

Viendo todo lo que hacen los de la generacion de cristal, me recordo a mi en mi niñez
, mi madre me educo para ser un niño bueno, obediente con temor de Dios. yo mismo no puedo decir que soy un santo o una buena persona, somos humanos, no somos perfectos, tenemos errores. El punto es que cuando era niño y era inocente tenia cosas claras de lo que era lo bueno y lo malo, no estoy seguro si es el mismo sentimiento, pero de niño hubo cosas que vi que cuando las vi me parecieron horribles, y no se si es la palabra adecuada pero por otro lado no encontre una mejor palabra, talvez haya una palabra en aleman que lo describa mejor, esto de niño me daba ansiedad y ya no queria seguir viendo, se podria decir que lo queria cancelar, Me parecieron lo mas horrible, pero despues de un tiempo me di cuenta que la vida no era el lugar hermoso donde nunca nada puede salir mal, de hecho, recuerdo que habia una telenovela que era la biografia de un cantante donde queria de regalo unas sapatillas y yo no pòdria entender porque alguien quisiese de regalo unas sapatillas en lugar de juguetes ni como habia gente que no tenia casa propia, osea, no conoci lo que era tener poco dinero hasta que la vivi. Con el tiempo estas mismas esenas las volvi a ver y no me parecieron la gran cosa,  Un poco de trauma te forma caracter. Asi que a continuacion le mostrare esenas que me dieron anciedad de niño, actualmente puede que la gente se ofenda o le paresca que se pasan pero despues te das la cuenta que no es para tanto
sportacus en lazy town, ay un capitulo donde queda atrapado en una maquina junto con robin, asi que me pertubro y me dio ansierdad , llore y apague el televisor, años despues finalmente vi en que acaba ese capitulo
la pelicula de Barney, si bien esa pelicula no es mas que una peli de unos niños buscando a un huevo mcgofin, esa pelicula me genero una pesadilla donde Barney se quedaba atrapado como juguete y ya quise volver a verla
Invasor Zimp, aqui hubo una parte, de un capitulo cuyo clip me dio pereza buscar, pero el punto es que zimp quiere cambiar el cerebro de su casa por otro, pero sin querer hace que el cerebro de un niño quede al control de la casa, a mi me perturbaba la idea de que ese niño murio y ahora es parte de la casa y ya no quise ver 
Yo hasta ahora no me visto los caballeros del sodiaco, cuando era niño un grupo de guambras lo llevaron a la escuela y no les miento, como traumadito me quede por la cantidad de sangre que vi en ese capitulo y no quise saber nada de sain saya
ah y tambien de niño me vi mujer casos de la vida real en un capitulo donde un niño queda tuerto y eso me parecio bien feo y pense que no deberian contar ese tipo de historias, como anecdota a esto, MI MAMA me dio la golpisa de mi vida por andar viendo esa serie a escondidas diciendome que esa novela no es para niños
Scooby do y la escuela de fantasmas, en esta pelicula hay una parte donde shaggi queda atrapado en el espejo y remplazado por su gemelo malvado y a mi esa esena me hizo llorar y no la volvi a ver hasta años despues para finalmente ver como el clon volvia al espejo
Dragon ball Z, saga majin buu se mueren los viejtios asesinados por unos sujetos
Robots y la esena de manibella es partido en dos y casi se muere, pero de eso ya tengo un video aparte 
Happy tree friendas  debo decirles, yo fui como tom y rod en esta esena, y me auto cito, DIBUJOS MALDITOS, DEL DIABLO, luego con el paso del tiempo ,terminaron por darme risa y los veia en la tarde de joda con mi ñaño y mis primos
Piraña y las yuchas, cuando vi desnudos en esta pelicula a la edad de 11 años me pertube, llore y me fui corriendo a donde papa, y papa en ves de darme la razon me dijo que estaba exagerando
ah y otra cosa tambien que vi  que no era el unico fue en que en la pelicula de mickey y sus amigos en navidad hay una esena donde Pluto se escapa de la casa y a mi me daba ansiedad que pluto se perdiera
Asi mismo, en otras caricaturas y programas me daba ansiedad que dijera n las malas palabras  y Los desnudos. Aunque ahora me dan risa e intereses,
Recuerdo que un dia mi padre me dio la golpisa de mi vida porque yo habia dicho que era sensible, y papa me dijo VOY HA HACERTE VER LA PELICULA AL DIABLO CON EL DIABLO PARA QUE SEPAS QUE ES SER SENSIBLE, con el paso del tiempo me di cuenta que el mundo no era un lugar pacifico donde se puede estar seguro y que internet no es y jamas sera un lugar seguro para niños
Si tu tambien tubiste una esena que te dio ansiedad de niño pero con el tiempo te diste cuenta que no era la gran cosa, escribelo en los comentarios, obviamente si viste cosas que si son pertubadoras como lolita slade toy es completamente justificable.


YOUTUBE: Evolucion, Libre competencia Y Generos

Antes de la pandemia Me fui a pasar una semana en un canal de television , no hacia mucho que contar de eso, pero por lo que pude ver en una charla que tenian, era que estaban perdiendo audiencia, osea, su programacion consistira en publicidad de horas, musica, invitar influencers y esas basuras de farandula, y para generar ingresos extras iban ha hacer que las estrellas invitadas PAGEN por aparecer en el canal y hacer canales en youtube, basandose en como Enchufetv con sus millones de visitas genera suficiente para financiarse, con un canal de fitnes, de cocina y no me acuerdo que mas
Como sujerencia en ese entonces le habria recomendado hacer un canal de memes, lo cual aunque no hicieron, si lo intentaron incluyendo fracmentos de los sujetos reaccionando a memes de la señora y su gato. Hoy en dia  los canales de memes siguen existiendo y siguen subiendo videos pero ya no como antes, es mas, ya... bueno, mejor les hablo por secciones mas de su evolucion. Lo que queria llegar es que si se hubiese presentado la misma situacion ahora, mas les habria sugerido un canal de reddit. ahora si comensemos
Hace muchos años, En el ahora lejado 2005 youtube fue creado como una red social, su punto es ser un sitio web donde la gente publicaria videos de su vida y compartiria cosas, mas o menos como lo que seria instagran , obviamente, al ser un sitio de retencion de videos, de los primeros que salieron, no falto que se subiera porno y cosas con derecho de autor, por lo que debe ajustar sus normas, y las plataformas rivales de youtube tubieron que adaptarse y hacerse un poco mas flexibles para sobrevivir, pero sobre la competencia de youtube no me acuerdo si tengo un video o un post, o si solo lo deje como tintero, pero hay un buen video de Smokerwolf que habla sobre eso, el punto es que youtube fue usado para creacion de contenido online, cuya evolucion procedo a narrar
al igual que en la vida real, donde sale un producto o servicio, siempre que se sepa como hacerlo, alguien hara una mejor version o una version igual de buena que tenga alguna ventaja para competir y subsustir y continuamente tendran que mejorarse los productos para vender , asi mismo aplica para los canales de youtube, que aveces les se quieren llevar pedazos del exito, o aveces es porque el mercado sencillamente es tan grande que no abarca todo lo que el publico necesita
Aunque youtube existe desde 2005, no fue tan popular en sus inicios, es mas desde que la internet se hizo publica, solo los ricos podian pagarla, era un lujo, y con los recien formados ingenieros en sistemas crearon los foros donde se compartian ideas con extraños de internet y luego nacieron los blogs, predesesores de las paginas webs, que no son como una version escrita de todo lo que podemos hallar hoy en youtube, eran tiempos en que se debian hacer busquedas intensas en google para encontrar el contenido que quieres, porque todos los creadores de contenido estaban de todo internet, actualmente con la populad de youtube, muchos usan youtube como publiccidad o ganche a sus paginas web, cuando antes era al revez, porque un video habla mejor que una descripcion paso a paso.
Otra cosa antes de empezar,



No me voy a tomar la molestia de investigar si algun youtuber de otro idioma, posiblemente en ingles ya hayn hecho canales cuyo contenido este dedicado a los estudiantes, pero en la comunidad hispana que es donde me he encontrado casi toda mi vida de cybernauta, Julio profe es el canal mas antiguo que enseño algo, desde 2009 enseñando el ingeniero Civil Julio matematicas, y a avanzado con los estudiantes, Pero matematicas es un tema que en serio es muy , pero muy extenso, Por lo que otros youtubers, NADA DE DECIR COPIONES, crearon canales de aprender
Hay muchas ventajas de los profes en video, muchas veces los profesores, especialemte los de escuela publica les importa una verga educar a los alumnos, o hay alumnos estupidos que les vale verga clase, por lo que terminan tocando temas muy rapido o luy lento y no explican bien, la solucion puede ser contratar profesor privado, lo cual es caro, pero podria resultar lo mismo que nada
con una grabacion, el encargado puede explicar su tema, sin imcbeciles que lo interumpan, debe explican bien el tema, porque si no explica bien, se jode, nadie vera su video, si no ven su video con la competencia iran a otro video donde si expliquen bien, al cual ban a usar como referencia para futuros videos, recomendaran a sus amigos y como tendra visitas dara ingresos y los temas son tantos que no creo que nunca se podra enseñar todo en youtube, Asi como se podia enseñar matematicas de colegio en youtube, tambien se podia enseñar matematica de ingenieria universitaria , Fisica de secundaria universitar, quimica y sin ninguna clase de resentimiento, porque siempre habra estudiantes que necesiten el conocimiento de distintas personas, Otros directamente dedican sus canales de youtube a resolver problemas de libros universitarios que los profesores usan en los examenes, por lo que me imagino que en esta cuarentena con las clases online ha de haber crecido su numero
Pero como experiencia personal, Creo que esos canales son perfectos como complemento , pero que un ingeniero literalmente base su metodologia en ver esos videos y hacer informes de los videos es una verga.


Ya antes habia hablado de eso, Desde siempre han existido los fanfics, empezando por que desde que el hombre ha dicho, mi vida si hubiese tomato tal decicion, han creado ficcion con personajes que conocen, no dudo que cuando recien salieron los libros habra habido gente con imaginacion que ha hecho sus propias historias con personajes de los libros y lo mismo con las caricaturas y hasta con gente real teniendo fantasias, antes de internset eso solo lo conoceria el autor y un circulo de personas a las que le cuenta todo, que a lo mejor ni le intersaban 
con la llegada de internet y los propios foros, contar cosas de cualquier tema y que haya alguien que le interese es m,as facil compartir. No se desde cuando existen los sitios de fanfics fanfiction.net y wattapp o que se usaba antes de ellos, pero un fanfic famoso es el de dragon ball, su coleccion de fanfics era dragon ball AF, una o mas bien secuelas fanmades sacadas en comics que los fans compartian, solo imaginenese, el goku fase 5, fase 10, fase 1000000, fase Dios y todo lo que la imaginacion de, claro que esas historias de dragon ball AF se pueden encontrar en un mejor formato en youtube hoy, pero en esos tiempos, el internet no era una necesidad como ahora y era imposible saber que era dragon ball AF y solo sabias que existia por los tasos, yo en lo personal pensaba que era una saga de dragon ball que pasaban antes en Ecuavisa y yo habia empezado a verlo cuando estaban repitiendo la serie.
Pero ¿Cual fue el primer Que hubiese pasasado si? la historia donde un fan usa la logica interna  de la serie y no sus propias reglas para crear una historia, no encontre mas informacion al respecto, pero segun mi mente la primera fue la de Si Goku no se golpeaba la cabeza, el comic mal dibujado solo se lo podia encontrar en taringa y estaba incompleto, llegaba hasta la parte donde Goku se transforma en Ozaru y los sayan lo abandonan, Eran buenos fanfics y me dio el gusto ver su audiocomic con loquendo en el año 2014 donde el Gobierno de rafael Correa hizo mas accecible el internet para los ecuatorianos.
No son como los fanfics de hace unos años, esas basuras de Goku mata a los dioses de la destruccion o esas basuras de hoy de Goku hijo de daishinkhan y todo, por eso odio tanto dragon ball Super, una historia perfecta que habia terminado en GT, hasta los QHPS continuaban sus autollamadas teorias en GT. salian en videos de 8 minutos semanalmente usando imagenes de la serie con un montaje en photoshop para que las imagenes coincidan con lo que loquendo esta describiendo, hoy hasta en eso son vagos, poniendo una imagen estatica de fondo mientras el loquendo cuenta, como si fuese un potcast.
Recuendo haber visto muchos fanfics, eran exelente las historias que se formaron, la mayoria ya no existe, Al igual que en Dragon ball, otro anime que intentaron despejar eran con naruto, como Si Itachi no aparecia, si orochimaru no atacaba la aldea,  Y a partir de este punto, 2016 empezo la decadencia con los fanfic de naruto con 2 hermanas gemelas, nunca los vi porque en ese enconces no me habia visto naruto
Fue en 2015 tambien que lo cambio todo, se publico que hubiese pasado si Goku caia en Naruto, una obra revolucionara en mi opinion, ya se habian hecho fanfics fanmade de goku viajando a naruto, siempre el goku adulto, pero a mi nunca me interseo el goku ya crecido, siempre quise saber la vida de goku en naruto, sin que nada de dragon ball lo influya, recuerdo que pensaban que Goku era un biju y eso que habria apoyado hoy
Despues salio El QHPS Goku caia en shingeki, pero la cago, la cago horrible, en ese año se pusieron de moda los isekais, que en japòn fueron una plaga, no se cual fue el primer isekai , pero esas basuras son el escape de los japoneses a su realidad, en sus propios protagonistas que por lo general son otakus onoquimaris, fracasados que se van a mundo fantasiosos donde son lo mejores y el existo, la fantasia que toda persona con una estresante vida de mierda desearia
El fin, el punto es que el ahora genero fanfic isekai nacio originalmente por Goku en naruto, pero era un Goku bebe y por razones que no logro comprender la gente prefiere que goku adultro y todos los de dragon ball viajen alla 
 Hasta hay un fancomic del que ha hablado enchula tu mente, anzu tops y hasta tiene adaptacion de indie arts kenel
Enconces volviendo a los fanfics iseakis, entre 2016 y 2017 hubo muchos fanfics de personajes cayendo, si La palabra es cayendo ,porque se derivan del fanfics "Goku cae en Naruto" por eso no se usa otro verbo, donde los personajes caen en SNK por motivos ridiculos, hubo algunos que lo hicieron bien como gringo lokanime, el ultimo sayajin esos donde Goku de bebe cae, pero otros que nisiquiera leyeron el manga y solo vieron el anime como Alan 64 o Kiokum18 donde goku de alguna manera llegaba a shingeki, extermina a los titanes, mata al colosal y acorazado, perdonan a annie, porque como todo virgo con sindrome de harley quinn le perdona a la wifu y viven en paz, de hecho le hecho algunos videos a esos horribles fanfics. Asi que se hicieron un monton de videos antes de la segunda temporada de tal personaje cae en shingeki , donde como todo isekai, enamorara a todas las chicas, hasta las lesbianas, un gary stu donde pasandose la logica interna por el ano tendra un final feliz con la waify mikasa. Pero los fanfics isekais son solo una rama del arbol
La otra rama del arbol es que en ese enconces se volvio popular un manga oficial de un Fan rencarna en Yancha que tambien tiene version de indie arts kenel donde un fan se queda dormido y reencarna en yancha sabiendo toda la serie, Lo peor es que con solo ver momentos 
Lo peor es que despues de ver los mejores momentos de un iseki cualquiera se siente como ya haberse visto toda la serie completa, menuda mierda, no puedo creer que la idea de que en el mundo real te mueres y un pseudodios te deje rencarnar en un anime, llevandote superpoderes, objetos y las mamadas de cualquier mal fanfic no lo haya inventado un latino en youtube, un gringo en reddit como minimo, hasta un japones onocoquimori con sus foros extraños lo aceptaria, pero que eso sea la premisa de un anime, ya no puedo y enconces fusionaron las premisas de los isekais con los fanfics para hacer que fans reencarnaran en animes, pero nisiquiera teniendo por unica ventaja conocer la historia y a base de esfuerzo se fuerte como yancha, sino que se llegan poderes, objetos y mamadas re fumadas.
 sobre eso queria hablar, ya antes habia salido un fanfic bueno que era el de Si Goku se enamoraba de Bulma, fanfic que tiene logica dentro de la logica interna, por eso hasta Anzu tops777 saco su propia version, pero luego dijeron, Ha , el shipeo vence y nacieron cosas sin sentido en la logica como Goku o x personaje enamorandose de 18, y con Dragon ball super de Vados, de margarita, en ese enconces llamada harley quiin, y esa mamada evoluciono a fanfics porno sde "QHPS goku se coje a kale y kaulifula" que mierda. cosas baneadas en youtube y que fracasan en xvideos porque son muy suaves como para ser porno y muy fuertes para estar en youtube.
Ahora, aclaro que los fanfics que tienen cosas hot ydescriben a los pèrsonajes desnudos pero sin tener sexo de por medio se llaman Lime y los fanfics porno son llamados Limon
Y hablando de violaciones, no se en que punto nacieron , pero con dragon ball super, eso de goku dios fase 1000000000 fue adaptado con los fanfics donde goku por alguna razon mata a los personajes, talvez alguna inspiracion de deadpool mata al universo marvel, que a la vez es un spin off de punisher mata al universo marvel. Pero si hay alguno en lo que usar el meme TU CANAL ME DIO CANCER, es en los fanfics de goku traicionado, que un usuario de mierda que no recuerdo su nombre le dio por subir ese titulo, en su tiempo parecia una teoria del monton, porque tenian una logica, era una basura de excusa, pero tenia algo de logica, pero se volvio tan popular que los propios gku traicionaron se volvieron un SUBGENERO de los fanfics, y creo que nisiquiera es goku traicionado donde nacen, sino que antes habia los de Naruto traicionado y se une a Ataksuki, cosa que no tiene puto sentido en la logica interna, pero hasta yo hice un Eren traicionado con la intension de burlarme de los estupidos fanfics, por eso es tan malo, pero la mierda de algoritmo de youtube lo recomendo y ahora mi peor fanfic es uno de los mas vistos. y muchos estan sacando su propia version de Eren traiconado, Eren viajando en el tiempo y Gracias a lo que sea que los personajes con el omnitrix no sean un genero sino que es shitpost, cierto, porque otro genero que nacio son los shitpost, donde el  punto es burlarse de los qhps haciendo que personajes , normalemnete sheck hagan cosas absurdas. pero odio cuando el shitpost se convina como regular, como el de Goku con el omnitrix, donde se convierte en jiren o incluso xenosama y que mamada, el hereje ateo comete la blasfemia de hacer a Jesus, figura del critianismo como un alien del omnitrix. Ya no puedo seguir hablando de fanfics
Sobra decir que las comunidades de otras idiomas como la inglesa y la portugueza todavia tienen fanfics teorias y recien hace unos años se introducjo las mamadas que tiene la comunidad hispana, en otros idiomas no se como es


 no me cae bien Talking vidya, pero me falicito la investigacion, cuando recien se invento youtube, eran comunes los loquenderos, porque graban audios, aun con celular era dificil, y habia quienes usaban el loquendo para burlarse, de los primeros videos en youtube son ese estilo Still dorito. esos videos  malcriados con loquendo contunarian, recuerdo videos como los de bob esponja o los thunfercast haciendo cosas sexuales, gente patana de internet, me castigaron por eso, intener nunca fue seguro para niños generacion de cristal, tengan responsabilidad con lo que ven sus hijos. Luego, si se podia con loquendo se puede con voces reales.  asi tenemos a clasicos como el bananero o luis jefe 1, asi con sus nombres raros son los maestros de grandes como yunaiker, akcergt y en general todos los que hacen doblaje, claro que hoy por la monetizacion cuidan su lenguaje.
Luego, si se podia hacer con loquendo y voces reales, se podia editar el video para que las propias voces digan sus pendejadas y asi nacio el YTP, que posteriormente los youtube poop se harian en español con el youtube poop hispano, creo que del ytp se derivan los videos musicales con autotune, demostrando que lo que sea puede cantar bien con autotune asi no sea la intension


Empezando por los blogspot, como dije, antes teniamos que ir a la pagina web de los creadores, pèro luego los creadores de contenido se fueron a youtube, originalmente youtube era donde subian sus videos, El primer youtuber que critico una pelicula fue el critico de la nostalgia, el cual tubo su monopolio de ver una pelicula , hablar de ella y criticar todo un ito, y su monopolio no se limito a la comunidad anglosajona, sino a la hispana con los canales de subtitulaje, ya que antes no existia el fandub . el critico fue la hispiracion para otros canales que verian peliculasy las criticarian, y no hablo de esos canales culeros que dan una conclusion con el fondo la pelicula, sino de esos que ponene clips de la pelicula, describiendo pedazo a pedazo los puntos a criticar, de los primeros hispanos esta huefano profucciones con el que ahora da pena ajena critico histerico y ahora hay youtuber geniales como axl kss, el reviewer random, taka film review, 


pero mucha gente no le intersesa en verdad la opìnion del sujeto sino que le interesa la pelicula en si, por eso hay canales que resumen las peliculas, sin criticarla, en teoria en primero en resumir tambien seria el critico de la nostalgia, pero el que lo hizo sin criticarla o sin ese punto sino solo hacer reir fue te lo resumo, y otros canales sacaron su DRAGON BALL en  10 minutos, etc, como la cantidad de peliculas y series es casi infinita hay por donde, hasta el fedelobo dejo de hablar de videojuegos y hacer lo que sea hacia en werevertumorou y empezo a resumir pelicula, y obiamente hay peliculas que ellos nunca han resumido o resumiran y por eso ahora es un genero los canales de resumenes, eliguen peliculas que ningun youtuber con dignidad resumiria y resumen como la morsa humana o la granja humata, etc


desde que inicio youtube, el subir clips comicos y parodicos no han sido nada raro, tenemos webocartoom por ejemplo. y los memes han sido algo que ha existido aun antes de facebook, en 4chan , reddit, tumblr,  cuantocabron.com, sitios que aun existen, pero antes de eso, en los periodicos se acotumbraba a burlarse de las situaciones mediantes comics, tenemos comics de humor inteligente como mafalda, Quino, humor....no se en que categoria entra condorito, bueno, los chistes son algo que siempre ha existido en la humaniad. creo que la historia de los memes son algo que en otro sitio encontraran su historia al detalle
FUENTE Creanme
Entonces a un sujeto que no me acuerdo el nombre, se le ocurrio subir memes, literalmente, en ese enconces los memes dejaron de ser viñetas de fuckencio y putencia y los desmotiva. sino que eran como remates de un chiste, un contexto por escrito y una imagen con una frase o expresion reclamando la situacion
Enconces se le ocurrio hacer un video donde cada 5 segundo cambia de meme y una musiquita de fondo. sencillo, pero enconces un sujeto, el sujeto, El sr Red lo cambio todo, dijo, a la gente le da pereza leer los memes, yo se los leere, claro que hubo intentos de revivir las viñetas y de eso se derivo un subjenero dedicado a los memes viñeta, como alvaresc Crack, Toni crack, desmemes, videomemes y otros que deje de ver hace un tiempo
En esos tiempos, los memes de video murieron y el publico que queria ver memes narrados fue a manos del sr red que lo hacia gracioso, Pabe que intentaba tomar su propio estilo y Renecito que convinaba con memes clasicos, pero pabe y renecito dejaron de ser populares por canales que en esencia eran mejoras del sr red como anzutops777, aquino y Duxo, con edicion, musica y todo, pero a diferencia de otros, los memes si cansan, ya que en general, los canales de memes estaban subiendo el mismo meme. Asi que llegando a un nivel aun mas bajo de bajeria, ahora reaccionan a videos de facebook y tiktaks, patetico


Hace años, bueno desde siempre el chisme ha sido un vicio de la sociedad, meterse en la vida de los demas y tambien esta la curiosidad por datos inutiles, desde que nacio internet existen los foros, sitios donde la gente postea cualquier cosa, hasta existio un foro donde la gente opinaba de capitulos de los simpson. Lo que quiero decir con esto es que de esta idea nacen las redes sociales, son como la version mejorada, y las redes sociales tienen limites respecto a lo que se puede publicar, Youtube  Seria el mas sencible de todos, prohibe la pornografia, el material con derecho de autor, y bueno, cosas que a los padres no les gusta, hasta tiene una seccion y restricciones para los videos con y para niños
El siguiente es facebook que te bloquea por enviar un rar, por decir algun comentario subido de tono, etc pero no tiene nada para los niños, excepto messenger kids, pero nadie lo usa. La evolucion de distintos conceptos y como las redes sociales los adoptan quedaria mejor como tema para otro video.
Sseguramente han visto el iceberg de youtube, pues Aunque los servicios de google y facebook piden tener 16 años, la verdad es que lo que permiten que se suba EN COMPARACION, es contenido suave y family frenly, lo dijo porque la verdad es que internet nunca fue y nunca sera un lugar seguro para niños de ninguna manera.
Una plataforma similar a facebook pero que da mas libertad, se permite subir pornografia y hablar de temas un poco mas fuertes es twiter, plataforma en la cual no pienso meterme, El punto es esta plataforma junto con tiktak es la que la generacion actual usa para compartir sus ideas, muchos tienen la necesidad de ser escuchado y la verdad es que a menos que lo este diciendo alguien importante, como por ejemplo la ONU, algun politico hablando de las medidas del pais, NADA de lo que salga de twiter y tiktak debe tomarse en serio, y en serio QUE VERGUENZA que los politicos de Ecuador tengan que hacer tiktaks para llamar la atencion de los joveneces, que verguenza.
a lo que iba, twiter tiene restricciones a lo que se puede hablar, dudo que se pueda hablar de practicas sexuales, experiencias crudas , drogas y eso en ambitos mas crudos, otras plataformas, como 4chan, tumblr, y Reddit son mas tolerantes con esos temas, no son permisivos con todos, pero mas tolerante, Imagino que ya sabiendo lo que permiten las distintas redes socielas sabras las atrocidades que aparecen en foros de la deep web, esas cosas que solo veras en la deep web son cosas que esas plataformas nunca permitirian.
Ahora, a lo que viene el tema es que en reddit se permite compartir informacion, anecdoras, consejos, crepypastas, mucho contenido en general, En television las telenovelas entretienen a las masas. pero como es una telenovela en internet, no hablo de yao cabrera ni de dalas review, sino que hace un tiempo, unos gringos sacaron una webserie que en español fue traducido como asi es la vida, donde tomaban historias de reddit, las hacian animadas y listo, nuevo genero, al principio su unica competencia era mi hsitoria animada, luego salio otra que no me acuerdo el nombre y joder, se volvio un genero las historias animadas, ya que la demanda no cubre la cantidad de historias que se pueden contar, como pasa con los fanfics, HASTA TU COSMOPOLIS saco su propia version copiando el nombre de una telenovela Ecuatoriana, Que sobre eso queria hablar, esaxtamente lo que hacian es lo mismo que hacian novelas como mujer caso de la vida real, toman la historia de alguien y la hacen un producto audiovisual para las masas sin embargo, animar en flash o consejir actores es muy caro, en la comunidad hispana, yo llegue muy tarde, pero ubo sujetos que dijeron, ¿Porque no? vamos a cojer un post interesante de reddit, lo vamos a narrar con loquendo y las letras de fondo y BUM . Exito del momento, son videos muy faciles de editar, y se volvio un genero en la comunidad inglesa, muchos canales, y uno de esos canales . que no me acuerdo su nombre, decidio traducir su canal al español, y tendria exito, entonces los propios latinos bilingues aprobecharian, porque en reddit hay tantos post que seria imposible hacer un video de todos ellos, al principio solo usaban el ask reddit, el post donde se hacen preguntas y responden, pero eso esa la punta del iceberg, netcontast era uno de esos canales, pero luego hay post donde se hacen temas en especifico, hay una pregunta que se llama ¿alguna vez te han confundido con el empleado de una tienda? ese post se volvio tan popular que dentro de los canales de reddit es una serie YO NO TRABAJO AQUI SEÑORA, y su SPIN OF YO SI TRABAJO AQUI SEÑORA. y viendo que solo respondiendo respuestas de los post le salia mucho material hicieron eso, canales como Sr Reddit, historias inusiales, doge reddit tienen sus secciones leyendo foros especificos como venganza nuclear, hoy la cague, soy el malo, etc, y antes de ellos habian varios canales de reddit que querian sus pedazo, igual eran faciles de editar, copiar, traducir , pègar, loquendo y letras de fondo, pero como le hable de la competencia, cada quien se las arreglo para que su forma de leer post de reddit sean mejores que los otros, algunos ponian las letras de fondo, pero con un video paseando de fondo, algunos con perritos cheems, con gameplays, narrando con voz real, usando voces de mujeres reales, usando voces graciosas, poniendo de miniaturas chicas de anime desnudas o haciendo cosas, poniendo cosas que nada que ver COMO QUE CARRAJO PONIENDO PERSONAJES DE SHINGENKI EN TODAS LAS MINIATURAS HACIENDO CARAS Y PONIENDO A LOS COMICS DE JACO DIBUJA AHI. Asi que canales mediocres o de esfuerzo minimo fueron opacados, y por el exito, youtube parece hacerse de la vista gorda cuando esos video hablan de sexo con descripciones explicitas del sexo, y si solo esto es lo que os youtubers pueden filtrar. no quiero ver lo peor que reddit guarda.


Quiero que me pongan en los comentarios que cosas piensan que seran futuros generos en youtube,Hay un comton de cosas que son un exito en comunidades de otros idiomas, ingles, aleman , japoneses y que algun bilingue importe a nuestro mundo, en este gris mundo que es la goblalizacion Gracias


El Chavo and Chapulin in konosuba [FatSuba 8] | fanfics |


everything would start when Chavo and his friends were playing soccer and the best scorer was going to kick the ball very hard yes yes yes yes he would not say Chavo while he was going to kick the ball so Quico would get ready to stop him

 he was going to kick and he almost hit him and he just scored and

shut up shut up shut up shut up you make me desperate

 is that you have no patience with me

 mock it guy mock it

 hey nobody makes fun of me

at that moment Chavo would take advantage of the opportunity and outwit Quico and start running

guy here comes melo whoever scores this goal wins and we are going to win Paty would say while he was running there he would say Chavo while kicking the ball to patti

quickly take it off we shouldn't let them beat us but at that moment pati would kick the ball to where godinés was

I have it I have it

but at that moment godínez would fall through a rock that was there

I have it, I would say Chavo, but at that moment I slipped through the mud that was there

quickly score the goal so Chavo and godines would be about to hit the ball but the two would collide with each other falling into the mud along with the ball

orale I thought we were going to split it all

Like me, well now I don't know how they are going to do it but I want my ball back I want my ball and I want it clean because if they don't return it clean they are going to have a very bad time I would say Quico angry

 And if we don't want to, look, then I won't play with you again and I won't lend you my things anymore.

well if you want your ball there it is he would say Chavo while he was preparing to kick the ball

 no guy no

 so Chavo would kick her and make her fly across the street

well done guy show him who's boss

that that that that today Chavo

now go get my ball

 I don't want to, I wouldn't say to Quico while he hit the guy

Now if I'm going to break everything and

Quico would run so that Chavo would not hit him, he would pay them

leave you

you will see when he reaches you

no kid, wait, it was a joke, so Quico would run to the other one at 2:42

the street hey don't wait don't go out to the street guy don't cross the street so Chavo would stop when he saw that Quico had crossed the street

oops you almost reached me look at me it's not enough guy

hahaha Quico would say while they made fun

you're going to see when I catch up with you I'll hit those skinny sow cheeks I'd say Chavo

while running in the direction of Quico but at that moment a truck would go at full speed in the direction of dChavo

no kid don't stop here comes a truck

at that moment Chavo would see the truck and would remain static in the middle of the street

guy move guys run

but at that moment Quico would pounce against dChavo and try to push him but it was too late

so the truck would run over the guy and quico at that moment, at that moment the two would appear in a dark room and say hey guy

Where are we ?

I don't know the last thing I remember is that a truck almost ran us over

 no almost ran over them really ran over them I would say a girl with blue hair, guy and quico I welcome you to the afterlife unfortunately they just passed away recently their lives were very short but it is

they are really dead

 wait, after a little veritas veritas we die?

that's right, you guys are dead now

Hey, what happened to our friends?

they are fine although all their acquaintances are in mourning for their loss especially that guy named Mr Raymond since he is in a terrible depression for the loss of you guy

poor Mr Raymond I would have liked to say goodbye to him as I will never see him again

and my mommy and my daddy I mean and Professor Girafalde?

They are also very sad for your loss, especially your mother cried like you can't imagine.

she had never seen my mom so sad

my deepest condolences to you two guys you were just kids and you had a great future

Hey, how do you know us?

well my name is water I am the goddess who guides human beings who saw their lives cut short now you have two alternatives you will start a new life from scratch or you will spend all eternity in heaven as old people but being very honest with you heaven does not it is as wonderful as everyone paints it there is no television, chapulin colorado comics, toys or video games and without a physical body they cannot play anything, the only thing they can do is sit and sunbathe forever

how bad sounds boring

I say the same, it sounds very boring, well, since it's so boring, I doubt very much that they want to go to heaven, right?

 post post

 Although starting from scratch is not good either, so I will offer you a good deal. Tell me, do you like video games?

yes we like them a lot yes I have a console in which we played all the time

well there is a world that could lose its peace in the hands of the army of the demon king, the lives of its brave inhabitants have been affected by monsters the looting and killing of the army of the demon king sow terror and death

now it sounds like father if you listen like One of the stories that Professor Girafalde told us, no one in that world wants to be reborn, so its population is completely in decline, which is bad, although I don't know what it means if that is why we thought of sending other people who have died in other worlds with all your memories fully intact

But if it's as dangerous as you say, shouldn't it be impossible for us to beat those monsters?

that's why we offer something else you have the right to take with you something that you want very much it could be a powerful weapon or a great talent and also you will be able to remake your life keeping all your memories and the thing that you have chosen the inhabitants of the parallel world will receive people ready to Helping them is not an abuse, right?

it comes out and it's okay that I went and defeated the demon king and defeated his army and


 in that case just say what you want to ask

so can i order anything if anything ?come on

choose now I'm going to grant you a wonderful impressive

I want a ham cake

at that moment a ham cake would appear in front of him and he would start eating it

hey no wait you must ask for something to help you in that world

if you're right guy you wasted very badly the wish of the goddess

well at least one of you is smart

at least you would have asked for something better guy

Well tell me what do you want?

I want two ham cakes

thus appearing in front of Quico two ham cakes and he would start eating them

look guy I have two I would say it in a burlesque way

Well, after all, I didn't even want to because I have mine, look

oh, are you serious? how is it possible that they ask for that kind of wishes when they are in this situation, very well, that's enough, acting like that would make the ham cakes disappear

orale do not steal my ham cake

hey I want my two ham cakes but

which Aqua would see angry

a cake and a half

A cake

half of the cake

a quarter of a cake

I give up

stop ordering food and focus on ordering something that will serve you in that world

oh well but don't get mad

well that's enough now choose something that really helps you in that world I would say aqua

while he threw a pile of leaves towards where they were, well then Quico

we have to take what we want well let me see what's there I would say to Quico while looking at the leaves let's see then I'll take this blowout, not like I don't really like blowouts let's see what else there is look, well it's not something you say oops how stupid how it looks let's see what else, no this I don't think I'm going to take this not because it's heavy no no better I'll take this confetti, not because it's broken no confetti no, you know what? better an armor or who knows maybe I'll throw myself with a noise maker or the sword. I know I know what I'm going to take

 what ?

I want infinite money so that I can buy what I want

well wish fulfilled

This is how it would act if a bag appeared next to Quico

now you can get infinite money from there as long as you have the bag haha ​​now I can play slot machines

Now your child, what do you want to take as a gift?

Can I take what I want?

then I ask for the chipote shrill of the chapulín colorado'

something tells me these kids won't last a day in that world i would say act on their thoughts

so both of you would be surrounded by two magic cycles and aqua would say ok ok now don't leave the magic circle have a good trip if you defeat the demon king you will be rewarded with whatever you want

 Now if you are going to see how the big boy will defeat that demon king in one blow brave heroes I will pray that you are the chosen ones among the others that those who defeat the demon king get and we will reward you with any wish you have

you are going to see how I am going to break what is called face to that demon king go ahead start the trip like this

a portal would open above them where they would teleport and go to that world

finally it's good that they left, now let's see who's next to see what eric cartman hehe I'm going to laugh a lot with him anyway what can he do to me?

Meanwhile at south park elementary school

burger day burger day burger day is my favorite day of school yes it's the best guys but what is this? today's lunch fish fish but today is hamburger day the menu was changed some boys complained that the food was not healthy or sustainable so don't complain that boys complained about health and sustainability that boys would do it to girls girls, girls, excuse me, can someone explain why they served this today if today was hamburger day? we ask for healthier options and that they have food for those of us who don't eat red meat, oh my God I'm going crazy you messed with a man's food you think your ideas about health and nutrition can interfere with mine to be the dick you are what i can at that moment cartman starts to have an arrest cardiac the ambulance had arrived and cartman was still conscious however little by little his heartbeat was slowing down and his breathing became more agitated in his last breath he would only say fuck you wendy, cartman had appeared in a place where darkness and fog were the only thing that could be appreciated

what is this where am i? -he wondered- cartman, who was sitting in a chair behind him, began to hear some steps followed by a voice

eric cartman i welcome you to the afterlife. unfortunately you passed away recently

what ? [ __ ] what are you talking about said cartman without understanding the situation

if you are dead, you died after suffering a cardiac arrest

what? [ __ ] it was all because of the girls in [ __ ] but especially wendy wherever you are fuck you wendy what are you talking about ?

if the girls tried to kill me and succeeded

you know not because other people are not interested in eating meat and have asked to change the school menu it means that they try to kill you not everyone wants to die at a young age, the goddess at any moment would start laughing nonstop ha ha ha ha already I've been at this for a long time and you've seen how several people have died from different causes but dying of cardiac arrest just because they changed the menu at your medical school, even if you hadn't had a heart attack, you would most likely have died in about five years due to morbid obesity. cartman in an annoyed tone would only respond

I'm not fat, I'm strong

hahaha you are very funny you have very good self-esteem said the goddess while she was there she did not stop laughing but

but i'm not fat i'm strong quoted my mom told me because her whole family was fat until they grew up i'm really sorry for you but your mom lied to you

my mother lied to me? all my life I lived well deceived

it seems that she certainly never saw you in a mirror ha ha ha you are very funny the goddess would calm down a bit and she is alone I would say well I think I have had enough fun


you think this is funny daughter of [ __ ]

Hey, keep more respect even if it doesn't seem like I'm a goddess and my name is water I'm the goddess who guides humans who died at a young age

suck my balls [ __ ] goddess of [ __ ] said cartman

exalted since he was upset because here he accused him of being fat hey now 3

I told you that I am a goddess and you must respect me so that when [ __ ]

hey wait wait what i will tell you surely you will like it came from giving two alternatives eric cartman the first one you will start christmas from zero or you will live in heaven for the rest of eternity as a

old man, but to be honest, heaven is not as wonderful as they say there is no television, comics or video games, what's more, you don't even have a physical body

Cartman seemed to be paying attention however in his mind he was planning the perfect plan.

to be able to take revenge on water since it made fun of him and let's remember that everyone who makes fun of Cartman has a cruel destiny

besides that in your case I think you should go to hell you committed many horrible acts like that

time you shot your friend tókem because you thought black riots would bring about the end of the world, well you know you tried to stick your reproductive tract in your friend butters mouth. Cartman would stop thinking and he would only answer tokmn he was patient zero he had to kill him for the good of humanity he was not going to let the riots of black people cause the end of the world

here he would let out a sigh while he said come on so he decides to start a life of zeros or go to heaven

to which fat karman would choose to start a life from scratch, there is a world that could lose peace in the hands of the demon king's army the lives of its brave inhabitants have been altered by monsters the demon king's looting and killing sow in it

[ __ ] keep your mouth shut maybe women can't be quiet for at least five minutes

hey let me finish eric cartman I give you the option to be reborn in this world in return you can take with you anything from the collection remember that your goal is to survive and kill the king


Survive, yes, survive, then I already know what I want

that means that he accepts to be sent to that world, very well tell me what you want

i want brad pitt survival guide

ok here's brad's survival guide, wait what are you asking for?

bradpitt's survival guide are you deaf i ordered the brad pitt survival guide

ah yes keep it wait wait if i give you that you won't be able to survive long better ask for a powerful weapon like a sword or even something that can get you money quickly what's more i'll give you the brad pitt survival guide as a gift from me and what ask for something else be it a gun or something so you can get money,


without getting money the truth is that I'm tired of the fact that every time I send someone to that world When they try to ask for ridiculous things, for example, before you arrived, two children your age died and one asks for a ham cake and the other wanted a noise maker but said it was ugly and so he asks for one

bag of confetti but he didn't want it either because he was broke so i'll give you the option of taking brad pitt's survival guide and whatever you want, money

 money money money

What happens to the money? Water said, confused, wait, I understand, you want money, if that's what you want, I'll give it to you.

Cartman would get up from his seat and without saying anything he would begin to surround the water, cartman would look closely at the water from head to toe for a few seconds

Hey, what are you doing ? said the goddess aqua without understanding what cartman was doing

well bitch I know what I want hey don't tell me bitch, how many times do I have to tell you? I am a goddess and I deserve respect but anyway then tell me what you want

I love you

well, then don't leave the magic circle in a moment I'll give you the two things you asked for, wait what did you say?

at that moment a magic circle would open above both of them and a woman with wings would come out of it

we listen to your request eric cartman from now on i will take care of your work water

wait, is this a joke? must must be a joke

eric cartman's wish is totally valid and since you yourself were the one who offered him something other than what he first asked for, there is no problem

no no no this shouldn't be taking a goddess it shouldn't be allowed, it should be illegal. tell me it's illegal

 sorry water but it is totally valid

very good eric cartman here is what you had asked for mainly

in that something would appear in the hands of cartman and it is the survival guide of Brad Pitt

have a good trip water if you defeat the demon king we will go find you

that's impossible this fat boy will never defeat the demon king

fat you called me fat daughter of [ __ ]

I'll sell that ass of yours till you can't get up

yelled Cartman enraged

 wait what did you just say?

no don't let him take me, this kid is a psychopath i don't want to go to that world with someone like him

at that moment both water and Cartman are raised to the new air

everything but this

go ahead he sees it erik hartmann i will pray you will be the hero among heroes that defeats the demon king get it and we gods will consider you any wish you make go ahead take your journey

at that moment cartman and water would completely disappear from the place

meanwhile in the city of Axel

pray this is really good father yes

Yes, yes, yes, this is very similar to those books that my dad used to tell us about, I say Professor Girafalde, well, now what do we do? quico and

Well, I don't know, well, then let's go see what's up, Chavo would say while he was walking, hey, boy, wait for me, then tell me what we're going to be, boy, you didn't pay attention to what Professor Girafalde explained to us in class

yes of course clearer than water it was very easy but just in case you can tell me the teacher had told us that in those stories there was a place where people became adventurers maybe and we find that place we can become adventurers

Ah, I understand, but where is that place? I don't know, maybe you have to ask someone so the boys would see an old lady who was in the distance

look, Quico, we have to ask that lady so they both would go to where the old lady was and say hello, lady, could you please tell us where we can find a place where we can face monsters or something like that

If you mean an adventurers guild, of course, yes young man is in that direction but be very careful the monsters are very dangerous for children

thank you so much Mrs

so both would go to a guild that was in the distance

well I think it's here well what are we waiting for let's go in like this

they would both walk in and see a bunch of people eating and drinking

welcome if you are going to eat please take a seat, wait a moment you are children what are you doing here? children can not pass here

is that we come to become the future

do not be rude the lady said adventurers not to come

what things not?

well if you are looking for help go directly to the counter

Thank you so much

hey Quico and since we're here, can you buy me a ham cake?

oh why me?

because you are the only one who asked for money

but this money is mine and I will spend it on whatever I please and besides we did not come to eat we came to become adventurers,


no buts, now let's go there, what new faces, listen, you're just kids and you know you can't be here, right, and besides, it's all those strange clothes

well it's that it's the only clothes I have and besides that I've been wearing those clothes for 33 days, not three months without taking a bath seriously

and me because my mom told me that these clothes fit me well, your mom

so you must have several problems It's also that we came to become adventurers since we came from far away to defeat the demon king together

and what are you daredevils welcome to the gates of hell you can check in at that counter the adventurer would point to a locker

Hey Quico, why didn't you tell that man that we came from Mexico?

what ? you're crazy ? guy if we say that to others they would take us for crazy and believe us there I understood if we say that to other people they could call us liars

yes exactly oh

Hello tell me what can I do for you? kids

we want to become adventurers

 Well, even if they are children, they can register, but keep in mind that they are going to face monsters and very dangerous things, so I need their parents to agree with this

my mom and dad did leave me but Chavo doesn't have

how not? if I have

what happens is that they haven't been presented to me yet

well in that case only you can become adventurous but he can't

there is no reason to worry moon what do you need well I have come to inform you that these children are my nephews of my sisters and they asked me to become adventurers so that they know what the life of an adventurer is like there I see then these children spoke to you because you know them so it is so there is nothing to worry about well in that case you can become adventurers

well guys see you later I have to go but we'll see you later when you have become adventurers yes and thank you very much for your help uncle see you then the adventurer would go well since you really want to become adventurers you have to take into account the great dangers that they mean becoming an adventurer that doesn't scare me because I'm the big guy and no one has ever beaten me well they just have to pay the registration fee yes

wait we have to pay because you have, money Quico just pay himself right, right?

I had forgotten hey but I'm not going to pay for yours, you pay for that alone

but I don't have money

that's what you get for taking the

chipote chillón of the chapulín colorado'

That's why I asked for money to buy what I want

then you are going to face all those monsters and all those dangerous things that the lady told us

At that moment, Quico would imagine all the dangers that would happen to him and would say thinking about it, Professor Girafalde always told us that we had to share, not then

If you're going to buy it for me, well, if friends always help each other, that's not good, Quico would give the money to the person in charge and say let's see.

let me explain adventurers have different occupations and these are your record cards save the amount of monsters you guys have killed when you level up you will get points that you can use to get skills so work hard to level up now i'm going to need you to get your hands on this crystal just like that 'Chavo' would put his hand on top of it and the crystal would start to shine and he would start to make his registration card this will tell us how his attributes are distributed so please use them as a reference to choose his occupations orale que padre asi su card would be finished and the person in charge would tell him well then your name is ....

hey it takes a long time just say your levels since I want to pass

well ok let's see you are within the average there is nothing to highlight yet that your luck is very high but I am afraid that luck is not something essential for an adventurer with so much luck I recommend that you become a merchant or something similar

So if I can become an adventurer

well i guess you can change when you level up

well that's how Chavo would take his card

take it off kid don't get in the way now you'll see what a real adventurer is so he would put his hand on the glass and start being his card

well let's see

your card your name is Quico you still fall within the average although your intelligence is very low and your luck is also low

haha how gross put 0

listen to me I was the one who bought you your card

It's not my fault that your card is more

lower than mine

both children would choose the adventurer job because of their poor statistics

I do not welcome you to the guild Quico and Chavo we hope to hear about your future achievements I would say it smiling so a few minutes would pass and Chavo and Quico would be sitting at a table eating

hey Quico and now what will we do I say we have already become adventurers?

I don't know, what do you want to do?

well we're supposed to go for monsters but the lady told us that for now

we should work as laborers since the adventurers finished off the monsters that were there well then we will work yes but better tomorrow now we have to look for a barrel to be able to sleep

what ? you're crazy guy I'm not going to sleep in a barrel

so where?

well let's live in a more comfortable place like a hotel or something like that

ah well then let's go so the hours would pass and they they would go to an inn

Good evening, how can I help you children?

hello we would like a room for two people

well it's fine but I only have a bed for a quick one me hahaha no way guy it's your turn to sleep in

the ground, well, I don't care so much anyway, so let's wait

the manager would say about his stay here while he gave him a key so that Chavo and quico would enter his room

I ask for the bed since I paid for the room, I would say to Quico as I jumped out of bed, well then, let's go to sleep

wait, are you really going to sleep on the floor? if you per se never sleep in a bed so that's ok

1well if you want you can sleep in the bed really guy yes guy come like this

the two would sleep in the same bed and say rest guy

Good night, boy, rest because tomorrow we will have to work to be able to live here. Yes, you are right, so they would fall asleep. What will happen to our protagonists now that they are in another world? find out in the next episode

Before finishing this video I would like to explain a few things. This is the first comedy fic that I will do. Normally my stories are more focused on the consequences of actions, but this time I wanted to get out of my comfort zone. This chapter probably won't be the one. better but I promise to improve this genre also as a clarification, estefic is a translation of the fic of universe fic. I recommend that you visit his channel so that more videos come out, it will be in the description and posted comment is the link of his channel so without further ado, I say goodbye

the next day Chavo and quico would look for a job in the town

quickly Quico the lady said that while we wait for the missions we should work on the construction that is nearby

Hey, wait a minute, now that I think about it, I have infinite money, why do I need to work?

because you work or I'll break your face

That's why I say that I like to work

so they would arrive at a construction

who are looking for work ha ha ha ha ha ha

yes then yes he will give it to us sorry

but I don't accept children they couldn't even do a single job well

After all, I didn't even want the same right now

we ask here on the corner and you will see how we get a job because you are still looking for a child because the jobs are already sold out

are they already sold out? if there is then they will have done a lot of exercise

I mean there is no good job anymore

then if he will give us the job

I already said no

it's not like that even if it's a little bit it's not like that they follow us

well, yes, and they stop bothering me, I need them to fit in that area to be able to use the cement for the floor and if they find it difficult or they find something strange, they let me know

comes out and okay and that I finished holes and took out a lot of sand and that I found a treasure and


well start if the man would retire

hey Quico wherever I go making holes you continue with the shovel to turn them into what I come up with and

ok let's see who wins in making the biggest roll in less time very well at the count of three we started at one at two and at that moment Chavo would begin to finish quickly removing a lot of earth at the same time he threw a heap of earth and stones to Quico, today, wait, boy, charo, Saturday, what do you want, Quico, I don't know, I misunderstand you and tití tito, I told you to wait for me, I'm going to show you that I'm going to make holes like nobody else in the world, my way, we'll start what I can wait i don't like you

so minutes would pass

 oh, how hungry I am from drilling holes so much, it already made me hungry, I think it's fine now, no, I'm also going to be hungry without drilling holes, and I'm not bragging about it like you

at that moment both of them would begin to rule the stomach

there is how I would like a ham cake

like the ones my mom used to make

I don't want to be in this place anymore I want to go home

I want to go home too but if we don't defeat the demon king we won't go anywhere

I don't want to work anymore I'm tired and my beautiful and tender little hands even hurt

Well, I'll keep digging holes so that I can go home as you wish, I'd better go get something to eat, so Quico would retire, leaving the guy digging anyway, so finish the wall now

the only thing left to do is plaster it but at the moment of starting I would see that it was staining Quico oh boy what are you doing here so long because it doesn't let me see what the angels are doing and even if it's just a little bit or for a little while it's good even if it's a little bit come on yes and

Look why don't you better go see if he's already put the sow?

yes. that yes you already put

that if I already put that it is that the gentleman told me that

at that moment

The man would cover Quico's mouth and say oh, it's good that the boss appeared, he was going to tell him that in the

another part also needs to plaster the wall.

serious yes look come see today team where were you I was looking for you everywhere you already found something to eat well no you still don't hear look Quico it's oral donkey milk but I don't know the last time I tried it it tasted horrible

maybe it was because mr raymond's was already expired

ah, yes, true, in that case I'm going to try it like this Quico would drink the glass and well to those who know there is

I still don't like donkey's milk, what are you doing? Quico wanted to try it

donkey's milk

Donkey? Donkey? Which donkey? Which donkey? this is plaster seriously you weren't more gross because you're not bigger

 well, it is true

look, enough, go to work, that's why they bothered me

you see ? guy because of you they scolded us there is in me that

go today Chavo and we played those plasterers so I was 10 0 and that I arrived and that I had the trowel with plaster and I put it on the wall and you helped me if you take it out and that's fine both

they would begin to enter the walls move aside guy I'm going to show you how to enter at that moment Quico would put some plaster on the pants dChavo

what are you doing it was unintentionally wanting well

now unintentionally wanting you're going to see what I do to you no chavo like that Chavo would throw some plaster in Quico's face

 I do not like you

Quico would grab some dirt and throw it at the guy

ha ha that's what happens to you for throwing that at me now if you're going to see like this Chavo would throw another piece of land to Quico you're going to pay me for it so both of them would start throwing dirt at each other causing a great disaster in the construction there the land is already finished

what do we do now ?

What's going on here ? Why is everything covered in dirt?

so all the workers would point to the guy and quico

Do you want to tell me what happened here?

is that Quico threw donkey milk at me

not true Chavo started

alright enough is enough get out of here  But is that


But is that


now, but

out out out out

That's how a kid and quico would run from the place

and I want to see them again in this place

and now what will we do?

Well, I guess I'll find another job.

but i don't want to work anymore i want to go home with my mom

I would also like to return home but until we come to the demon king we can't do anything I hope and we can do missions soon with me in front no one will defeat me and since I have the shrieking chipote of the chapulín colorado' I will be able to defeat everyone well we have to return to home I want to sleep from working I'm sleepy

Hey, Quico, it's been several days, don't you think we should go out on adventures? I think you're right, but you have to ask the ladies and there are already missions

come out and okay, hey miss we were wondering if me and Quico

the donkey ahead

pass you


 that nothing continues to count because we asked ourselves and Quico

 Quico and I were wondering

it is not true you were not

I am explaining to you how to say first you must name the other person which other person if it was just Me and Quico

that's why in this case Quico is the other person

Who is the other?

person yes good

there was me and the other person

not what .... forget it continue

Well, we were wondering that since a long time has passed, we thought that there were already missions ahead

We weren't back there by the gate, I mean keep going.

Well, how they kicked us out of all the jobs we got into but it was unintentionally wanting

go ahead

it was not to the other side where they ran us

when I say forward I mean that you continue with the story

It wasn't relaxation, it was serious

okay let's go back to the beginning they fired us from work they were no longer one job two jobs or three jobs that's the least of it I understand that they fired them from work now that they need it well we were wondering if there were already missions for beginners what was that with because they arrived in the moment

indicated I have a mission that you could do the mission is to hunt some toads due to the mating season there are many of them around the area causing many people to disappear

orale I never believed that some toads were so dangerous

yeah so go and finish them off

it comes out and it's okay luckily I made a slingshot hehehe

i think i have one

Hey Chavo, can you lend me your slingshot?

It is not mine

ah too bad and I was planning to combine you with my ham cake

Wait, if you're going to give me, maybe it ever comes, I've lied to you, yes, many, in case I ask, do you want the cake?

first tell me if you are going to give me money

you tell me if you want her yes yes I want to have her so Chavo would give her his slingshot

to Quico jijiji with this hunt toads

it will be a piece of cake

help out help

Quico runs faster I thought I would finish with toads

it would be easy but they never told us they were big ones one moment I am the big boy and I will not let myself be defeated by a toad listen to me ugly sack you messed with the great Quico now you will pay for yourself

at that moment the sack would begin to eat here with it is dark and slimy there is help month

habit is eating me help here I come no one can with my cunning take


n continued in the men they don't scream, get up now we have to go not only have we defeated two toads it will be better that we get a team or more weapons to be able to defeat the toads it's that I'm dying who me guy I think I already broke my leg and my arm

this is getting very difficult there

to make a team and with strong people so that they do all the work

 very good then we have to make a poster for more people to join

hours have passed and no one has gotten into our team if everything

because of you guy

and why mine?

because you put on the poster that only powerful people will join the team but if you put that you liar it was you it was not you it was you

good evening adventurers i read a recruitment poster and to meet you is the fate of the world itself i have eagerly awaited the arrival of those who are like you my name is i joined i am an advanced class girl i control explosive magic the strongest magic of all magic offensive now that father perhaps they want to be shown and forbidden force my magic is so powerful that

I have been excluded to the whole world that then show me your resolution by looking at the last abyss with me when a man looks at the abyss the abyss is the one who looks at it precisely

I didn't understand you at all

neither do I

is seriously ? well no matter what i meant is that i would like to join your team

but at that moment she would fall to the ground today you are fine I haven't eaten anything for three days do you have anything you could feed me?

only three days luckily I had breakfast three times

Do you eat breakfast three times? if one in January another in March and one in August

for some reason now i feel hyped

hey what happened to you why do you have a patch?

oh what a fool you are guy well it's obvious because he covered his eye not seriously

yes well you're looking at it this is the magic item that suppresses my wonderful and incredible

powers if i ever had to take away the o a great catastrophe i would do in this world now its alright

what a father yes yes yes mo and as a tourist look

it was in a death battle against a demon wow and he gave you that patch, how cool if maybe he gives us one

haha they really believed history

hey sorry for asking but who did you say you were? I am very humble, the clan of crimson demons and who controls explosive magic, the most powerful magic of all, and who are you?

my name is Quico, the magnificent and the strongest and most intelligent in the whole world there is water hahahaha

they seriously call you that ha ha ha ha ha ha

are you making fun of us? no of course not ha ha ha from my perspective they all have weird names for theirs they surprised me after that i would show him his adventurer card really

you're a magician what a father, hey guy I don't know if we should trust her but and why what if she's like the witch of 71 and waits for the right moment to turn us into ugly toads

but you can't see that she wants to do anything to us and as you know she has the face I put on every day

And which one is she?

because of not eating in three months

I still don't trust her although if they let me join her team I already know what if we go on a mission to see her magic sounds good to me very well in that case

I wanted to buy him one of ham

explosive magic is the strongest magic of all and that is why it takes time to be able to conjure keep it in the toad he has occupied until he finishes the preparations very well you heard Quico go and

distract and I why why didn't you say that you were the strongest and most intelligent perhaps it was a lie there is no more I never tell a lie then twenty bring the toad to that toad yes to the toad yes to that toad ah

well this this to that toad yes to that toad with that toad

shut up shut up you make me desperate

is that you have no patience with me

 at once good since at that moment another toad would appear

there are now there are two I had for that Quico and I while I go for the one who is here listen to what you are going to do do it quickly if not I will not be able to use magic very well sack

take this rabble rabble

but at the moment of hitting the toad he would hurt his hand

and at that moment the toad would eat Quico

chanfle already ate Quico, wait for me a little while I'm going to rescue him

baby bottle I already told you that men don't scream

quickly get up you have to go with megumin to see her magic

I'm fed up I don't want to be in this place anymore, even if he knows how to do magic he doesn't need our help but he just watches and learns, hey you, you really know how to use magic and it's as powerful as it says you know to make that toad disappear with your Wand

idiot is his magic wand not atomic bomb

It seems that it was an atomic bomb

It was amazing, hey, could you show me that magic? but at that moment they would see Megumin lying on the ground

 chanfle passed out

 pour water on it you don't remember what there was what he had said what thing that you pass out and to wake them up they will pour water on them

Oh yes, true, but where are we going to get water from?

there was a river when we came here you have to throw it away and that way it will wake up

hey i'm not fainted explosive magic is very powerful but in exchange it consumes a lot of magic in other words i used more magic than i'm capable of now i can't move a muscle

hey guy and now what do we do?

but at that time they would see that more toads would come out of the ground

oh mom I didn't expect it to look like a toad so close this is terrible they're going to eat me

hey could you help me?

to one side I do not respond to chipote with blood

that way a few hours would pass and they would return to the town that they have grounded and now it's okay toad it's not roe

take it off take it off

although the inside of the bag was there it was warm and comfortable today in mehuín for the other one it would be better that you make the bags disappear before you get out of hand

It is not said that way, it is said fainted

there, what did I say?

I passed out

and how is it?


what did I say?

I passed out

and how is it?


there already shut up shut up you make me desperate

is that you have no patience with me

hurry up I want to take a bath as soon as possible hey and what more successes does that part of s have

i can't cast any more spells than that spell

really ? but you didn't say you were a very powerful magician

I am a girl who loves explosive magic above all things I do not like to use other magic of

the detonating range I only like explosive magic it is true that I could go on adventures without problems if I had other magic but I can't do that, my love belongs to explosive magic I don't mind using it once a day and collapsing afterwards If I use it, explosive magic will still be the only one I love after all. That's why I decided to become an arch mage. It's him.

sole purpose of using explosive magic

wow I didn't understand anything but it was amazing that that that that wow I'm impressed that they trust me and my explosive magic what's more

why would we if you're awesome yeah

true after seeing that explosion

I also want to learn it and make my enemies fly with that magic

thank you very much guys also you are amazing and more is saved that you have to take down very easy

well it's obvious since it's the shrill chipote of the chapulín colorado' but leaving that aside let's go to the guild so that they can take a bath so they would return to the guild and megumin, Quico would go to bathe

 whoever confirmed that they completed the mission very good job guys I knew you would make it by the way

They never told me how their mission went in the first or second

let's say the first worst and in the second also good it was to be expected after all they are rookies so it will cost them at first but then they will get used to it now if we add the sale of the toads to their reward for completing the mission in total it would be 110,000 you are a so much so that you enjoy it Quico look look they gave us our first payment for our mission

orale and what will we do with this money?

I want to buy a lot of ham cakes, wait a minute, don't waste money like that, it's better I'll keep the money and spend it on what is necessary, for example, in the team, even if there are three of us, we need one more for the team

Oh, what do you think of that deal to whom I was the king of the class?

now I am a fool I was respected now I am the rejected one I think it is better to look for a morning

come out and okay

They've already thought of someone who can join them, well, we've already asked many but they still reject us all because of dChavo and me because, because look at how you dress you look ridiculous and that you also look ridiculous in that suit, I don't like you

stop fighting now that won't help us I guess you're right let's go how is it possible that no one has joined us and exactly what are there people we are looking for we need someone who knows how to do many things and who perhaps has enough points of resistance and creativity or I know to someone like that in a series that to mr raymond he knew how to do everything he also put up with the slaps from doña florinda and

he also built a lot of things father yes yes yes more today the moment you said they had passed that is that he is not here he was not in the neighborhood where we lived well let's go there maybe he can join more is that we will never see him again and why is it that we are very but that

far away from mr raymond lying down today you feel fine if it's just that i miss mr raymond so much even after playing football he was going to invite me to breakfast

stop, i'm so sorry for making you remember that

Chavo, there is no problem, we still have to concentrate on finding someone else, what's more, I'll go look around here at that moment, Chavo would run into someone

there it had to be Chavo it was without waiting for you to see

but if you are mr raymond

Well of course it's me who else I'm going to do

but how did he get here?

it doesn't matter how the guy arrives what matters is that we're together again but what are you doing here what am I doing here well I'm here because I missed you a lot kid I miss you a lot too mr raymond

hey what is going on? maybe his dad

it is very complicated to explain what a pleasure to see you again mr raymond anyway guy after that they would start talking at a table in the distance I already understand that they are looking for a new member if that is the case then look no further because I know the person indicated and that who is like that who

It's because you're seeing it, maybe it's his friend, the invisible man, no [__] I'll be the new member, that's why I say you'll join the team

Well, while they get ready, I'll be back later, I have to do something important.

so mr raymond would leave the place and

ok now what do we do

I don't know, what do you want to do?

I don't know, what do you want to do?

I don't know, what do you want to do?

I don't know, what do you want to do?

shut up shut up shut up you make me desperate

OK but do not get mad

 anyway how about while we play something

come out and okay

Very good, what do you want to play today?

the boy an idea just occurred to me

 and what is this? so Quico would make the guy eat confetti

don't wait Chavo it's for you to do it to Megumin

 that that that closes my mouth and opens my eyes

not the other way around open your mouth and close your eyes no thanks i know the trick

I did this kind of pranks on a friend

it is not left

Well, how are you going to make it clear that she doesn't make a fool of herself, look, you go and ask her if she knows the song of sweetie cute

if it's the one that says "Ah yaaaa"

she like that once again Quico had eat confetti to the guy

don't wait Chavo I'm showing it to you so you can do it to Megumin

 and that that that you are not going to tell him

Hey Megumin, do you know the song of sweetie cute?

not what is it?

Well, it's the one that says "A ya..."

at that time megumin would make the guy eat frog meat

hahaha you don't fool me

with that you can't

You can't, of course you can't, you're really stupid, kid now pay attention to what you are going to do

so Quico would step on the guy making him eat confetti

Did you teach that to me so that I can do it to Megumin?

 that that that that

ah, because there's no way he's not going to scream with the stomp, well there's no way he's going to scream like that mnmnmnmnmn

Well, no

so guy would pass someone's foot making them scream and feed them confetti

now he did open his whole mouth

to the wing

it was unintentionally wanting

unintentionally wanting, pay attention to what you do child

Hey, wait, aren't you the one who called herself a goddess?

I'm still a goddess

but what are you doing here? i wasn't supposed to be in heaven

well yes, it's a long story it turns out that I was very happy sending the dead when at that moment a damn fat man appeared and chose me as his chosen object because he wanted to win

money with my pure goddess body

I didn't understand what it means but I hope you do well on it

Hey, do you know these kids here?

something like that I reincarnated these children here to defeat the demon king by my authority as the goddess of water

did you dream or something? of course it's no more tell him that if I'm nobody dare

yes true I saw it with my eyes

Well, of course, you're stupid. There's no way you could see it with your ears.

I do not like you

hey guys we have to go prepare before mr raymond arrives it's true well see you miss goddess

and you poor [ __ ] what were you doing with my prostitutes, you didn't hear me these are my prostitutes what were you doing with them?

hey don't swear good kids shouldn't say that

to [ __ ] I say what I want and tell me what you did with my prostitutes

hey kid don't say those words you don't know you can go to hell for saying that

I'm not going to hell idiot I'm not black

kid stop swearing

you shut up starving

listen to me boy who do you think you are to talk to me like that?

what are you not seeing? obviously i'm brad pitt who perhaps lives in a barrel i'm brad pitt the protagonist of world war z

It doesn't ring a bell, is it perhaps an enemy of the chapulín colorado? Or the masked vigilante?

chapulin vigilante masked? ah, I see apparently there are still more Mexicans in this world so that means I'm not the poorest here hahaha I should have known by the way they dress, where did they get those clothes?' at walmart or kmart? ha ha ha

I do not know what are you talking about

nothing nothing ha ha parents who buy in nicer places but you are so poor that surely they abandoned ha ha ha

at least i'm not a ball of lard and potatoes he's settled the lard ha ha ha ha

I'm not fat I'm strong compared to you who are so poor that the only time you eat meat is biting your tongue

Now if I'm going to split it all

And what are you going to do? sit on the ground begging? ha ha ha

Eric you are overdoing it

you shut up prostitutes, I am your owner

well by saying that the girl would start to get excited

I will take care of this now I am going to break everything that is called the typical face of Mexicans ruining everything and blaming us Americans for their stupidities I am not going to let riots of poor people destroy this world so I am going to fight back this is going to end very badly son of [ __ ]

bye Bye Bye

hehehehehe guy and for the next time it will be worse for you we already have a winner

you have a great talent for this guy for what then I'll tell you while you have to train so you can make me earn a lot of money so you can get stronger

and you trained me

of course it is more I was the trainer of several fighters I am the one for that but while you have to go on a mission ha ha,

ha ha I beat you a boy who was weaker than you and who doesn't even eat breakfast

Aqua don't laugh I think she's crying

don't say anything I already know what it's like I'm not the cool guy anymore I won a poor Mexican boy now everyone thinks I'm a loser [ __ ] my life is over because now everyone thinks I'm not cool

but you were never cool

it's not true he says it just to be honest all your friends and acquaintances think you hate a lot nothing has changed it's still the same annoying fat ball as always

you say that to make me feel better

It is not true since you brought me here I have always hated you, my power was greatly reduced from the moment I came down to the earthly world with you, I have hated you so much from the moment you kidnapped me from my throne in the afterlife.

 don't try to make me feel better wait a minute, why would you say those things to make me feel better? unless you really think i'm cool and if you try to make me feel better it's because you really love me i was so worried about what they were going to think of me because i lost to a mexican and it turns out that you still think i'm cool god what a relief now yes do me a favor now yes call the ambulance.