
Inconsistent things from attack on titan

Shingeki no kyojin is a 2013 anime or 2009 manga that has been overexploited into anime, video games, spin-off, clip, fanfics, light novels, action figures, porn fans, movies so bad they are good, and everything that it can be taken out of an anime and I don't know why it doesn't have a translation for American Spanish, but it was overrated or it's not a masterpiece. That if I must say it, his way of handling the message of the war and that the heroes are only the winners and the good ones in history are those who tell the story, a great allegory that has made me think. There are people who call it a masterpiece, I don't. people who spend all day watching the work and studying it as if it were a bible or a calculus book. attack on titan is just a drawing is not real and as all fictional work is not spared errors, plot gaps, one thing, our history or our lives could have plot gaps, but it happens when details are skipped or when the story is not told well. reason why something is present, but it is not explained in the work but in external means such as the novelization of something or the guide of something are also plot holes. The Geeks, people in front of a computer and without social life that I think are called geeks or otakus like me, we have had a lot of ways how a small change in an event alters reality to take us with an after what? so next I bring you what I consider nonsense in attack on titan and the first mistake I create is
Years ago there was a pact between King Karl and Tibur that when technology was enough to face the Titans, the king would hand over Reiss power to the Marleys. This pact was only known by the owner of the titan parent and the Tibur family, but if that is the case, it means that the bearer of the coordinate would surrender voluntarily and more for having the will of Karl, something that the Tibur family also knew. so what's the point of going undercover and getting into chaos? because they just don't take them there safely like a zeppelin. You will tell me "NOT TO CALL ATTENTION" but what sense does it make if after taking the founding Titan you were going to attack the island.
instead they make warriors walk a lot of meters at night. or with a horse, why use horses if their titan power is faster? fact that I find is because the Marleys did not send their warriors in a Zeppelin. They have technology to fly and can parachute instead. And at the top these children go camping even though they are titans, they should know that titans are activated by the sun, so they cannot waste time at night.
if they were taken in a Zeppelin they avoided any possibility that a titan would eat them, more or less as they did with the Middle East years later.
There is an explanation for this, but it is so stupid that I consider it a hyphen hole.
Warriors for a moment of their lives were titans and although they have no memory, they should know that after eating a changing titan they come out tired and cannot transform into titans just by leaving one.
Reiner says that with the speed of his jaw he must be far away, but the way things are, he could not even have become a titan. All this is because Reiner is afraid that his parents will fail, that is to say that pride is stronger, the Marleys stayed there for 2 nights just in case some event like that happened. I really don't think they would have made Reiner be eaten by someone else, if they didn't when Reiner blamed himself for losing the female and colossal, they weren't going to do it because he had his jaw eaten by someone random and on top They brought it. Ymir would have been eaten by pokko and pokko would hate him more than he already hates him and years later they would continue the mission, from there the mission went wrong. If they had come back for Ymir and Ymir would have run away, he would have found it more logical
Now I also doubt as then how they plan to return. according to some translations, the ship would stay two months waiting, but if they took longer, how would they return? Swimming? maybe they can swim across the atlantic ocean, but as if the mission is to bring the founding titan prisoner, can they swim for days on end in their titan form? What would they eat Would they rest?
According to the translation that I have, the warriors discovered that the king is false and something about the ackerman. It is widely known that members of the military police work for the king, but even they should assume that the military police work for the false king, they have no way of knowing that the headquarters works for the true King - Annie's plan. will follow Kenny ackerman and so get to the king has more sense.
on the island there is an alloy called Bamboo steel. This material is supposed to be stronger than metal, since ordinary steel cannot go through a titan as much and bamboo steel can reach the nape of the neck. and I assume that cannonballs are made of this material. and this island is really so rich in those minerals, because for 70 years if we consider before the fall canon, it was allowed to lose enormous amounts of this metal in each specified. normal steel bone is less than titan skin, titan skin is less than bamboo steel.
now talking about Reiner's armor. The 3d maneuver team hooks can be embedded in Reiner's armor, the walls are made of the same material as Reiner's armor, and the hooks can pierce the first layer of the wall. but if the cannons were made of steel bamboo they should also go through Reiner. and the hooks cannot be pierced. Annie's crystal cannot be pierced by swords and apparently not by hooks even though they are the same material.
Reiner is strong enough for a colossal Titan to fall on him and his armor the epicenter of an explosion. but she cannot resist that he explodes something with the rank of a grenade in the face. that I explode it in the mouth or the eyes, where it does not have armor I understand it, that putting it right in its joints and that makes the pieces of armor fly away I understand it. but on another occasion we saw that they do real damage instead of just knocking his armor down.
there are at least 50 to climb the wall. They fire a hook and are taken backwards, but by killing Rod Reiss or Bertoldo before becoming a titan. What are you holding on to? From the pieces? What are you holding on to because of meat flying out? 3d teams at some points more look like jet packs. and because of how they are built they must move their hips to move from left to right up or down. always in front, when Rod's daughter kills her father apparently holding onto a house, but the law of gravity does not allow you to brake suddenly, it is as if spiderman tried to swing in Latin America.
Was all this procedure necessary? From the picture, Rod doesn't seem to generate as much steam at his neck, the changing Titans themselves have very high heat resistance. we can see that, when eren does not die to the heat of a titan in chap. 5 but the others do. and we have not seen that the colossal titan vapor can do any significant damage to a changing titan. not to be confused with the explosion. So why instead of playing the fool trying to control Rod with his jojo pose, he didn't try to become titan go to the nape of the neck and go through it with his hardened arm, he was still blind, he had his eyes dragged. Moreover, if he had done he opened the coordinate and would have a 120-meter titan on his side.
How to beat a war hammer? Obviously there is no person at the nape of the war hammer, so from the force of the explosion he must have been half dizzy, although there is nothing in his head. The hardest, but not so tough material is the Hardening of the Titan Jaw, I assume the Titan Warhammer requires a reload time to spawn another Titan. because if not when Eren put it in his mouth, he could have become, and similar to as Rod. generated an explosion there and from that explosion a stake comes out that goes through Eren and kills him? This woman, has the same Thor error, does not point to the head, to the neck in this case
The most useless weapon than something that exists in Attack on Titan is this. Because when you shoot it numbs the people who hear it, this can be avoided by covering the 2 hatches or with tampons, but it is not strong enough to break glass. Completely useless at the moment of fighting with titans, but giving a twist, they could have used that weapon when they fought with people along the arc of the insurrection.
I suppose that the colossal titan for those explosions also needs time, days of recharging because it is not like saying "oh no, the corps follows me, I am going to make that explosion so that they die and leave me free, Equal Reiner resists" that It is what they did just the day before.
when they are in the evacuation they remain calm just as the titans are inactive at night, but even Hange zoe saw that they take a couple of hours at most to remain inactive, would it not be more logical to fall asleep at the top of the wall that was just a few meters, I don't think it's cold, because when the warriors they spent months on the wall they could light a fire in the wall. also, they would have to get up early before the titans wake up
when the warriors kidnap Eren surprisingly they don't meet the ape titan this evidently because the titan beast is slow and open used Pieck, but where was she while Zeke was taking a walk on the wall? fishing? On the other side of the wall? Why didn't the titan beast listen to Ymir's transformation on the other side of the wall to see what it is.
pig while I know I was
Speaking of stupid plans, Annie's plan is the most stupid I've ever heard, comparable to stupid plans, joining the Annie police to avoid suspicion, going to Eren, kidnapping Eren, and then ... then what? ? I don't understand that part. Does it take you to a tree? Do you take it to shinganchina? which by the way is the place where they were going, where was I going? and why only Annie? that was a trip where the warriors were going to come home. It was the definitive, so the best plan would be for them to get into the surver corps, the 3 go to Eren, take Eren and then use the colossal titan to get rid of whoever follows them. but being stupid is not a script hole, in real life people are stupid.
Rod Reiss, the monarch who has seen his daughter a few times, who abandoned her in the military to their fate and killed her mother in front of her. It would be reason enough for her to hate her father. Entrusts you with titan power. on top of that, she wants him to eat a fellow from the academy, without even thinking that he would have any affection for her unlike her. He should not have eaten Eren himself, to prevent his daughter from rejecting him, they will tell me that he was afraid of the 13-year-old curse, of which he was a quotient, he saw him with his brother, but she is 15 years old, it means that He will have to give his power to the 28. bone that would leave a child of less than 13 years orphaned. that makes it even worse father. this is not the case even worse I think the reiss practiced incest to maintain blood purity. If Rod were the one to take the coordinate, I don't see that he's old enough to not spawn.
Precisely those of the first and the second season we see that when faced with a titan, the titan has hard skin and the swords have a limit of how many napes they can cut before breaking. In Levi's last fight, Levi had only 2 swords and he faced an army of Titans without breaking them, I say this because there is no bullet in which he changes swords.
Marley have records of its inhabitants, but by any chance do they have someone registered with Fritz? I think not because then, if she were a woman, they would kidnap her and force them to have children with royal blood to give titan power to, that said kruger. but kruger also said that Dina was the last royal blood on the walls because the others were killed by the Marleys in their various coup attempts, but why did they kill them? if they want your ... decency. Then there is that only Zeke can do a false coordinate and they barely have a suspicion that he has royal blood, and I don't know if this is a plot error, but before they are active the rumble says they don't let the founding Titan and Beast touch, I interpret that somehow in a month they found out that Zeke had royal blood. or if it makes no sense that they should not let those 2 touch.
Trost's door was permanently closed when Eren covered it with a rock and they had to go east, but wouldn't it have been better to use the elevators to get through? They will say that the worship of the church does not allow modifications to the wall, but already during the worship itself they have used elevators, less road than less deaths.
It is not so easy to live in Marley, where you can study and learn, be a doctor, can be a professional basketball player, can be a military man if you want, nobody forces you. nobody uses you for experiments and you can leave your safe haven whenever you want as long as you have papers in order. a mini plot mistake. If they can't go out to other Marley cities, how does Gaby know what the southern accent is like?
Levi at the beginning of the series was not a garystu, he himself mentions it, he could face the female titan because she was tired of 2 hours of running, 2 transformations, having fought against the Levi squad 2 times and against Eren. In the attack on the titan beast he says he did it because the beast was distracted. But after flanking, he became almost a garistu. Because then they mention that Levi against 10 titans simultaneously and Mike only 7 simultaneously, more than 3 years after 5 he can against a squad of titans. I want 'd That is, she can take on 10 Titans at once, but she hardly beats a shifting Titan, and she was tired.
The ackerman gene does not prevent you from breaking your ankle or exploding a bomb on you.
talking about the ackermans. the Ackermans could not simply change their last name so that the monarchy stops hunting them, as did the Fritz? so live a normal life, and if the last name was changed there should be some ackerman tales along the wall
the kings are noble for the rest of the wall, but that does not prevent them from having up to 5 children, it seems strange to me that Urie gave Frieda his power instead of Rod or urieck, some say it is because he was woman and if she is not a woman the second son will have the titan power, the eldest will have children and will have the power, only in this way he explained to me that Rod and Urie's father was a changing titan and when they were both adults they could see their father . even how the family works, if any Rod ancestor had 5 other children like Rod. there would be no reason for Rod's daughter to be the last blood Reiss. as if Rod had no distant cousin
King Karl Fritz asked King Tibur to create Titans so that the citizens inside the wall believe that humanity from outside was razed, and the best way he found for that, is to turn the rebels, the criminal Eldians into Titans, under punishment, his freedom, but in certain logic, would it not be to send allies to the enemy according to the Marleyyan perspective?
we know almost nothing about the Tibur, we know that they are the kings of Marley, but they do not tell us if they marry each other, if they marry Marleyyanos. if they marry Eldians. I do not believe that with Eldians from Liberio, but rather how many would not flirt with a Tibur. like a Cuban with a Latino. We don't know if the Marleys disgust the Tibur because they are Eldians. we don't know how many Tibur there are in the whole world, obviously there are quadruplets there. there may be Tibur scattered in every city of Marley
Some that I read in some comments
When they are about to ambush Annie in the forest, Eren suggests confronting her with her titan, however, Levi's squad tells him that it is a bad idea, that they better attack her, they obviously end up dead, it would have been a million Sometimes better than Eren transformed into a titan, he confronted Annie with the help of Levi's squad, thus saving so many stupid deaths and ending up defeating her immediately.
-Everyone screwed up their pants when they realized that Eren could transform into a titan, the same with Bertoldo and Reiner, but it seems that Ymir doesn't give a damn, in fact, it seemed the most normal thing in the world that suddenly it turned out that any one had a titanic power.
-Of the trio formed by Annie, Reiner and Bertoldo, it is too convenient that only Annie knew martial arts, they knew that at some point they would face a changing titan, since that was their mission, and the battles by titans are decided with the arts Martial, however, like Reiner was shocked to learn nothing and thanks to that Eren destroys it with the most stupid judo key in the world.
-Zeke is an animal not only in his titan form, but in his way of thinking, he insists on treating Eren as a victim to save and yet he was about to die too many times because of the beast's titanic animals .
-Bertoldo when seeing Eren fall "by accident" from the wall assumes that the fall left him unconscious, being that not long ago Reiner and Eren were hostile as they fell from the top of a wall and the fall was brutal but the two left Unharmed, Bertoldo has no reason to believe that Eren can be injured by falling from the top of a wall.
I give you a few contributions:
- In the anime Mikasa blows a spear into Reiner's mouth while he is on his tongue. Shouldn't she have been seriously injured like Levi when a nearby spear exploded?
-Marcel Gaillard's death made no sense, Marcel could become a titan, or in case he didn't have time and died anyway, Annie or Reiner had the responsibility to recapture the titan (Ymir) or eat him.
-It makes no more sense that Annie is still crystallized, Eren with the hardening and power of the war hammer can easily break the glass and devour him (it would be dangerous to leave him alive).
-The plan of the Kruger owl was never explained well, (considering that the main idea was to recapture the power of the founding titan) since he let all the restorer of eldia die. It was much better to inherit the power to Grisha accompanied by his comrades instead of just leaving him alive.
* As a curiosity, when Kruger says "Have a family if you want to save Armin and Mikasa", and he wonders whose memory this is? The memory is of Grisha himself from the future. In the anime it is clearly seen when eren protects Armin and Mikasa of the cannonball that is about to shoot him, begins to remember what his father says when he is about to inject him. (near the end of chapter 9 first season)
these points are from Guillute
1 why does the coordinate titan not erase the memories of the Eldians living in Marley?
2 because the parents were able to steal the coordinate titan when they could simply erase his memory without even having to fight?
3 if the king wanted to build a paradise for the Eldians until one day they are killed, why did he let people die outside the walls when he could simply erase their memories and voila. Saying it is to reduce population does not work because the coordinate titan can prevent reproduction.
4 if Marley wanted to grab the founding titan, all he had to do was send armed soldiers. No need to send your titans and risk losing them. There were very few shotguns, Marley could re-shit them if they sent their troops.
5 because shit eren's father passed the titan power to eren without giving him a single instruction? To stretch the series, stop fucking go talk to Reiner and the monkey and come to an agreement. Letting your son eat you is making things fart
. 5 the whole plot of Ymir, Annie was filler, do not put with the main plot. What use was Annie's fight? It was just to capture people who watch the series. Huuu that cool as they fight. But when you want to put it in the central story it does not hit even with snot. And since the author does not hit, I said ... I turn it into glass and continue with something else. 6 the monkey had to walk to a wall and say, people the post is this. They lied to them all their lives. To avoid unnecessary destruction of eldia let us negotiate. Marley has the power to do shit all this without the need for titans, let's try to save what we can. But no, they broke a wall on demand, they infiltrated the military zone for years on demand. All to stretch a series and put stupid stories of each character. When you get to the end of the mysteries you say ... this does not fit with anything, it is all wrong. What did the author have in mind?
which is curious, in all seasons, it seems that what matters is that you do not harm the person at the back of your neck, the human body to control the titan, but later, in the Marley arc they come with that, if the Titan's brain, which should not be useless if we consider the above, if that part is damaged it will not be able to control the titan.
that has been the compilation that things do not make sense in attack on titan, if you know the answer to all write if you have the answer, but the answer in the comments, but the official answer, the answer that he sends says it. no crazy hypotheses.  

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