began to worry that one of those sons would dethrone him, ending up like Cronos and Uranus .

So Zeus devised a plan, to deceive Metis, asking her to teach him to transform into liquid forms, then she transforms into drops of water remaining in his hands, and Zeus quickly devoured her pregnant along with her offspring,

After that, Metis began to permeate the inside, Zeus began to change his way of thinking, he felt very sorry for what he had done and he cried a very bitter cry. He also became Wiser, Fairer and Kinder from that Moment.

So they were ruling for a time, Demeter as Goddess of the harvest and bread refusing to tell their secrets, Hades In his kingdom he controls everything, he hardly ever comes out He has a black car, he has a superdog He has his own river and a Greek boatman, Poseidon Se He becomes king of the sea, He is sturdy, he is virile, Bad husband, he causes earthquakes, Equine God, he even has a dolphin Zeus remains on Olympus And where he begins to flirt uncontrollably. Hestia Usually around the corners, she is the goddess of the bonfire and home. And even if he does not like to do evil, he will break your face in the name of peace. You will see its flame burning in every city. Hera Straight and arrogant, dazzling beauty, The goddess of outer space.

When the War ended, the Gods learned of the Existing of Aphrodite and the legend of the Immortal Woman who transmitted Beauty and Love was heard throughout the world. More than 100 years passed and she was still perfect and Young. So the Gods Decide to Search and Recruit Her, They Ask her to Join Them and Be a part of Olympus, That Being nothing will be missing, and will be able to transmit all her power to the entire world. It was then that she was named Goddess of Beauty and Love.

Since he arrived at Olympus, he caused a great commotion, and all the gods fought to have the attention of Aphrodite ...

There are Versions That State that the Twins Metis was waiting for were Ares and Athena the Gods of War.

Years passed and Zeus began to feel a horrible headache, in his interior there were many ideas, and he kept thinking that it would have been nice to meet his children.

This is how Athena was formed within the Head of Zeus, as one of his most Perfect Ideas, A Warrior Goddess, Wise as her Mother and Powerful as Her Father.

Zeus Married Hera, and he kept telling her that he wanted to have many children, but no matter how hard they tried, they couldn't, the headaches didn't let him concentrate and that's why they couldn't have relationships.

One day her head swelled so much that a huge opening was created and from there, Athena came out already Great, with her Spear and her Battle Armor, for Zeus It was Perfect, it became his Adoration and he named her his Counselor and the Second to I send. In This Version Athena was his First Daughter.

Metis had already given birth to Athena, through the Head of Zeus, Now she needed to find the way to give birth to her son, Metis knew that the Child was going to represent a threat to Zeus. Hera tried to give birth on her own, the result was an ugly boy named Hephaestus, who was shot and broke his leg

Zeus tries it with his sister And she rejects him more than once (300) but in the end Zeus makes him fatal, he is a very sensual guy. Zeus ultimately cheats on her And marries him. He's her brother but they got married So when he finally had relationships with Hera. She becomes pregnant with Ares, and With Hera as her Mother and Protectress, Metis knew that her Son would be Safe. Years of happiness are going to end very badly. Then the gigantomachy occurred, where Gaea gave birth to the giants trying to overthrow the Olympians, failed

Athena was born from the Head of Zeus already Armed and Ready to do battle, at birth she gave a war cry that reached heaven. Making Uranus Himself shudder, who immediately knew that she would put an end to the curse of her dynasty. There is a Prophecy that says Athena will be the one who manages to save this world or who manages to destroy it. (Several Myths Tell Her With Double Personality "Athena the Justa" and "Athena the Merciless")

From the moment she was born, she became the favorite daughter of Zeus, and she was always by his side giving him advice to be a better God, even at various times she expressed that she would rule Olympus better than him. She earned her place as the goddess of Wisdom, War, Civilization, Combat Strategy, Science, Justice and Skill, Sewing, and Everything She Wanted.

I always rival with Her Brother Ares who was the God of War, for the same reason she also named herself goddess of Strategy in War, Proving Ares repeatedly that she could always defeat him.

 One day a Young Messenger son of Zeus (Hermes) arrived at Her Palace, she brought her an important Letter that her father had sent her. But Aphrodite did not care about the Letter, if not the Boy, they looked at each other Intensely and at that moment Hermes fell at their feet, From their Brief Encounter a son was born, Who they called Hermaphroditus, in Honor of their Names. (The History of Hermaphroditus tells that he was cursed with both sexes)… By order of Zeus Aphrodite had to separate from her son and he was raised by the nymphs of mount Ida. The Mail that Zeus wanted to Express: He said that he was worried because all the gods were fighting for her. Therefore he had decided to marry her with Hephaestus the God of Fire, this deal he made with him in compensation for the offenses he had suffered from Olympus. In return, Hephaestus promised to always work for Them and Forge the weapons of the Gods. Aphrodite was not very satisfied with that Order, but she had no choice but to Accept, Hephaestus was Deformed, Ugly and Lame, But He treated her like a Queen and in part she felt Tenderness towards him, who had always been rejected by everyone, like this He decided to love him and take care of him, but he could never love him. For Zeus Being married is not a reason Not to be very gulf Zeus! He begat many children And with them he also wet

Hera, her husband Zeus cheated on her Hera, that god is out of control Hera, king of seduction Whenever Hera caught him he took revenge Zeus is bisexual just in case, Hera Throws his lovers degrading punishments If he had a child, Zeus tried to save them some, but I kill them, on the other hand if you try to woo hera your butt will end, In the fire, this is not a game Hate infidelity, hate your happiness

Apollo and Poseidon went to ask Hestia for marriage, she grabbed Zeus by the head to swear that no one was going to touch her, along with Artemis and Athena are the most virgin. Poseidon, Hera, Apollo and Athena Against Zeus conspired, However the hecatonchires freed Zeus Hera ended up hanging And Zeus punished Poseidon and Apollo by building a wall in Troy, As no one paid them Poseidon got pissed He sent a flood while Zeus continued flirting uncontrollably .

When the Capital of Greece Became one of the Most Influential Cities, Poseidon and Athena Set Their Eyes on it, and Desired to become the Protecting Deity of the City. Both decided to compete, and the winner was Athena Naming her City "Atenas"

The Trojan War Begins With the Apple of Discord, Athena Is Furious, for not having been chosen the Most Beautiful Goddess by the Trojan Paris who Chose Aphrodite her Rival whom she Hates Deeply, and Takes It Quite Personal against all Troy, So who decides, that if it cannot be the Sexual Symbol, Then it will be the Bitch and swears that every Trojan will pay to offend her Beauty, So Create the Plan of the Trojan Horse so that the Greeks manage to invade the entire City and Let Troy burn .

It is said that Athena was Skilled in the art of Curses, she did not forgive an Offense and when she unleashed her fury towards someone she was Merciless. One Day Athena Found Poseidon Having Relationships with her Priestess Medusa in her Temple, So Athena, full of fury, decided to punish her by turning her into a Terrible Monster, which caused many problems since Whoever she looked at with her cursed eyes turned into stone, then repentant From her Actions, Athena Herself Guided the Hero Perseus, endowing him with Weapons to eliminate her by cutting off her Head ... From which a Giant and Pegaso were born . Athena Dome the Pegasus and then gave it to the Hero Bellerophon. But that is another story.

Arachne was a great weaver, whom Athena considered an ungrateful, since she too boasted of being more skillful than the goddess herself, one day Athena was presented to her and the challenge to demonstrate it in a sewing competition ... Arachne created beautiful fabrics, where it showed all the Love affairs of Zeus and the Nonsense of the Gods. Athena Annoyed and Offended because she practically beat her and also made fun of her, turns her into a giant spider.

She Pact, With the Goddess of Victory: Athena Uses the Lasso of Truth with Nike, the Goddess of Victory, to tell her her darkest Secret ... She confesses to having been Raped by her father, the Giant Angel Pallas. (Her and Kratos' father)… Nike tells her that if she kills her father she will bless her with eternal glory, and her soul will be linked to her forever.

Ares is the legitimate son of the marriage of Zeus and Hera, He is also known as the God of War and the Prince of Olympus. According to the Cult of Ares, He was born in Thrace

He was the Brother of Athena who was Zeus's Favorite Daughter, His Mother Hera, He was in charge of Fostering Rivalry between them. His Main Power Was Influencing Violence and Conflict on Humanity, This Increased His Power And That Of His Army, It Is Believed That Ares Had More Children Than Zeus, With The Difference That He Recognized Them, He Teached Them To Be Great Warriors With Weapons and I had a very special affection for them.


Zeus had had a daughter with Demeter, Persephone, while Hades, after breaking up with his ex, was looking for a wife - Zeus proposes to his niece and Hades will make her leg, He went looking for her everywhere but did not find her, I ask Helios who answered I saw your brother Hades, he took her away, Zeus consented Demeter gets angry, Angry leaves his home, And the earth begins to dry up, In that Poseidon takes the opportunity to rape Demeter, giving him 2 children, Arion and despena, there is no myth that says that Demeter loved them as much as Persephone She puts herself at the service of a famous king who challenged her, She takes care of her children, She is very fond of both of them

He bakes one in the fireplace, To turn him into a God (People die) Zeus says -Demeter come back to me, I don't know what to do without you- to which she replies -Let go of my little one- -Let her come back and be finished-Demeter gets pissed off saying - As long as I can't find my daughter, there are no more plants on earth. Zeus orders Hades to release his daughter, Hades On the way He gives her seeds, a snack Now Persephone you will have to spend six months a year with him

She will have to spend half the year with Hades And Demeter will be very sad and I will make the plants not grow that is the Greek explanation of the seasons, Hades had released her With a slight condition-She will return to her kingdom every winter- her mother At last he calmed down, He left his car, To one of the children that I take care of, I fill him with grain And he teaches him to be a farmer And with great determination he teaches his mysteries And all over Greece he rode, they celebrate Demeter to teach agriculture.

Subsequently Zeus disguises himself as Hades to have sex with Persephone, from this Dionysus is born, which Hera killed, but Zeus made Dionysus born in the womb of another woman, which Hera deceived so that Zeus accidentally killed her charred


Zeus disguised himself as a shower of gold and stiffened a girl named Danae, who gave birth to Perseus, he himself is responsible for killing Medusa, Medusa was a priestess that Athena punished for having sex with poseidon, in some versions it is a love, in others a violation.

Poseidon had a son with a mortal, Theseus, the Athenian Hercules, who was a friend and had many adventures with Heracles or Hercules.

One day when Zeus thought - I liked that host's wife, Host's wife She was Perseus's granddaughter, that Zeus doesn't care And when it ends, he returns host And after a while twins are born from a different father, Iphicles and Hercules ... Hera, Zeus's wife, was not happy with her husband's love affairs and decided to try to kill the twins by sending snakes But she did not have their colossal strength ... She goes and strangles them while in the cradle, she grows Being an animal ... The lyre learned to play He killed his teacher without thinking And with his strength he defeated a lion in citrus He had an army of children, With Megara he married and even more children he fathered And Hera with his magic our hero He went mad He charges his children, Repentant goes to the oracle of Delphi that tells him that he must overcome twelve jobs imposed by king Eurystheus So he goes on an adventure with his nephew Yolao, He killed the lion of Memea, he killed the Hydra of Lerna He captured the deer of Cerinea, captured the boar of Nim He cleaned the Augian stables, killed the birds of Lake Stymphalus, He captured the Cretan bull, stole the mares of Diomedes, He stole the belt of Hippolyta, he stole the cattle of Geryon, He stole the apples of the Spheridaces and took Cervero out of the underworld. When he took Cervero out of the underworld, he met Theseus, who had gone to try to kidnap Persephone along with his friend Pirito to make her his wife, but Hades found them and chained them. the moment felt better, He married two princesses (Iel and Con) And one kills him with a blanket that carried blood That was from a centaur, it was poisonous and catches fire, Hercules was bisexual and had romances with Abdero, Abmeto, Adonis, Corito, Helagata, Seufemo, Frigso, Ilas Ifíto, Hason, Nestor, Nireo, Filogsete and Yolao his nephew. Hera in the end asks Hercules for forgiveness, revives her, makes her the god of strength and gives her her daughter Febe as a marriage.

He tried everything on girls and boys


One Day in Troy There was a Great Party to celebrate the Wedding of King Peleo (Son of Zeus) and Tethys (a Titanide) ... only the goddess of Discord Eris was not invited, but she appeared with a golden apple that had written (for the Most Beautiful) and He lets her fall on the table where Hera, Aphrodite and Athena were, the apple contained a Vanity Spell and as soon as they read "For the most Beautiful" the three exclaimed - It has to be Me -

All Said - IT'S FOR ME - At the End Zeus Reaches an Agreement in which Prince Paris of Troy must decide who was the Most Beautiful, The three goddesses try to bribe him by offering him different gifts, but in the end he chooses Aphrodite, who had promised him the love of the most beautiful woman. This woman is Helena, The Wife of the King of Sparta, which unleashed the Great Trojan War Between Gods and Mortals, which lasted more than 10 years.

During the Trojan War, Ares fought on both sides causing great chaos. In this war Ares did not hesitate to face many Heroes, despite the fact that Zeus had forbidden the gods to participate. After the Death of Achilles, only Diomedes, King of Argos was able to stand up to the Terrible Ares, The God Tried to Kill the King and Athena entered the War as his protector, managing to seriously wound Ares by sticking a spear into his chest, Seeing herself Very wounded, the god escapes to Olympus to heal from his wounds and Aphrodite is the only one who pities him, because Ares seemed to her the most handsome and virile of all the gods and because in previous battles he was the only one who had defended and treated her like a whole gentleman.

On Olympus Zeus lectured him: "Looking at him Sternly, Zeus told him -Don't sit by my side, don't complain, you miserable liar! To me you are the most despicable of all the Olympus gods! You have always been a Damn Lout, that It is what is in your heart, wars and battles! And yet, I cannot bear to see you in pain, since you are my child ... And I will not allow anyone to hurt you. Followed by that I inform him that His Son Ascalafo had died In the Trojan War, He felt very guilty for having involved him in the war, After that Ares broke into tears for the first time, a bitter and heartbreaking cry that moved even Athena herself.

Later, when Zeus allowed the gods to take part in the war, Ares tried to take revenge on Athena, but ended up hurt again and defeated by her.

During the last years of the Trojan War, Ares in alliance with the Trojans, clashed with the goddess Athena on several occasions.

For all the damage he had caused in the war and for his way of being, all the gods of Olympus saw Ares with contempt ... Aphrodite was the only good one with him, because they both had a secret romance since she was married to the god Hephaestus But actually I was madly in love with Ares, it was his crush. All Their Encounters Were At Night To Prevent Helios From Seeing Them "the Gossiping God Of The Sun" ... They Had A Servant Called Electrion Who Was In Charge Of Notifying Them When It Dawn, But One Day He Slept And As Punishment They Made Him A Rooster So That Never forget to Announce the Dawn.

When Hephaestus, husband of Aphrodite, He learned of the Deception, he decided to Set them a Trap to Capture and Humiliate them. Hephaestus created an unbreakable silver net. And at the moment when Ares and Aphrodite were Making the richest Love, he surprised them and threw the net on them, So that everyone would realize the betrayal and see them there naked and tangled and thus wandering they lost their place in the Kingdom of the Gods.


He is the most powerful monster in all of Greek mythology and the only one who has been able to defeat Zeus and all the Gods.

What Powers Does It Have ?: It Has Great Powers, It Can Control The 4 Elements (Earth, Fire, Water And Air), It Can Increase Its Size At Will, Around Its Waist There Are Snakes That Possess A Very Powerful Poison That Can Make The Gods Deadly .

His Skin is Impenetrable, He Heals Quickly from His Wounds, His Snakes Can Grow and Stretch as Much as He Wants.

 It can also Control the climate at Will and Become a true Force of Nature He is the Son of Gaia and the Demon of Tartarus, the Primordial God of Fire ... Gaea surrenders his Soul full of Spite to the Demon and together they create the most powerful creature on the face of the earth. or

For Years Typhoon Lived Happily and Peacefully alongside Echidna, and refused to support his fellow Giants in the Gigantomachy when they asked him to (Although after he learned of the death of all at the hands of the gods he felt very sorry), Later When he found out that the Hero Hercules began to Kill his children, and that he found out that he was named a god and given a Throne on Olympus ... Annoying Typhoon decides to Attack and Fulfill the Object for which he was Created at once .

Gods Involved With Typhoon:

Hades: In Their Moment Typhon and Echidna They Offered Their Son Cerberus (A Three-Headed Dog), In Exchange For Allowing Them And All The Innocent Monsters That Had Been Born There To Leave Tartarus. They leave the Underworld and go to inhabit the desolate Lands of PALENE where the Giant Sons of Gaia also live.

Poseidon: His Son Ortro is given a 2-Headed Dog,

Typhon was a very Powerful Monster, Created by Gaea, As Revenge towards Zeus for having locked up his Titans Sons, and having broken the pact he made with her during the Titanomachy to Create a better world for Monsters and Titans. Gaea Trained Him for more than 300 Years in the Company of Other monsters and Giants, filling them with Fury against Zeus and the Gods for the way they had to Denigrate the monsters, During That Time Typhon Joins Echidna, His Best Friend and Companion, Both Had A Dream and Era to make the World a better Place for all the Monsters who were oppressed and humiliated, Together They Have Several Children, thus being known as the Parents of All Monsters, Among their Children are: Cerberus, Ortro, the Chimera, the Sphinx , the Hydra of Lerna, the Dragon Ladon, the Lion of Nemea, the Eagle of Prometheus, the Dragon of Colchid, the Chromium Sow, Medusa and the Gorgons.

Typhoon Reaches Olympus Creating a great Chaos, Just by moving its wings creates hurricane winds and completely destroys the walls and magic bars created by Hephaestus. The First To Face It are Hermes, Dionysus and Hephaestus, but they are defeated very easily.

Apollo tries to Fight Head-on against the Monster, Trying to make Zeus Proud of him, but he doesn't even tickle him, and he hurts him hard and mercilessly. Artemis shoots one of her arrows at a Typhon's shoulder and in this way manages to save her brother Apollo, but that only increased the fury of Typhon who pursues them until they overthrow both.

Hercules, who is now a God, arrives at Olympus to Help the Gods, but typhoon quickly knocks him down since he possesses a superior strength,

When he sees the situation, Zeus begins to ask his children for forgiveness and tells them to escape from there, that it is not fair that they pay for their sins.

In that instant, Ares and Aphrodite return, after their exile from Olympus and they generate a distraction facing Typhon, thus helping all the gods to escape.

When Zeus has already been Defeated, Athena arrives and in his Hands brings the Sickle that Cronos used to Defeat Uranus.

Typhon laughs in his face, and using his Snakes he quickly snatches the weapon and uses it against Zeus, tearing off his tendons and leaving him completely Invalid. Typhon Encloses Zeus in a Large Leather Sack made from the skin of one of his sons that Hercules had killed.

Ares Runs Quickly to Save Athena as he knows that she is too Proud to flee, having for the first time a gesture of goodwill towards her and takes her away crying as he watches as Zeus is torn to pieces before his Eyes.

They flee to Egypt disguised as animals for fear of Typhoon, that was the explanation to the Greeks of the Egyptian deities, according to the Greeks, the Egyptians and Greeks were the same but different names

Only Zeus is left to Face the Terrible Immortal Monster, but deep inside him, he knows that there is no way to win that battle. The Body and Tendons of Zeus were Guarded by Echidna, the Mother of all Monsters, and by Several of the Sons of Typhon.

Years later, the sons of Zeus rescue their father's tendons and poison typhoon, in this way they liberate Zeus and Zeus trickly wins Typhon, burying Typhon in a volcano, thus being the explanation of why the volcano came out


It is said that Ares was the one who turned the 300 to win against the Persians, according to Greek beliefs, the Spartans were descendants of Hercules and the Persians descended from Perseus.

Ares had twins with a mosaic, which except for Hestia, and those twins formed Roma, Romulo and Remus.

 officially the Greeks did not have an end of the world, for them to quote Kratos, the Olympian gods have abandoned him, in pop culture Kratos killed them, in the 2012 version of Wrath of the Titans, they died because nobody believed in them anymore but Following the myth itself, Maybe some son of Zeus, maybe Ares or Athena has overthrown him or something like that. What do you think? write it in the comments. Goodbye 

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