
What if Kaneki Loved Eto?

Everything would start when Kaneki joins the aogiri

Narrates Kaneki: I joined the aogiri to protect those I love, but I see that a girl with bandages watches over me ... She spends her time observing me in each mission ... I've heard rumors about her among which they say that she is the king of one eye ... I decided not to believe them ... No matter who she is ... The only reason I'm here is to protect those I love and I'll do anything ...
-After returning from a mission Kaneki would meet the girl with the bandages-

Kaneki says to the girl: can you know why you follow me and watch?

To which the girl responds: I thought you would not notice ...

Kaneki says: I always realized ... Can you know what you want to know about me?

Eto answers: I would like more of you ... the only thing I know is that you are here to protect those you love, right?

Kaneki annoyed says: how do you know that?

Eto responds: that does not matter, just tell me why you joined the aogiri?

Kaneki answers: yes ....

Eto smiling says: you know who I am?

Kaneki answers: no, I do not know ... I'm not interested (he would turn around and start walking)

Eto tells him: I am the king of one eye

Kaneki recoils in surprise: what did you say?

Eto confided says: just as you heard, I am the king of one eye or rather queen of one eye ...

Serious Kaneki says: and how do I know you're not lying to me?

Eto answers: why am I the same as you (I would show your kakugan)

Kaneki surprised responds: it can not be ...

Eto tells him: and then? Now you believe me?

Kaneki doubtful says: this is not real ...

Eto says: you believe or I am not the queen of an eye ... I propose you a tried?

Kaneki intrigued tells him: what did he try?

To which Eto replies: As queen of an eye ... I need a king, and I want you to be my king of one eye in exchange for that I will make sure to protect those you love ?, Do you accept?

Kaneki responds: it sounds good ... But I want to protect them with my own hands ...

Eto mentions Kaneki: remember that the CCG is behind the Ghouls, if they find out that there are Ghouls in anteiku, they will kill them mercilessly ... Do not forget that there are stronger Ghouls and that they can kill them too ... to die at the hands of the CCG or another organization? Is that what you want ?, Accept what I propose, It benefits you and me ...

Kaneki after thinking about what Eto said would take a decision and say: Accepted ... I will be the king of one eye ... Only on condition that you assure me that the defenders ...

Eto Excited says: OK, I always do what I promise, just do not tell anyone about what I just told you.

Kaneki says: Okay, I will not tell anyone and what should the king do with one eye?

Eto tells him: apart from boring things that a president would do ... there is something more ...

Kaneki intrigued tells him: and what is supposed to be?

Eto responds in a seductive way: please his queen would take a little of the bandage out of his mouth .. would go to Kaneki and steal a kiss in the mouth

Kaneki surprised at what Eto was doing, since it was his first kiss and he just let himself be carried away

Eto would kiss her tongue

Kaneki would hug her

To which Eto corresponds

Kaneki would start to remove some of the bandage

Eto on the other hand would begin to remove the combat suit


Ayato arrives ....

Ayato screams: Quick patch we have a new mission ..... What the hell are you doing? !!!!!!

Kaneki separated from Eto and says to ayato: No nothing ...

Eto would put on the bandages that Kaneki took from him and leave the place leaving Kaneki and Ayato alone.

Kaneki very embarrassed yells at ayato: what do you want? !!!!

Ayato responds: we have a new mission, I see that I came at a bad time ... I see that you walk home with that mysterious girl hahaha

Kaneki would be upset

Ayato says: do not get mad, now let's comply with the commission

Kaneki says: okay

Ayato responds: Hey Kaneki?

Kaneki annoyed answers: what do you want?

Ayato says: put on your fight suit, that girl took a little from the top ...

Kaneki embarrassed: curse (quickly fixes his suit and would go with ayato to do his mission)

- elsewhere -

Eto would be chatting with Tatara about what he proposed to Kaneki

Tatara asks the green movie: are you sure of what you are doing?

Eto responds: Yes, that's how I'll make Kaneki move away from the anteiku and serve us for our plans ...

Tatara answers: and if you investigate?

Eto confided says: he will not, he does not know who the true king of one eye is and if he investigates I have everything covered ...

Tatara says: I see that you have a lot of interest in that boy ...

Eto says: there is something that catches my attention, I can not stop thinking about him ...

Tatara asks: will not it be that you fell in love with him?

Eto would say: of course not ... It's something different and if I fall in love with him it would be a problem?

Tatara says: no, it would not be, you are free
to fall in love with who you want, only that it makes me curious that a guy like you like that ..

Eto smiles: it will be very useful for my plans ... Ken Kaneki

Tatara would say to the green movie: we will have to tell noro
Eto answers: noro I forgot about him, even though I do not know how he will take it, but it does not matter ...

- On the other hand Kaneki was having a coffee when Ayato approached him -

Ayato bothering Kaneki tells him: hey pillín you did with the girls in the bandages, what would they have done if I did not arrive eh?

Kaneki spits out his coffee and shouts: shut up ayato, that does not matter to you !!!!!

Ayato says: uh what a humor, I came to tell you that they commissioned us a mission

Kaneki half annoyed responds: it's okay, what's it about?

Ayato: we will go to the prison of the CCG, to free the prisoners

Kaneki surprised says: what !!!!? That's crazy, we 2 go there? !!!

Ayato responds: of course not an idiot, a group will go with us

Kaneki answers: okay he would put on his mask

Ayato: let's go

- It would pass the original story

Kaneki would be suffering for his transformation Kakuja -

The albino was lying on the ground, writhing and screaming in pain

Eto approaches him and says: with that strength you are not even close to being the king of one eye

Kaneki getting up and between moans: arrggg what do you want?

Eto laughing says: Do not get like this, I just came to tell you that Tatara and Noro-san will train you to be stronger

Kaneki amazed: do you talk about those Ghouls who are always with you?

Eto Answers: yes, but before ...

Kaneki asking: before?

Eto tells him: let's have an appointment

The nervous albino responds: a date? (In his mind he says: heavens, I feel the same thing that happened with rize) but if I do not know, well your face ...

Eto replies: I knew that at some point you would ask that you remove the bandages from your face I am Eto, also known as Sen takatsuki

The albino blushes more and with more nervous says: nice to meet you, I am a big fan of his books, it is an honor to know her

The green movie says: the honor is mine, to know who killed yamoshi

Kaneki confused question: how do you know?

Eto answers: everyone knows that yamoshi's corpse had bite marks of a human, and those are marks that your teeth left ... It does not matter tomorrow we see you for our appointment

Kaneki half stuttering says: De-Agreed

Eto smiling answers: and where do you want the appointment to be?

Kaneki thinks and says: in a cafeteria that is near a library

Eto smiling replies: okay, see you tomorrow I would kiss her on the cheek and leave

The half ghoul touches his cheek and says to himself: it seems that girl is not so bad after all ... I even begin to feel attraction towards her ..

* the next day *

- Kaneki did not know what to wear -

An unknown Ghoul approaches him and gives him a box

The albino asks him: what is this?

The stranger answers: they sent you, he would leave

-Kaneki opens the box and would see clothes, he would see a note that was from Eto, saying he was waiting for him in his library-

After bathing and getting dressed, he would go to the place where they met

Eto would say to Kaneki: If you came

Kaneki a little nervous responds: Of course ... I would not miss something so important, not least if you try to meet one of the best authors of books

Eto answers: you laud me

- They would sit down to a table -

The white-haired boy would say in his mind: (the same thing that happened to me with rize is happening to me, I only hope that this works), Kaneki would energetically sit Eto

The daughter of Yoshimura would say: thank you, what a gentleman

The half ghoul responds somewhat Flushed: thank you, it is a pleasure to sit in his chair

Eto would ask the white movie: tell me Kaneki how life has treated you?

The white-haired boy would be surprised and say: but you said you know everything about me?

Eto mentions him: only about your accident with rize and how did you get to the aogiri

Kaneki responds: well, I would tell him his past, and how he came to anteiku

Eto would say: you have treated your life badly, but you are not the only one I would tell you his story except who his father is

Kaneki reflective says: life has not treated us well, it seems ironic that we are here as if it was pre-destined, you know this, at first you seemed annoying, but now that I know you more, you started attracting me ...

Eto mentions: what's upsetting?

Kaneki nervous: no-I did not mean that, forgive me

Eto smiling says: hehe you make me laugh, you also started to attract me

Kaneki in his mind says: (the advice that ayato gave me is serving)

- Flashback:

Kaneki: ayato, you are an expert in dating ...

Ayato: what do you want? ...

Kaneki: I'll have an appointment with that girl

Ayato: oh that girl, haha

Kaneki upset: if that girl, you will help me or not!

Ayato says: uh what humor, well, you have to follow these steps I would tell you how to be a gentleman

End the Flashback and return to the present-

Eto says: Tomorrow your Kaneki training begins

The surprised albino says

Eto responds: if tomorrow you must train to be the king of one eye, possibly it is the last day you can go outdoors

Kaneki a little discouraged says: I understand ...

Eto says: but this day will be ours, let's enjoy

Kaneki a little more animated says: yes
They would be talking about their favorite books and their hobbies

The half ghoul says: we have more things in common than I thought

The green-haired girl says: Yes, we have too much in common

they would be watching for a while

- At that time Touka would enter the library and be surprised to see Kaneki -

In his mind he would say: that idiot has a lot of things to clarify ... -he would see that he was not alone-

Eto would notice the presence of Touka

The blue haired girl says: so you're with someone else

Eto would say: I love you Kaneki kissing him

The albino would correspond and would not notice the presence of his former partner

-Touka is shocked and furious she goes from there-

Eto in his mind says: juju everything is going well

Touka will arrive to anteiku very annoying

Nishiki asks: what happened you did not find the books that I bus ...

The Ghoul girl would hit her in the stomach and say: shut up idiot

The boy with glasses spits some blood and says: annoying what happens to you?

Yoshimura says to them: Hey you two stop fighting

Nishiki: It's not my fault she came upset, I just asked her a question and she hit me

Yoshimura seriously says: is that true touka?

The kirishima girl responds: yes

Yoshimura says to him: come, tell me what happened?

-Touka sits on a chair and tells him what he saw-

Yoshimura surprised, since he would know what girl Touka was talking to him, then he would say to him: so Kaneki is with another girl ?, Is that why you're like that ?, You will not be jealous?

Nishiki who was cleaning says: It must be why he hit me

Touka yells: Shut up four eyes !!!!!

Hinami who was just arriving says: I heard that touka-chan was jealous that oni-chan was with another ..

Touka screams: that I'm not jealous !!! He would go even more annoying to his room

Nishiki says: yes that got angry

Yoshimura would hit the head of the Ghoul with lenses

Nishiki a little annoyed says: and why?

Yoshimura responds: by making Touka get mad?

Nishiki: It was not me I would continue to clean

- Back with Kaneki and Eto -

Kaneki would break the kiss and say: I love you too Eto

Yoshimura's daughter responds: Kaneki let's have fun at the park

The medium ghoul says: in agreement

They would spend all day having fun in the park and buying things like human food to disguise

Kaneki and Eto would be in a movie theater watching a horror movie

The green girl would embrace the albino

Kaneki would correspond to the hug

-Before watching the movie, it would come out at night they would be going back to the base of the aogiri-

Kaneki says: a pity that this great day had to come to an end, I would like to spend more days like this with you

Eto says: I would like it too, but that's what we have to do to survive ...

Kaneki says: do not be sad I would kiss Eto

The girl half ghoul corresponds the kiss and hugs him

Suddenly there would appear noro

Kaneki and Eto cut the kiss

Noro would say with a voice would be: what is happening here?

End of chapter XD

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