
Chronology of the #Rat Kid

In April 2019, Negas released a web series, the Rat Kid, a parody of the internet troll child, the rat children, children between 11 and 13 years old who imitated piudiepie. People like me, who thought they were great, Rodolfo's design is based on Bart Simpson, look at those shoes, they are the same, and they are yellow, and they are rats, due to the success, negas translated some videos into English. The series is a little deeper than it seems, I will tell its chronology.

  1) The oldest thing we know is the story of Don cuco, the story of the coconut is unknown who is Don cuco's father since so far Negas has not shown us more cockroaches or if he has not shown them in a sketch from 2012 and entitled rise max max we are shown the possible ancestry of don cuco that as well as the quantum ant perhaps could evolve to the future where the rat child exists and that is how the cockroaches came to the present of the series in some anthropomorphic way, they certainly plan make a video about whether mega dad was the rat child share universes all of the real world and step on it whoever the father of a cuckoo is, he created it in a strict way, beating him every time he did something wrong this in his childhood was completely normal like that It was a cuckoo grew up like in this idea and that is why Rodolfo hits when he misbehaves then we have that his catechist was a drunk and drinks Jacqueline or the original this while teaching values ​​to his children with him time this influences don cuco and so he would create his own drink called don cuco jacqueline or a pirate version of the original drink. Don cuco, one of the employees Rata and The Pedophile Professor, although, but according to wiki he is Julio regamomos. They attend the catechism of Saint Yakelino, An Alcoholic Priest, Forces his students to sing the ameno and the Yakelino while he gets drunk. I think that if he is the pedophile teacher, because that way it makes sense. Yakelino abused children and that's why Don Cuco, who was a child cockroach became an alcoholic, The teacher became a pedophile and the employee to have a very low self-esteem.

 Rico Mcpapu, who I think is the father of Rodolfo Gonzales father and Del uncle noob, gets a fortune, I think he is the father because Like Rodolfo's father he is Rico and he is also Adolfo's grandfather. Rico Mcpapu is such a millionaire that he practically owns the land, in the sense that he has an earthquake-generating machine that can cause terrorist attacks whenever he wants. for his position as Illuminati, Terrorist and Member of the HAARP Project. Apart from that he has another son who became a pilot, but I don't know his name. Along with this, a rat whom Rodolfo calls Papubuelo, has 2 daughters named, well the mother of the rat boy and another daughter Agustina who is very religious. the mother rat has very strange behaviors but was she always like that? as always the reason for his actions has its origin in childhood in which papubuelo his father is present by the way Rico mcpapu cannot be his his father since in the chapter in which rico mcpapu makes his debut, Adolfo also visits him and The pirate boy who is rodolfo's cousin on the maternal side, which would not let papubuelo is the father of the papu rat, but hey that is already the subject for another video, this theory tells us that in his childhood the family was poor and to get out of this His precarious condition papubuelo let scientists perform one of the illuminati / satanic rituals that we have seen him do in the series and he offered his daughter's body as a container of some demon, probably for a better life, something that reinforces this is that she is very heartfelt With the money, when Rodolfo spends on something unnecessary that he does not use, she shows attacks of anxiety and despair that end in suicide, as well as a test that shows us that there is indeed a demon den Another of her or something like that would be the chapter of the pizza she does not show any kind of remorse when murdering her son or in the chapter of the most pros gifts in which she shoots a man dressed as Santa Claus when he tells her when he has It also seems that he had this disorder before he begot rodolfo the marquis and we realize his millionaire father does not give him money and neither does she work therefore all her money either comes from the papu rat or it comes from don cuco

 the rat cashier and his boss, let's start with the rat cashier, let's go with his story our or character makes his first appearance a rat boy 18 the most pro pokemon, the rat cashier or should we call him pancracio valeberger I like you in a reveal the chapter let's start Basically, his name is already there, although some continue that this is a false name given by the president of Mexico to identify himself with the people I think that if it is his name then his age comes that we could speculate between about 23 to 30 years according to his appearance and then his family and at this point I have some theories let's start with the relatives that I thought at one point could be, but then I realized that let's not start with a possible brother Facundo rat, the same facundo rat from the commercial of lives without red this remains discarded as this character is very old since according to the words of uncle no facundo he is the age of eugenio derbez bone 56 years and our character pancracio must be about 25 to 30 years so almost 30 years does not add up, another character that could be his family.

Although I do not think so father effort that it could be the Santa Claus Christmas rat since they work in the same store but I have ruled out since when they shot his pancreas he no longer did

nothing to help us and I leave it lying there now between women strengths first of all you have to know one thing that I have realized while they are moving forward to do and it is the skin color of the characters somehow symbolizes their family skin color That yellow color is characteristic of the rat child because it means that it belongs to his family, so is his father and mother, this color could also have a relationship with children since we remember that the unique and different girl also has this skin color although the theory is it goes a bit since the vertex represents another color something that could save this theory is that in some way rodolfo and the only different girl are related since her father also has this skin color the old people the old people have a grayer skin color either as papua-grandfather or rich macpapu, the real boss, the rat boss and many others out there, so taking this into account they have grown up, they have a skin color, the shape of the head is very different. How to say it particular since there are only three characters that have this skin color, a possible brother who could be in charge of the banamex is the one who is in charge of giving banamex because I say this because it looks a bit similar because they have the same color of skin in addition to these two characters there is one that you know well is the rat professor because of all characters could have some relationship maybe yes maybe no then we can say that maybe his brother is in charge of the banamex now well in stereo a a little weird and a little complicated to understand it is about our dear Rodolfo are is the new character that has appeared lately this basically is a boy who wants to steal the life of our dear Rodolfo because I say he could have a relationship with our dear pankration well you will see apart from the fact that they look very similar physically because we can say no incredible theory that basically it is that our beloved pancracy me being a An employee who works on so many things cannot give his son a life full of luxuries, which would become a rolfoldo and well he has to buy him instead of an xbox one an ex ingame so since he cannot not get these original things you can say to steal rodolfo's and now finally in his family a possible father could be the cuckoo bartender since he works in something similar to his son's and now that said, let's start with the theory, we start with a pancreas and a child whose father The bartender can't teach him much or put him in the best schools he couldn't even teach him sexual education education I mean since in the hunter chapter he looks like this we see that we are not interested in anything about the elf Ricolina and the elf Ricolina well it is interesting after being a teenager, not He was able to go to university due to financial problems and is forced to work as care because these are all the jobs that we have seen him so we have seen him working in samborns soriana la fr eak plaza mcdonald's and starbucks an asylum facebook frozen tron ​​eyes the airport a commercial for the government and the oxxo even though when you work at the airport and in the commercial for the government they really are not jobs this I will explain more although to your bad luck A boss had an evil manager who abused him and made him do things he did not want, such as throwing children in the trash and leaving them from here to understand his story we need to see the important events of his life we ​​begin with chapter 64 in on mother's day he let the rat mommy enter the pool with promotional posters things that his boss did not take well and insulted him by calling him fucking poop the employee for a while got very upset and looked for new job opportunities which he apparently does because in chapter 66 we see him already with another boss mark zuckerberg but he decides to leave facebook for unknown reasons even though marc appears he treated him better than the previous boss In chapter 69 we see the employee already reconciled with his boss of course that nothing is free in life the employee seems but it is not a study he asked his boss to get him a star in an important commercial so that he can stand out at least once. lf he complies in the fifth report here because I say that when he acted in the commercial to ask, it was not a job, they are a favor that his boss gave him and the other favor that he asked for a trip on an airplane, however, the boss also fulfills a child is with number 3 we based on this saying that when they were in the chapter the boss tells pancracio that it was not necessary for him to put on the stewardess costume besides that the boss was the pilot and there were no other personnel and I don't know about you but I think The planes in the flight do not go more than the flight attendants Sajeros and pilots so I don't know about you but it seems to me that this was not a job and I finally gave the last we heard from him the fifth report the boss complied and I put him in a commercial company but the employee ends up depressed and Also annoying in this chapter we can see that if he has a house or something like that, now the details an important detail about him says he sucked approximately 17 times it is not a context because it is very complicated but approximately 17 times.

 The mother of the boy Rata meets Rodolfo Gonzales, they get married and have their son Rodolfo Junior Gonzales, In honor of what it means "the one who wins the battle," likewise, the brother of Pope Rata would marry the mother's sister , Agustina, who after marriage would change her last name to Agustina Gonzales, I say that they are married because as religious as she is, it is impossible for her to have a child outside of marriage.

 At some point, the otaku boy's parents lose their fortune or are disinherited and go to live in a poor house where Uncle Noob complains that the government is stealing from them.

 On August 7, 1968, when the metal man are born in England workshop these data then I had since in the chapter of frozen bruce dickinson is mentioned in a way as if he knew him personally, it is worth looking at which one that screams more than bruce dickinson and al search who was production I found that this has many similarities with the metal man only

it is necessary to look greetings even so plus not the part of the metal man in real life I just guess they met at the university of london where dickinson attended by the way the name that fans have given the father of the different unique girl is Mr. Metalhead this can be seen on the wiki to the fan where the series where he appears with him not at 17 years old

in 75 is where he would become a rock fan when listening to the old album quick program then we know that I was in england until 81 since in the chapter of sp ar he mentions several names of english band these bands appeared these years as dax abel black sabbath iron maiden the iron maiden judas priest the judas priest stayed in england until the 81st year in which he would finish university and go to the usa he went to the northern country to practice he thinks of what profession but we know they can't come now that in that same chapter he mentions American bands that were active at that time such as mega de megadeth slayer and anthrax slayer and anthrax these can also 985 when he attended the line in england we know that I am because obviously this guy is not going to miss the mega festival of rock music that was held at that time the greatest until then it is thought that the event is where he met the mother of the unique and different girl

which was Mexican that is why he goes to live in this country it would take a little more than 20 years until they decide to get married and have a daughter in 2006 which now would be the unique and different girl when at that time the organization Normally he would have British and Mexican nationality and would study in a private school in Mexico City who knows what his father works but his mother worked as a scientist in the company popo team developing a little plutonium we will talk about the theory and putin of plutonium from there as Penny's dad in another old man in 2013 when he was 7 years old, he premiered the movie the

frost on a frozen adventure this movie I would keep very dearly since it used to

unfortunately in 2015 the job ended up killing her mother in the putin company the plutonium pot she was developing was fatal to her health this kills humans this option so she can see if she saves the world fucking humans both two doctors and the computing company in which all the only one who knew the truth was the metal man who was never told in turn there are people who believe they were divorced but please do you believe that a responsible judge would give legal custody of a girl in a divorce to this guy I do not believe in addition to this theory that involves the company is viable due to the reaction rather the infringement that the metalhead has when hearing that the little pluto went on sale is in 2018 he simply does not comment on that at all rarer in other news plutonium canister pop goes on sale 3am

The rat boy's parents divorce After Rodolfo can't stand Junior drooling so much. This is not confirmed anywhere, it is only the theory most accepted by the community, and that is that after the divorce the rat mama could not bear it anymore and became an alcoholic where she met Don Cuco whom she married. A few years later, as a businessman, Don cuco crosses his path with that of the rat mommy who was recently left by Rodolfo's father and for some strange reason that I still can't get, they stay together is the typical toxic relationship in which she doesn't he talks he doesn't ask questions he brings some money......Well that's how things work for a while.

This normal girl would stop being so to become unique and different now if she begins her transformation this year she begins to be a fan of walter reaction and cowered a year after releasing the movie squad necessity and would dye her hair like harley quinn every Sometimes she would become more spoiled and her father would grant her all his whims to see her happy and not feel the losses of his wife this of course leaves the family in a bad economic situation so much that the father has to put her in a public school it is because now she had to pay for a bottle of nutella clorox coffee very expensive last generation ham and everything her daughter wanted is so we come to 2017 the year in which she makes her debut in the series she enters the same school where all the children are in this universe and he becomes friends with rodolfo and apparently falls in love with him because this may sound somewhat forced but at that time his father gives him a gun for school, he is in case a teacher wanted to stop cleverly with her obviously she uses it to kill herself even so this would apply because when she draws the gun in front of her father he does not say anything and because in chapter 91 when rodolfo from the store the teacher rat tells him look at half the dog I have won Role of penguin miner of turkey and I'm going to play as it could be that the spill is not the only victim of this type later on August 20 the event of frozen online would be held the girl of course wants to go and her father knows that She has a lot of affection in the film, so continue the three thousand pesos of the ticket of the debit that only lasts five seconds but also having satisfied has some newsletter is kid, they are a fan that it was the black sabbath finally in 2018 the boyle film would train and more reason in which we see that the metal man in fact sings like freddie mercury and this is said by the rap employee, he never wants to die not hurt is that people still since now he is a bastard but I sing bi in sidor and the lord as the quint this may indicate that perhaps

Mr. Metalhead participated as a vocalist on some occasions and in mind but we lack information and it requires mentioning more things and well this is the last thing we have in terms of history this is one of the videos that cost me the most to do this because there is not so much information of these characters as if there is something, for example, of the teacher's albertito.

 after a year when rodolfo is already a teenager, he accuses don cuco of family abuse since they were at a point where the situation was untenable so much that rodolfo had to choose that he was dead so that don cuco would stop beating him. You don't live very well with Don Cuco, since the money that the rat potato sends is entirely destined for Rodolfo, They live in debt to a certain pinoles, which is a mouse

 Although it is believed that Pinoles is not actually a name, but is the term that Don Cuco uses to refer to who owes him money and that is why he sometimes refers to Doctor Gringo as Pinoles or it may be the calf

Rodolfo's life is not easy with a mother who does not love him and a stepfather who beats him, on the other hand, as his biological father is rich and pays him everything he wants, that's why he has a computer, an Xbox, and Thus Rodolfo met YouTube and the YouTuber piudiep whom he acquired admiration, Rodolfo takes refuge from his sad life being a deadly rat.

On the other hand, Adolfo has a happy life, he has 2 parents who love and consent to him, the bad thing is that they are poor, the father is ignorant and although he is old he insists on being cool and the mother is a religious fanatic, Adolfo He learned from anime because in his school his teacher is also an otaku who got him into this anime, very different from Rodolfo who is not hated by his teacher, his classmates, etc.

 Rodolfo, being a spoiled child, is beaten to death by Don Cuco, or at least that was going to be the end at first, but he pretended everything because he was a pro gamer.

 Rodolfo was beginning to have his hormones in development, and he downloads a pack just to feel like a pro, but when he does, he hits the curse of the Donald goose, which consists in that every time you exist a goose will appear that only you can see and that he will only want to play, that goose represents the intense fap, The same curse seems to have it Professor Pedophile, the professor otaku, the news reporter, and the otaku boy

Although this curse once saved his life, because it works like a vaccine or type, If my computer is already infected with a virus another virus cannot enter, as when Donald Goose saved it from Sonic.exe, Supposedly in the day Opposite the rat boy tries to taste green doritos and lives 100 red, Rodolfo discovered that eating doritos and energy drink enters a state of ecstasy that he calls ACTION TURBO DAD and As they taste the same, on the opposite day instead of giving turbo action to the rat boy, kills him, As is the opposite day, the mother cries instead of celebrating and Don cuco celebrates instead of crying

As it was the opposite day, he did not actually die, from a point on the characters cannot officially die and they are aware that they live in a timeless world so they can commit suicide without any problem knowing that they will wake up the next day, as when Rodolfo kills Papubuelo after putting him lives 100 in the serum. Although he does not show it, deep down Don cuco loves the child Rat and hits him because he corrects him. usually hits him because he grabs the wrong things, but when it comes to giving him gifts, he gives

 at some point Don cuco would die of Cirrhosis from so much alcohol, while the police investigate a little they discover the fraud of his drink and the brand in this way the police arrest him the mother rat commits suicide when she sees the social pressure that should be happening and Rodolfo is left alone in his house and that is why we do not see anyone else in the future and the rat boy began to play with Donald the goose until he almost killed him, to later take a flashback and commit suicide

Now for some clarification, They are Rats employees, since they work in different things so it seems that they are actually different people, but as we see the perceptual of the rat child, he sees all the employees the same and all the bosses the same, but as you know how is Marx zuckenverg is that he sees it differently, THE ONLY employee that we know his name is Pancracio valevergueiro

  And that's the rat boy chronology. see you in the next goodbye

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