O que teria acontecido se Kaneki não conhecesse Touka? Aqui não transmitimos ao vivo pior ao vivo do bunker nuclear do libremoviecomic Não entendo por que as pessoas estão se inscrevendo, mas se é porque eu não subo em Tóquio ghoul aqui vai o que teria acontecido se Kaneki não conhecesse Touka parte um todo iria começa quando Kaneki está e ele descobre que pode comer café ele vai à loja onde compra todo o café que encontrar Nishiki, que recomenda um café que Kaneki paga por ele e volta para casa, Kaneki está com fome em vez de ir buscar comida que ele se trancar em sua casa até Aquela loucura acontecer com ele e engolir ele faria todo o café possível até o dia seguinte Hide liga para ele e o apresenta a Nishiki, ele o cumprimenta e foi para casa entregar bilhetes para Hide como na noite anterior não foi interrompido ele comeu à vontade e não tem intenção de comer Hide, Kaneki e não aguenta mais a fome e ao entrar e pela porta Kaneki ataca Hide, Kaneki acorda mais tarde ao ver a boca de Hide e sua mandíbula estilhaçada Kaneki dá conta que ele Kaneki fez isso com ele, ele chama uma ambulância e até estranhamente à noite ele conhece Nishiki, então ele percebe que Nishiki é um ghoul, Kaneki pede ajuda, Nishiki percebe que ele é amigo de Hide, e aqui está ele parte do que vai acontecer em nas próximas? escreva nos comentários
Here we do not broadcast live worse live from the nuclear bunker of libremoviecomic I do not understand why people are subscribing but if it is because I do not go up Tokyo ghoul here goes what would have happened if Kaneki did not know touka part a whole would start when Kaneki is and he discovers that he can eat coffee he goes to the store where he buys all the coffee he can meet Nishiki who recommends a coffee Kaneki pays for it and returns home, Kaneki is hungry instead of going to get food he would lock himself in his house until That crazy thing happened to him and swallow he would do all the coffee possible until the next day Hide calls him and introduces him to Nishiki, he greets him and went home to deliver notes to Hide as the night before he was not interrupted he ate at ease and has no intention of eating Hide, Kaneki and can no longer stand hunger and when entering and from the door Kaneki attacks Hide, Kaneki wakes up later to see Hide's mouth and his jaw shattered Kaneki gives account that he Kaneki did this to him, he calls an ambulance and until strangely at night he meets Nishiki, then he realizes that Nishiki is a ghoul, Kaneki asks for help, Nishiki realizes that he is Hide's friend, and here he is part what will happen in the next? write it in the comments
¿Que hubiese pasado Si kaneki no conocia a Touka? aquí
no transmitimos en vivo peor en directo desde el búnker nuclear de
libremoviecómic no entiendo por qué la gente se está de suscribiendo pero si es
porque no subo Tokio ghoul aquí va que hubiese pasado si Kaneki no
conocía a touka parte un todo iniciaría cuando está Kaneki y descubre que puede
comer café va a la tienda donde compra todo el café que puede conoce a Nishiki
que le recomienda un café Kaneki lo paga y regresa a casa, Kaneki tiene hambre
en lugar de ir a por la comida se encerraría en su casa hasta q que le pasara
lo loco y traga haría todo el café posible hasta que al día siguiente lo llama
Hide y le presenta a Nishiki ,él le saluda y se iba a su casa a entregar le
apuntes a Hide como la noche anterior no fue interrumpido comió a gusto y no tiene
intención de comerse a Hide, Kaneki y ya no aguanta más el hambre y al entrar y
de por la puerta Kaneki ataca a Hide, Kaneki despierta más tarde para ver la
boca de Hide y su mandíbula hecha pedazos Kaneki se da cuenta que él le hizo
esto Kaneki llama a una ambulancia y hasta que extrañamente en la noche se
encuentra con Nishiki, entonces se da cuenta de que Nishiki es un ghoul, Kaneki
pide ayuda, Nishiki se da cuenta que es el amigo de Hide, y hasta aquí esta
parte ¿qué pasará en la siguiente ? escríbelo en los comentarios
Todo iniciaría cuando unos secuestradores matan al padre y
secuestran a la madre de Mikasa y a Mikasa , a la madre le envían a la capital
a que sea la concubina de algún noble , y a Mikasa le iba a tocar el mismo destino pero en otra cuidad, tenían que
pasar por la cuidad subterránea, A MIKASA LA LLEVAN AL SUBTERRÁNEO DONDE
FARLAN E ISABEL LA RESCATAN, entonces Mikasa tendría sentimientos por
Levi y no por Eren, Levi le enseñaria como comportarse, como defenderse, como usar un equipo de maniobras tridimensionales. Mikasa seguiria usando su apellido, aunque Levi cree que se lo tomo de el. Como en la historia Original , serian reclutados por El cuerpo de exploracion, y tenían por mision de un noble que matar a Erwin, Mikasa no entraría por ser muy joven. pero se
hace de noche y farlan e Isabel mueren, Erwin les dice que su mercenario murió,
Quedándose en el cuerpo de exploracion. Mikasa odiaría en ese momento a Erwin. Pasan los años, Eren es
golpeado por su aptitud, lo que lo hizo más fuerte, igual Armin. Hasta que un día
El titán colosal destruye el Muro María. Mikasa se une al ejército a los 14,
mientras en los reclutas 104, eren queda en 4to lugar e Ymir en decimo , Cuando tenían que cuidar
el muro, Reiner como titan acorazado la destruye. Eren se comido por un titan, transformandose en ttian atacante y con el se enfrentó a titanes todo el día, hasta que
ya no pudo más y cayo, llega el cuerpo de exploracion y lo ven, lo rescatan. pregunta ¿que eres tú?
Eren despierto no podía creer que fuese un titán. A Erwin se le ocurre usar a
eren para tapar el muro, así lo hizo después de unos intentos, Tuvieron que
llevarlo a juicio, pero la custodia la gano el capitan Levi, como en la historia original,
aparecería el titán hembra en medio del viaje a Shinganchina para leer los
diarios de Grisha. Pero con Mikasa en el escuadrón Levi, casi matan a Annie, Lo digo porque al estar mas tiempo en el cuerpo de exploracion conoce mejor como se mueve un titan en campo abierto y al no conocer a Eren noestaria de imprudente, Aunque Como el escuadron Levi original, el desconocer que el titan hembra puede cristalizar su nuca es lo que no dejo que muera, Annie llamaria titanes para escapar haciendo creer que habian muerto. Llegan a shinganchina, Perose detendrian en la casa de Eren, y toman los diarios. En el camino de Regreso vuelve a
aparecer el titán hembra, pero en esta ocasión Levi pelea contra ella, y con la ayuda de Mike logran capturar al titán hembra, pero cuando la sacan se cristaliza sorprendidos los de la 104 de que es Annie Leonard. Llegan a la
capital a dar con informes respecto a lo leído en los diarios de Grisha y la
captura del titán hembra. el juicio es interrumpido porque Afuera de los muros,
el titán bestia aparece y el escuadrón Mike y otros reclutas hicieron la evacuación
, pero murieron, Eren y los demás fueron a ayudar, allí es donde reiner revela ser el titan Acorazado y no acepta ir a la audiencia, Cuando se transforman, Berthold agarra a Ymir y la mete en su boca, Eren se enfrentaba al titán Acorazado con Artes marciales mixtas,
Mientras que dentro del colosal, Bertoldo hablaba con Ymir , le pedía que los
rescaten, Ymir acepta con la condición de llevarse también a Crista, Así que el
Colosal cae y del colosal sale ymir quien toma a Eren y Reiner, Pero del humo
sale Levi y le corta las piernas a ymir haciéndola caer. y esta seria la oportunidad que usarian los soldados ahora que no esta el Colosal para capturaroa
los guerreros
, Nota, crista también fue metida en prisión, porque, como ymir la
capturo sospecharon que también era un titán . Fueron al capital.
Mostraron las pruebas. Hake mate. Las pruebas mostradas eran suficiente para que varios soldados cambiaran de posicion, hacia un golpe de estado. Mientras que en
la prisión llega Kenny Ackerman y secuestra a crista. Ymir al ver como se llevaron a Crista se desespera y logra
liberarse. Libera a Reiner y Bertoldo. Y van a stohhes. Atacan después de una
pelea entre Eren, Mikasa y Levi contra los guerreros. rompen el edificio donde
estaba Annie. Reiner la agarra. Mikasa lo ataca. Mientras que ymir sientiendo que tiene una deuda de vida porque se comio a Marcel agarra a los guerreros y huye. Huye a Marley
Flashback Rod reiss se da cuenta que despues de historia si algun recupera el fundador necesitara alguien que siga el legado. Asi que va al mercado de exclavos por una concivina. Donde escuentra a una señora muy palida y flaca con una apariencia unica a la que rod le llamo la atencion y la compro . Le dio de comer y luego la obligo a tener 3 hijos a lo que a la señora solo le toco aceptar su destino. Volviendo al presente. Rod .y sus hijos junto con su concubina se van en una caravana alejandose del pueblo a vivir al norte. Mientras que levi intenta seguir a ymir . Pero con el vapor del colosal escapan. Llegan a shinganchina donde se encuentran con zeke. Le dicen ella es ymir y nos ayudo a salir de nuestra prision. Ymir tiene una idea de como sacar a Annie de su cristal y juntos arman una estrategia. Pasan 2 meses y llega el cuerpo de exploracion a shinganchina .usan una roca gigante para tapar el muro. Armin dice que deberian revisar la muralla y en ella encuentran a Reiner . Mikasa va a por reiner y le cuerta el cuello, haciendo que Reiner se convierta en titan . Reiner grita , haciendo que de un lado Zeke se convierta en titan y grite generando titanes que rodean el muro , y Annie sale de su escondite y va por los caballo, Pero levi reacciona y la corta , haciendo que solo espante a unos caballo . mientras que Annie cae con los tendones regenerandose . Reiner escalaba el muro, cuando Eren se transforma en titan. reiner decide bajar entonces y enfrentarse a Eren, Eren volveria a valerse de artes marciales mixtas contra Reiner . Alli mikasa llega y aranca a Reiner de su titan con lanzas relampago . reiner grita, Zeke lanza a Beto , Beto ve a Reiner en esas condiciones y sale para decirle que se volte. Armin quiere hablar con Beto y beto como que iba a hablar pero llega mikasa y le corta el cuello a beto, haciendo que beto se convierta en titan con su explocion nuclear . Armin baja rapidamente y mikasa, Eren logra agararlo , y moglid empuja a hange a un pozo , pero eseptuando a mikasa , armin, Eren y hange, nadie mas sobrevivio . Del otro lado Levi logra paralisar a Annie y la saca , pero el titan simio con sus rocas le esta estorbando , Erwin hace un ataque suicida y se van todos contra el titan bestria. El titan bestia con sus rocas se los carga , llega levi y se enfrenta al simio, aun cuando el titan bestia noto que levi se acercaba , no logro matarlo y levi lo arranca, Ahi llega pieck y salva a Zeke, luego corre , De el baul de pieck sale ymir y salva a Annie . Del otro lado Eren habia sido empujado al muro por Beto .y con el ingenio de Armin lo arancan, muriendo Armin en el proceso. Zeke salva a Reiner y se acerca a Eren diciendole que lo rescatara. Eren iba a matar a beto cuando ymir sale del otro lado y agara a beto . Levi llega a la muralla Maria . Zeke nota eso y abandona la guerra . Despues de ver que los guerreros se fueron, van a revisar la muralla los unicos sobrevivientes, Eren, Mikasa ,hange ,levi y flost . Preguntandose si historia , la que desaparecio ,habria tenido algo que ver . volviendo al muro, Eren se pregunta ¿ entonces , tendre la coordenada o el rey sigue escondido ? . Futuramente llegan Barcos marleyanos llenos de gente que sigue a Zeke .que fingen ser amigos de las murallas . En esos años, kenny ackerman se va a vivir en el este y Rod con historia, su concubina y sus otros hijos en el frio norte porque pensaban que el Tal fritz era el verdadero rey los demas del a cuidad, tras enterrarse de la verdad historia se enojo mucho con su padre , pero no lo acuso porque tenia miedo de lo que podria pasar si la descrubrian. Las murallas forma una relacion diplomatica con la nacion de Hizuru, Sorprendiendose del encuentro entre Mikasa y otros asiaticos, le ofrecen a mikasa ir a conocer su cultura, pero ella mira a levi y dice que no, la nacion de hizuru queria todos los recuersos de la isla a cambio de darles tecnología, pero no llegan a un acuerdo. Eren es convencido por yelena de atacar marley, Asi que 4 años despues de recuperar shinganchina . Eren ataca marley, en esos años , aunque ymir ayudo a marley, no les fue util , se la dieron de comer a pokko. Cuando Eren llega a Marley, yelena hace caer en una trampa a pokko y pieck . Eren con un niño llamado falco , atrae a Beto y explota en su presencia, matando a falco con su explocion y dejando inconciente a Beto .Eren mata al Willian Tiber, rey de marley El warhammer aparece y masacra a Eren, El warhammer casi mata a Eren, cuando mikasa por orden a Levi lo salva. atacando la nuca del warhammer . luego el warhammer se levanta y dispara una estaca, mikasa retira a Eren . Eren se convierte en titan y corta el cordon de Lara tiber , luego intenta comersela pero no funciona sus dientes se rompen al intentar morder el cristal. Pokko y pieck salieron del sotano, Pokko ataca por detras a Eren, pero levi le corta el tendon de la mandibula . Llega el titan bestia al campo de batalla, levi no puede acercarse porque pieck usa su metralleta para protegerlo, luego llega Reiner titan y protege a pieck. Pokko se enfrenta a Eren y Mikasa , cuando de pronto el titan warhammer genera un arbol que atrapa a Eren, enconces salta pokko a por Eren . Mikasa reacciona y le lanza una lanza relampago en su boca , haciendo que aunque muerde a Eren, con los dientes huecos, Eren se convierte en titan y sale, agara a tiber y la usa otra vez contra pokko, dandose cuenta que las garas de pokko cortan a tiber . Los barcos marleyanos estan proximos a llegar a liberio . Mikasa le corta el tendon a pokko, haciendolo caer . y Eren lo usa para comerse a tiber . Reiner ve que se esta comiendo a tiber y abandona su posicion para salvarla, saltandose sobre Eren y tirandolo , cayendo tiber aun viva y pokko . Eren se enfrenta a Reiner .mikasa le corta los tendones de atras a Reiner, Eren sale de su titan y sube al zepelin . Aprovechando que Reiner se retiro , vencen a Pieck y como Falco esta muerto , No hay quien interumpa al soldado que dispara la lanza relampago que no seria jean porque esta muerto y matarian a pieck aprovechando la vulnerabilidad de los titanes cambiantes cuando estan dentro de su titan . luego Levi secuestra a Zeke . Gaby ve lo que paso, con su rifle mata a un soldado, y usa su equipo 3d para subirse al zepelin, y cuando Entra dispara dandole a Hange zoe, pero tambien viendo a Zeke como un traidor, sin oportunidad de que puedan devolverla. y vuelven a las murallas , en el viaje , Levi y mikasa golpean a Eren como si no hubiera un mañana por la estupides que acaba de hacer . En marley , ven que efectivamente peick esta muerta, encuentran a Beto en los escombros y tiber, aunque viva , se quebro la espalda . Pokko dice Gracias a Reiner . Reiner al enterarse por parte de Colt que gaby esta en el zepelin, convence a los marleyanos de ir a atacar la isla , el cadaver de pieck se estaba evaporando, asi que rapido le dieron suero titan a colt para que se la coma y no perder el poder. En las murallas interogan a Zeke de su pasado y descubren muchas cosas . como no hay reina historia que se embaraze, Le dan a Zeke de comer a darius Zacley , aruinando todo el plan eutanasia. Eren estaba en su prision sin enterrarse que Zeke habia sido deborrado , Cuando decide escaparse y se dirige con un pequeño grupo que lo sigue a la Shinganchina, donde se enfrenta a Mikasa ackerman, pero le salio mal y mikasa derrota a Eren, Recuerden que este Eren no tiene el warhammer ni el endurecimiento y no tiene modo de usar el fundador. dejandolo sin manos y colocandole una lanza relampago en el cuello .Luego mikasa mientras transportaba a Eren a la capital . Escucha algo, Aparece el titan mandibula y ataca a mikasa, Cae Eren . Eren se asegura que la lanza no explote, Luego pokko ve que Eren cayo , corre a devorar a Eren, apena pone a Eren en su boca, Eren se mueve y la lanza explota destruyendo la boca de pokko y sacando volando tanto a pokko como a Eren, pero a Eren de las costillas para arriba . Mikasa enconces ve que en el cielo estan zepelines marleyanos . Gaby se escapa de su prision cuando ve que hay barcos marleyanos y se alegra, Mikasa amenasa a pokko con una espada y pokko solo sonrie y mira al cielo, zepelines marleyanos . Mikasa no lo resiste mas y le corta la cabeza a porco, matandolo . luego ve a Eren que le dice , "llevame con Zeke" , a lo que mikasa le dice que Zeke esta muerto . Eren entonces se muere . mikasa toma entonces ve que la cabeza de porco se esta regereando y lo remata con una lanza relampago, luego toma la cabeza de porco y Eren y se dirige a shinganchina, en shinganchina estan luchando . Darius zackey, como titan simio , aunque sin practica de sus poderes, por lo que fue vencido por el cañon del titan de colt . Gaby sale corriendo, haciendo señales. Reiner baja del zepelin y como titan acorazado . toma a gaby y le da un saludo, bueno no se como describirlo, imaginense cuando abrasas a un ganster sin matarlo . ya, Reiner suba a Gaby a los barcos, Gaby dice que haber estado en estas murallas 1 mes ha sido un infierno . levi se acerca sigilosamente a colt y con lansas relampago lo saca de su titan . Levi exige una explicacion . Diciendo colt que esto es por el ataque de hace 1 mes . vienen por el titan fundador atacante y el simio . annie baja del zepelin, junto con reiner se enfrentan al cuerpo de exploracion y la guarnicion . quedando las cosas mas o menos igual . berthold se iba a lanzar al ver que Gaby ya estaba en el zepelin, cuando Mikasa llega donde levi y les trae las cabezas de Eren y porco , diciendoles que se vio obligada a matarlos . Colt mira como mucha gente va a morir, asi que hace una señal porque penso en la cantidad de familias que sufririan el dolor que el sintio al perder a falco , e hizo una señal para decir que paren esta matanza . aun con eso las tropas marleyanas no se dieron por vencidos, Berthold cae y se transforma en titan . destrosando el distrito y a la mayoria de sus soldados. Colt toma las cabezas de porco y Eren como titan cuadrupedo y corre , a decirles de esas muertes,
al ver esas 2 cabezas deciden retirarse, los soldados del resto de las murallas estan llegando . Los marley se retiran con la cabeza de Eren y porco , las cuales se evaporaron despues de un rato . Hemos perdido 2 titanes nuestros este dia, pero ellos tambien . Dariuz zackey poco a poco se regenera de sus heridas .Mikasa es recriminada , aunque ella les cuenta que se vio obligada ha hacerlo . Marley estaba recuperandose de su guerra anterior, Eren jueguer, el que se oponia a la paz , a muerto , nada podria impedir que ataquemos la isla , nos quedemos con sus recurdos y la anexemos a Marley , llevándonos a sus habitantes como esclavos .salvo su titan simio, pero la inexperiencia de colt ha sido nuestra limitante .y despues del ataque anterior , les daremos una tregua temporal . en las murallas .mucha gente perdió a sus familias . pasaron los años . El titan colosal , hembra, El acorazado fue dado a Gaby , Colt sigue siendo el cuadrupedo , dariuz sigue siendo el bestia , tiber sigue siendo el martillo de guerra. el atacante, fundador y mandibula pasaron a bebes eldianos que no sabia que lo tenian. La señorita tiber fue la gobernante de marley esos años .los hijos de rod , crecieron sabiendo de su pasado y anciando el trono .Rod conspira y con algunos de los miembros de la policia militar ya jubilados ,conspiran contra el actual gobierno , ya que con rod o algunos de sus hijos de Rey ,tendrian mejores condiciones de vida .los miembros de la policia militar central juvilados , les enseñan a los hijos de Rod a usar equipo 3d , fue asi como en el año 867 ocurre un intento de golpe de estado por parte de los norteños .aprovechando de darius zackey ya estaba en sus ultimas . en esos ataques, Mikasa ve que entre ellos estan 3 chicos que se parecen mucho a ella . quedando impactada , creia que era la ultima asiatica .este golpe de estado tubo un impacto mediano . pues tras esto se decidio cambiar el estilo de gobierno a una democracia .a este evento se le llamo la segunda revolucion eldiana .dejando que quien gobierne sea alguien que el pueblo elija y el poder titan bestia para los mejores soldados que esten dispuestos a recortar su vida .Mikasa investiga a esos chicos y llega al paradero de Rod, donde al llegar al sur se topa con Historia , mikasa en vez se enojarse , decide preguntarle a historia, todo ese tiempo se pensaba que historia habia traicionado a eldia y liberado a los guerreros, Historia invita a Mikasa a su casa, ella ya estaba viviendo independiente . donde se ponen al tanto de los hechos, revelandole que cuando ocurrio la primera revolucion . su padre la saco de prision para evitar que como sangre real sea asesinada o algo por el estilo . luego se enterra mikasa que rod murio hace poco y de la concubina que tubo ahora vive en esa casa sola. mikasa le entra la duda y pregunta por ella. Historia le comenta que ella se parece a mikasa. Mikasa entonces se va a la vieja casa Rod y adiven que . Se rencuentra con su madre. siendo un gran rencuentro para ambas . poniendose al tanto de los hechos ese tiempo . la madre le dice que no fue feliz los primeros años y muchas veces intento escapar, pero despues del primer hijo, no le quedo mas que aceptar la vida que tubo y aprender a ser feliz con eso . El ver a su madre viva , hace que a mikasa se le desactive el poder despertado . la madre de mikasa los lleva a conocer a sus mediohermanos, con los cuales no se lleva nada bien . mikasa se retira del ejercito y se pone a vivir los ultimos con su madre . despues de muchos años, ya con otro gobierno tanto en las murallas como en marley, marley los invade y vence, anexando las muralla a marley, pero similar a como fue en roma cuando invadio grecia, Cuando invadieron la isla , los tiber se facinaron con las nuevas formas de gobierno , los descubrimientos y las filosofias de las murallas, las cuales adoptaron, dando un mejor trato a sus eldianos . fin ¿que te parecio esta historia ? escribelo en los comentarios, chao chao .18 likes para final alternativo
Final Alternativo
Los marleyu sabiendo que habian por lo menos perdido 2 titanes decidieron acabar con todo alli y ahora, Siendo honestos, sin el retumbar no hay forma de que en las murallas ganen, aun si la nacion de hizuru viniera dudo que duren, Asi que en lo que mi yo de 2022 piensa, Los Marley irian conquistando territorio por territorio la cuidad, posterioremente recuperando el titan bestia, Exclavisando a sus habitantes, explotando sus recursos, a los guerreros como Reiner , Annie y Colt tratados como Heroes de guera y dando beneficios a sus familias. La explotacion de la isla podria volverse una nueva oportunidad para muchos marleyanos y posiblemente entren en conflicto con hizuru que tambien querrian sus recursos.
Comentarios del director
Este fanfic nacio de la peticion de Maxel999 que pidio que haga un Si mikasa no era salvada, la premisa en realidad trataba de como Seria la vida de Eren y Armin sin mikasa para protegerlo y como tendria que aprender a ser fuerte y sin apego emocional, pero en los comentarios del video me pidieron que mikasa sea rescatada por Levi, lo cual fue el nacimiento de este fanfic, se puede decir que es una variante de la variante
En cuanto a la idea de Porque Rod es el padrastro de mikasa y dueño de la mama de mikasa, digamos que es un derivado de la idea original, osea en la idea original Pensaba que Rod comprara a la ultima asiatica por, fetiches, si fetiches y que por haber perdido a su familia tuviera otra que no hiciera preguntas
el porque el final alternativo es deprimente y feliz es porque leyendo el fanfic me vi que no tenian sentido algunas partes y con ya el contexto completo de snk no serian posibles
Me gustaba en su tiempo y me gusto la idea de que Mikasa matara a Eren para evitar el fin del mundo, si ven la fecha de subida del video original veran que efectivamente yo subi mi fanfic antes de que eso pasara en el canon, mi idea en ese punto era probar que desde la perspectiva de los que no han crecido con Eren, El es un mountro, en cuanto al final original eso era porque queria ver como terminaba, ahora viendo el final de SNK decidi ver si aun tenia la creativdad que tenia en 2017, en teoria esto es un remake, porque ya habia una version recopilatoria de este fanfic en el canal de Dailymotion, pero me borraron el canal de dailymotion y ahi perdi varios respaldos como el recopilatorio original o la version sin censura de algunos videos, he recreado algunos como Eren X kefla, pero los demas los perdi, algunos remakes los subi a facebook , podran verlos, sienpre busco respaldarlos en aunque sea un lugar, facebook y blogger resultan actualmente las mejores opciones, Gracias, feliz año 2022.
Tudo começaria quando os sequestradores matassem o pai e sequestrariam a mãe de Mikasa e Mikasa, a mãe é enviada à capital para ser a concubina de alguns nobres, e Mikasa quase a mesma coisa, mas eles tiveram que passar pela cidade subterrânea. MIKASA A LEVA AO SUBTERRÂNEO ONDE LEVI (À ASSISTÊNCIA DE SEUS PARCEIROS), FARLAN E ISABEL A RESGATAM, então Mikasa teria sentimentos por Levi e não por Eren. Como na história original, eles seriam recrutados pelo corpo de Surver, e eles teriam que matar Erwin. Mikasa não entrou porque era menina. mas fica escuro e eles blefam e Isabel morre, Erwin diz a eles que seu mercenário morreu, permanecendo no corpo de bombeiros. Mikasa odiaria Erwin. Os anos passam, Eren é atingido por sua aptidão, o que o fortaleceu, assim como Armin. Até que um dia o titan colossal destrói a parede de Maria. Mikasa se junta ao exército aos 14 anos, enquanto nos recrutas 104, eren está em 4º lugar. Quando eles tiveram que cuidar do muro, Reiner o destrói. Eren enfrentou titãs o dia todo, até que ele não aguentou mais e ele caiu, o corpo de surfistas chega e eles o vêem, eles o resgatam. O que você é Eren Awake não podia acreditar que era um titã. Erwin passa a usar eren para cobrir o muro, e o fez depois de algumas tentativas. Eles tiveram que levá-lo a julgamento, mas a custódia foi conquistada pelo corpo de surfistas, como na história original, o titã feminino apareceria no meio da viagem para Shinganchina para ler os diários de Grisha. Mas com Mikasa no esquadrão Levi, eles quase mataram Annie, chegaram à shinganchina, leram os jornais. No caminho de volta, o titã feminino reaparece, mas desta vez Levi luta com ela, capturando o titã feminino, mas quando eles a tiram, ela cristaliza. Eles chegam à capital para encontrar relatos sobre o que foi lido nos jornais de Grisha e a captura do titã feminino. o julgamento é interrompido porque Fora dos muros, a besta titã aparece e o esquadrão Mike e outros recrutas fizeram a evacuação, mas eles morreram, Eren e os outros foram ajudar, lá ele enfrentou o colossal e encouraçado, Eren enfrentou o encouraçado titan Com artes marciais mistas, enquanto Bertoldo, no interior do colossal, falava com Ymir, pedindo-lhe para resgatá-los, Ymir também aceita a condição de levar Crista. Assim, o colossal cai e o ymir que tira Eren e Reiner do colossal, Mas Levi sai da fumaça e corta as pernas de ymir, fazendo-a cair. Então eles capturaram os guerreiros. Note, a crista também foi colocada na prisão, porque quando o ymir a capturou, eles suspeitaram que ela também era uma titã. Eles foram para a capital. Eles mostraram a evidência. Faz companheiro. Eles realizaram um golpe. Enquanto estava na prisão, Kenny Ackerman chega e sequestra Crystal. Ymir se desespera e consegue se libertar. Reiner e Bertoldo livres. E eles vão para stohhes. Eles atacam após uma luta entre Eren, Mikasa e Levi contra os guerreiros. Eles quebram o prédio onde Annie estava. Reiner a agarra. Mikasa o ataca. Enquanto o ymir, farto da vida, agarra os guerreiros e foge. Fuja para Marley e essa parte até agora, o que acontece na próxima? Escreva nos comentários. Tchau
alcançamos 12 curtidas, vamos continuar Esena, lembre-se. Rod reiss percebe que, após a história, se alguém se recuperar, o fundador precisará de alguém para seguir o legado. Então ele vai ao mercado de exclavos para uma concivina. Onde ele encontra uma senhora muito pálida e magra, com uma aparência única, que Rod chamou sua atenção e a comprou. Ele lhe deu comida e depois a forçou a ter três filhos, então a dama só teve que aceitar seu destino. Voltando ao presente. Rod. E seus filhos se juntaram à concubina em uma caravana, deixando a cidade para morar no norte. Enquanto levi tenta seguir ymir. Mas com o vapor colossal eles escapam. Eles chegam a shinganchina, onde encontram Zeke. Eles dizem que ela é ymir e ela nos ajudou a sair da prisão e juntos eles montaram uma estratégia. Dois meses se passam e o corpo de exploração chega a Shinganchina, usando uma rocha gigante para cobrir o muro. Armin diz que eles devem verificar o muro e encontrar Reiner lá. Mikasa vai para Reiner e corta seu pescoço, fazendo Reiner se tornar titã. Reiner grita, fazendo Zeke se transformar em titã de um lado e gritar gerando titãs ao redor da parede, e Annie sai do esconderijo e vai atrás dos cavalos, mas levi reage e a corta, fazendo com que ela afaste apenas alguns cavalos. enquanto Annie cai com os tendões em regeneração. Reiner estava escalando a parede, quando Eren se transformou em titã. Reiner então decide ir para baixo e enfrentar Eren, eren usaria artes marciais mistas contra Reiner. Alli Mikasa chega e rasga Reiner de seu titã com lanças de raios. Reiner grita, Zeke joga Beto, Beto vê Reiner nessas condições e sai para pedir que ele se vire. Armin quer conversar com Beto e beto como ele iria falar, mas mikasa chega e corta o pescoço de beto, fazendo com que beto se torne um titã com sua exploração nuclear.Armin rapidamente desce e mikasa, Eren consegue agarrá-lo, e moglid empurra o hange para dentro de um poço, mas é quando mikasa, armin, Eren e hange, ninguém mais sobreviveu. Por outro lado, Levi consegue paralisar Annie e a leva para fora, mas o macaco-titã com suas pedras o atrapalha, Erwin faz um ataque suicida e todos vão contra a bestria titã. O animal titanico com suas pedras os carrega, levi chega e encara o macaco, mesmo que o animal titan tenha notado que levi estava se aproximando, ele não conseguiu matá-lo e levi rasga-o, lá Pieck chega e salva Zeke, depois foge dele o baú de pieck sai ymir e salva Annie. Por outro lado, Eren havia sido empurrado contra a parede por Beto e, com a inteligência de Armin, eles o roubaram, matando Armin no processo. Zeke salva Reiner e se aproxima de Eren dizendo a ele para resgatá-lo. Eren ia matar beto quando ymir sai do outro lado e agarra beto. Levi atinge o muro Maria. Zeke percebe isso e abandona a guerra. Depois de ver que os guerreiros se foram, os únicos sobreviventes, Eren, Mikasa, hange, levi e flost, verificarão a parede. Imaginando se a história, a que desapareceu, teria algo a ver com isso. Eles lêem os jornais de Grisa descobrindo a verdade e, voltando à parede para revelar tudo, Eren se pergunta, então, terei a coordenada ou o rei ainda está escondido? . No futuro, os barcos Marley chegarão, cheios de pessoas que seguem Zeke, que fingem ser amigos das paredes. Naqueles anos, kenny ackerman vai viver nisso e Rod com história, sua concubina e seus outros filhos no norte frio. Depois de descobrir a verdade, ficou muito zangado com o pai, mas não o acusou porque tinha medo do que O que poderia acontecer se a descobrissem.Os muros formam um relacionamento diplomático com a nação de Hizuru Surpreso com o encontro entre Mikasa e outros asiáticos, eles oferecem a Mikasa que conheça sua cultura, mas ela olha para Levi e diz que não, a nação de hizuru queria todos os recursos da ilha em troca de fornecer tecnologia, mas eles não chegaram a um acordo. Eren é convencida por Yelena a atacar Marley, então 5 anos depois de recuperar a shinganchina. Eren ataca Marley, naqueles anos, apesar de Ymir ter ajudado Marley, não era útil para eles, eles a alimentaram com pokko. Quando Eren chega a Marley, yelena coloca pokko e pieck em uma armadilha. Eren com um garoto chamado falco, atrai Beto e explode em sua presença, matando falco com sua exploração e deixando Beto inconsciente.Eren mata Willian, rei de marley O martelo de guerra aparece e massacra Eren, o martelo de guerra quase mata Eren , quando Mikasa por ordem de Levi o salva. atacando a nuca do martelo de guerra. então o martelo de guerra se levanta e atira uma estaca, mikasa retira Eren. Eren vira titã e corta o cordão do Tibre, depois tenta comê-lo, mas não funciona. Pokko e pieck deixaram o porão, Pokko ataca por trás de Eren, mas levi corta o tendão da mandíbula. A besta titã chega ao campo de batalha, mas Levi não consegue se aproximar porque pieck usa sua submetralhadora para protegê-lo; Pokko enfrenta Eren e Mikasa, quando de repente o martelo de guerra titã gera uma árvore que pega Eren, você encontra pokko saltos para Eren. Mikasa reage e lança uma lança de raio em sua boca, causando que, embora ele morra Eren, com seus dentes ocos, Eren se transforma em titã e sai, ele agarra Tiber e a usa novamente contra pokko, percebendo que os pokko garas eles cortam ao Tibre. Os navios marleyanos estão prestes a chegar à Libéria. Mikasa corta o tendão de pokko, fazendo-o cair. e Eren o usa para comer um Tibre. Reiner vê que Tiber está sendo comido e abandona sua posição de salvá-la, pulando em Eren e jogando-o, Tiber caindo ainda vivo e pokko. Eren confronta Reiner. Mikasa corta os tendões de Reiner para trás, Eren sai de seu titã e sobe no zepelin. Aproveitando o fato de que Reiner se aposentou, eles derrotaram Pieck e, como Falco está morto, não há ninguém para interromper o soldado que dispara na lança do raio que não seria jean porque ele está morto e eles matariam Pieck. então Levi sequestra Zeke. Gaby vê o que aconteceu, com seu rifle, ela mata um soldado e usa seu equipamento 3D para entrar no zepelin, e quando ela entra, atira no Hange zoe, mas também vê Zeke como um traidor, sem chance de que eles possam devolvê-la. e eles retornam às paredes, na viagem, Levi e Mikasa venceram Eren como se não houvesse amanhã pelas coisas estúpidas que ele acabou de fazer. Em Marley, eles vêem que Peick está realmente morto, encontram Beto nos escombros e Tiber, embora vivo, quebrou suas costas. Pokko diz: Obrigado a Reiner. Reiner, depois de aprender com Colt, que Gaby está no zepelim, convence os marleyanos a atacar a ilha, o cadáver de pieck estava evaporando, então eles rapidamente deram soro de titã ao potro para comê-lo e não perder o poder. Nas paredes eles interrogam Zeke sobre seu passado e descobrem muitas coisas. como não há história da rainhaPara engravidar, alimentam Zeke e Darius Zacley, arruinando todo o plano de eutanásia. Eren estava em sua prisão sem saber que Zeke havia sido devorado. Quando ele decide fugir e se dirige a um pequeno grupo que o segue até a Shinganchina, onde ele confronta Mikasa Ackerman, mas deu errado e Mikasa derrota Eren, deixando-o sem as mãos. e colocando uma lança de raio em volta do pescoço, depois mikasa enquanto ele transportava Eren para a capital. Ouça alguma coisa, a mandíbula titã aparece e ataca mikasa, Cae Eren. Eren certifica-se de que a lança não exploda, então pokko vê que Eren caiu, corre para devorar Eren, apenas coloca Eren em sua boca, Eren se move e a lança explode, destruindo a boca de pokko e voando ambos pokko e Eren, mas Eren das costelas para cima. Mikasa então vê que existem zepelins marleyianos no céu. Gaby escapa de sua prisão quando vê que há navios marleyanos e se alegra, Mikasa ameaça pokko com uma espada e pokko apenas sorri e olha para o céu, marleyan zeppelin. Mikasa não aguenta mais e corta a cabeça, matando-o. Então ele vê Eren dizendo: "Leve-me para Zeke", para o qual Mikasa diz a ele que Zeke está morto. Eren então morre. Mikasa pega então vê que a cabeça do porco está se regenerando e termina com uma lança de raio, então pega a cabeça do porco e Eren e vai para a shinganchina, na shinganchina que eles estão lutando. Darius Zackey, como um macaco titan, embora sem praticar seus poderes, foi derrotado pelo canhão antitanque potro. Gaby foge, sinalizando. Reiner desce do zepelin e como titã blindado. pegue Gaby e dê a ele um, bem, eu não sei como descrevê-lo, imagine quando você abraça um gângster sem matá-lo. Reiner já colocou Gaby nos barcos, Gaby diz que ter estado nessas paredes por 1 mês foi um inferno. Levi se aproxima de Colt e com raios o puxa para fora de seu Titan. Levi exige uma explicação. Dizendo potro que isso é do ataque de 1 mês atrás. Eles vêm para o atacante fundador dos titãs e o macaco. Annie desce do Zepelin, junto com Reiner enfrenta o Scout Corps e a Guarnição. deixando as coisas mais ou menos iguais. Berthold ia lançar quando viu que Gaby já estava no zepelim, quando Mikasa chega a Levi e os leva à cabeça de Eren e Porco, dizendo que ela foi forçada a matá-los. Colt olha quantas pessoas vão morrer, então ele faz um sinal porque pensou no número de famílias que sofreriam a dor que sentia ao perder para o falco, e fez um sinal para dizer para parar com esse assassinato. Mesmo com isso, as tropas de Marley não desistiram, Berthold cai e se torna titã. destruindo o distrito e a maioria de seus soldados. Colt pega as cabeças de porco e Eren como um titã quadrúpede e corre, para contar a eles essas mortes, vendo aquelas duas cabeças decidirem recuar, os soldados do resto das muralhas estão chegando. As marelas recuam com a cabeça de Eren e Porco, que evaporou depois de um tempo. Perdemos 2 dos nossos titãs neste dia, mas eles também. Dariuz zackey se regenera gradualmente de seus ferimentos e Mikasa é recriminada, embora ela diga que foi forçada a fazê-lo. Marley estava se recuperando de sua guerra anterior, Eren Jueguer, aquele que se opunha à paz, morreu, nada poderia impedir-nos de atacar a ilha, ficar com seus apelos e anexá-la a Marley, tomando seus habitantes como exclavos. macaco titan, mas a inexperiência do potro tem sido nossa limitação e, após o ataque anterior, daremos a eles uma trégua temporária. nas paredes, muitas pessoas perderam suas famílias. passaram os anos . O titã colossal, feminino. O navio de guerra foi dado a Gaby, Colt ainda é o quadrúpede, Dariuz ainda é a besta, Tiber ainda é o martelo de guerra. o atacante, o fundador e a mandíbula foram passados para bebês eldianos que não sabiam que tinham. Mademoiselle Tiber era a governante de Marley naqueles anos.Os filhos de Rod cresceram conhecendo seu passado e envelhecendo o trono.Rod conspirou e com alguns membros da polícia militar já aposentados, conspirou contra o atual governo, pois com Rod ou alguns de seus filhos de Rey teriam melhores condições de vida.Os membros da polícia militar central aposentada ensinam os filhos de Rod a usar equipamentos 3D, foi assim que no ano de 867 ocorreu uma tentativa de golpe por parte dos nortistas, aproveitando darius zackey, ele já estava em seus últimos estágios. Nesses ataques, Mikasa vê que entre eles há três meninos que se parecem muito com ela. Chocada, ela acreditava que era a última asiática, e este golpe de estado teve um impacto médio. porque depois disso, decidiu-se mudar o estilo de governo para uma democracia.Este evento foi chamado de segunda revolução eldiana.Deixar quem governa ser alguém que o povo escolher e o poder titânico dos animais para os melhores soldados queEles estão dispostos a cortar suas vidas. Mikasa investiga aqueles meninos e chega ao paradeiro de Rod, onde, quando ele vem para o sul, conhece a História, Mikasa, em vez de ficar com raiva, decide perguntar a história, todo o tempo que se pensava que a história havia traído. Eldia e libertou os guerreiros, Historia convida Mikasa para sua casa, ela já estava vivendo de forma independente. onde eles alcançam os fatos, revelando isso quando a primeira revolução aconteceu. Seu pai a tirou da prisão para impedir que ela fosse morta como sangue da realeza ou algo assim. Mais tarde, Mikasa, que morreu recentemente, e a concubina que vive agora, mora sozinha naquela casa. Mikasa entra na dúvida e pede. Historia diz a ele que ela se parece com Mikasa. Mikasa então vai para a antiga casa de Rod e adivinha. Ele conhece sua mãe. sendo uma ótima reunião para ambos. atualizando os fatos dessa época. A mãe diz a ele que ele não ficou feliz nos primeiros anos e, muitas vezes, tentou fugir, mas depois do primeiro filho, ele não teve escolha a não ser aceitar a vida que tinha e aprender a ser feliz com ela. Ver sua mãe viva faz com que mikasa desative o poder despertado. A mãe de Mikasa os leva a conhecer seus meio-irmãos, com quem ela não se dá bem. Mikasa se retira do exército e começa a viver os últimos com sua mãe. depois de muitos anos, já com outro governo, tanto nas muralhas quanto nas marley, marley as invade e as derrota, anexando a parede a marley, mas semelhante ao que era em Roma quando invadiu a Grécia, quando invadiram a ilha, o Tibre ficou fascinado com as novas formas de governo, as descobertas e as filosofias dos muros, que eles adotaram, dando um tratamento melhor aos seus anciões. final o que você achou dessa história? escreva nos comentários, tchau tchau .18 gosta de final alternativo
Hello people, here part 2 of Si Eren found the omnitrix, let's start. Eren inside the female titan would see a girl who does not have the Omnitrix, Eren wonders, how does she not have the omnitrix? But how did it become titan? Annie notes a ghostly and asks what will you do to me? , You surrender- says ghostly. than? Annie would say, Eren ghostly pose to Annie in Her human body, Eren controls the body of the female titan, because I can't control my body the girl wonders, Eren will have Annie's nape making her leave the titan. Mike would see A girl walking towards him, Eren leaves Annie's body, making her pass out. I did it well? Eren would say ghostly, but the omnitrix returns to Eren in its normal form. Mike tells some soldiers to take her to the rose wall. Come with me, Mike climbs Eren on His horse and these boys go to the wall Maria on the road some soldiers die at the hands of the Titans. Eren and Mike, spent the hours and this would come the omnitrix would be recharged Mike leads to where the wall Maria and. when they arrive at the wall of Mary, that is where you are, it becomes a diamond to cover the wall. They see the wall breaking, the tanetmite reflects the sunlight that has activated the colossal ones that are waking up. Hange Zoe comes up with an idea, wrapping up the entire district sees that material. He did so, at that moment the omnitrix returns to Eren to normal, while the soldiers who took Annie to the pink wall were attacked by the titan armor, who takes Annie and then goes through corps. He arrives when Eren is running out of time and takes Eren, Eren would say “Mr. Mike.” In the way of Reiner, Vilgax's robots would chase him. He was about to reach the Ocean wall, his time would be recharged Eren. Reiner was facing the vilgax robots destroying them, let me go, I would say Eren. Let me go, but at that moment the omnitrix unlocks a new alien. the finger and finger came out a titanic hand, Eren using feedback flees until he arrives with the surver corps telling them what happened on the way to the district they are attacked by the central military police Eren becomes 4 arms That is not a Titan says Kenny, Eren grabs Kenny and beats him to death, then kidnaps a member of the central military police, along with it calls for trial to surver corps. Eren interrupts the trial using Canonball.a coup d'etat, after the insurrection they find out the whereabouts of the true King, they arrive at Rod reiss who through what they can do is inject the serum of the strongest titan becoming the mega colossal titan, at first it was difficult to face it, but it occurred to them that Eren became Fire, entered Rod reiss's mouth and killed him. Erwin proclaims himself General of the walls, After that event the news that the eastern district was destroyed, apparently by the colossal titan and battleship. But when they were going to repair the wall the warriors were not there, The warriors took Marley the remains of the alien robots they faced, The destruction of the wall was only to keep them occupied, They return to Marley with them and reporting that they lost the jaw titan . Marley plans to send Zeke to the island in 4 years. Vilgax comes out of the water, but is kidnapped by these Gladiators.
They were using diamond to cover the wall, which I miss that the warriors are gone, they expected to attack at some point, but they never attacked, Eren was the youngest person who had gotten into surver corps, but after all he was a boy so he spent part of his time with Armin and Mikasa. At times Hange Zoe paused in his research to examine the omnitrix, but it was too much technology for her, and like most, Eren had a training tube, there Eren was going to try his new transformations, but instead he became phantasmatic, and that phantom did not act like Eren, he had gone mad and when time was up he didn't come back to him, he was free. Eren gets scared and after he has his life ghostly, Eren becomes xlr8 to fight, phantom realizing he can't Fight against the alien transformations of Eren flees taking advantage of the lack of light and cold, becomes intangible, takes control of a northern military and with his body goes to the border waiting for it to be done at night, and reaches Marley, where he takes Controlling a Marleyan scientist trying to repair the robots that the warriors brought, Fantasmatico was able to make a spaceship with them. I create an intergalactic radio for co Communicate with a contact. In the Middle East they find sunsets of a mummy, and above there are traces of a werewolf. The Middle East could not catch the mummy or the werewolf. sHe only found a foreign and radioactive material, stored it and would use it in case of war with Marley. Marley arrives or scientist, Dr. Victor who wanted to boost the space program. But Marley does not support him, That late planet exclaims ghostly. So spooky and Doctor Victor put together a secret space program. Let's go back to the walls. They were to see that the omnitrix unlocks More alien this telling him to play the omnitrix seeing different alien, but he sees alien diamond this touches him here oh if he would say Eren in that he would be training, but Mike sees something different from Eren, but at that moment something is seen in the sky that is that thing Erwin would say, Eren Sal from now on Mike would say worried eh calm I take care of this thing would say Eren confident but the ship hits the earth making a great tremor. Here I do not finish, that would be a strange being, everyone is shocked to see a tall alien with yellow stripes, who you are, Eren would say, my name is malware and I came BY the omnitrix, which omnitrix. That thing that you have in Your chest is the most powerful weapon in the universe and I came to sip it, thanks FOR giving me that information and tell me something because this thing stuck in my arm, it is certain that the creator of the omnitrix has done that. human have the most destructive weapon in the entire universe, malware begins to attack. Eren would try to cover himself, but suddenly you shouldn't have approached me, this would touch the omnitrix Eren diamond would be covered in red in all His body, malware would take out Eren, this makes him that he is seriously a stupid boy has the omnitrix, ticking Eren, so sure this is your favorite alien, not anymore ... He tried to absorb the Omnitrix, believing he was going to be even more powerful by adopting the capabilities of Azmuth's greatest creation but Eren was able to use Diamond to protect it and defeat Malware. Malware was able to literally erase Diamond from the Omnitrix. Enraged at the loss of his favorite alien, Ben overloaded the Omnitrix and introduced it into Malware, apparently destroying it in the process, however, the ruthless Galvanic Mechamorph finally reconstituted and fled in secret. After a long absence, but Malware During the battle with Eren, Malware acquired a partial and corrupt trace of the Omnitrix and took her to a Cerebrocrustacean mutant named Dr. Psychobos, with a massive hatred towards the Galvans (particularly Azmuth). While Malware had the blueprints and Psychobos could recreate the device, they didn't have the DNA samples that empowered him. What will happen in the next part? Write it in the comments. Goodbye
Hi folks, welcome to part 3 of what would have happened if Eren found the omnitrix? 5, don't fuck, go watch the video of this guy. well let's start, Tetrax returns with the plumbers and tells sevenseven that his brother the bounty hunter died, Seven seven, the family plumber laments the death of his brother. malware had taken a trace of the omnitrix, and although it exploded survived, and went to Dr. saichobos to give the sample, Dr. saichobos builds the nemetrix and hires a hunter to take samples of the predators of the most dangerous species of the universe, including the DNA of a human. But how to get the DNA of something that dies as soon as it is separated from your body? We do not know what impact it could have for a snake to become a non-thinking being, so they took a prisoner from the project and sent him to the walls. Your goal is to destroy the greatest creation of azmuth. They sent the experimental subject, while the exploration body was exploring, then they saw an old man walking towards them, touches the nemetrix and becomes the humongosaurus predator. What is that? As they saw that he became a giant creature they thought he was a changing titan, Surver corps went for his neck. Eren wanted to become XLR8, but unintentionally he would become Dito, between heaps they go down the predator's feet by knocking him down, causing the nemetrix to return him to being human at the sign of danger, then seeing the nemetrix, they understand that Eren is not the only one that has such a device, they try to take it off, but it is teletransformed towards Dr. saichobos' ship, again. Saichobos sees that the fight damaged the nemetrix and is missing a piece to stabilize, goes to the ground for that, is going to remove it from the omnitrix, while Eren was learning to use the 3d maneuvering equipment, Saichobo takes him by the arms and says "Stay still, child." Eren then bites his lip becoming Titan, hurting Saichobos, Saichobos falling, and Eren crushes him. Kryber when he sees the crab in danger, puts the nemetrix on his pet and crushes him turning his pet in the bryancrustaseas predator. Attacking the titan of Eren, saichobos is scared, then saichobos and the pet are transported to the ship, there saichobos refuses to approach the ship to repair the nemetrix, since he was afraid of the creature , malware decides to calibrate the nemetrix, saichobos claims, "the boy has more powers than just the omnitrix." on the walls Eren tells Erwin what happened that day and Erwin gives the theory that that device might not be unique, so the omnitrix is no longer yellow and the cerebron silhouette is seen, Eren becomes a cerebron and with his intelligence analyzes the situation, suddenly the armadillo predator appears to destroy the castle. Cerebron remembers how Vilgax turned him human by touching the omnitrix, so he plays the omnitrix and becomes multiojos, and goes for the creature, as soon as the creature goes down to fire, And the creature changes to the predator of Fire, and so they continued successively, until after a few hours, the predator of the cerebrossems comes out holding Cerebron. The hunter whistles for the creature to stop, Dr. Saichobos arrives with a syringe, what is that? the hunter asks, put it in the nemetrix saichobos tells him, kruber puts the liquid in the nemetrix, and explains to Eren what the nemetrix is, Cerebron replies, "smart, but there is nothing predatory in this" you touch the omnitrix and appears Eren titan mode, takes the tentacles to the octopus and throws it. That is what you think saichobos tells him, The silva hunter and the octopus becomes a mega colossal titan EXPLANATION, As the titan power is not compatible with the DNA of the omnitrix aliens, the nemetrix turns zed into an eldiano and thus is compatible with Titan power Eren sees, it looks like Rod Reiss's titan, if the slow one, then I can move, run and face the hunter, The hunter runs away, Eren holds him, The teleporter takes them to his ship. Eren inside the titan touches the omnitrix becoming a brains electrocuting the hunter, once on the ground, Eren and Saichobos have a crab fight, which Eren wins because Saichobos was injured, and presses the self-destruct button, before the ship is destroy, Eren is transported to the ground, Malware takes the hunter, the dog and saichobos, the ship explodes. In the year 847, a ship falls in Marley and the ship goes into self-destruct mode, the baz-el pilot releases a piece of the so-called "ship" before the ship falls on it, Ship sends a signal for some plumber I helped him nearby, but when there was no plumber, ship goes to the nearest city, Liberio, and there I take control of a phone, then he approached the closest intelligent way of life he had, a boy called falco, and he He continued because he felt that somehow I could help him, then Falco metOr with Gaby, Then ship joined the closest human technology he had and kidnapped him, and took him away, Gaby saw that and immediately went to ask Reiner for help, Reiner couldn't believe it, believed that Gaby had gone crazy but He followed . Then he saw that they were effectively taking Falco, and he became a titan to follow him, they were surprised when there was an extraterrestrial ship at the end of the road, Reiner approaches. Reiner assumes that ship to be self-destruct, so as Titan grabs the ship's device, it goes out and mounts on the device and an explosion occurs. Reiner receives all the impact, causing Gaby and Falco to remain safe from the explosion. How has Reiner been? . Because of the position in which Reiner was, his titan was very damaged but his neck was intact. From the back of the neck, Reiner is flying hurt, after all that, Baz-el repairs his ship and leaves, gives them to ship. Reiner wakes up watching the ship leave and since then Ship lives in Marley, This news cannot be hidden, it was at the hands of William Tiber the extraterrestrial encounter, Or with Gaby, Then ship joined the closest human technology he had and kidnapped him, and took him away, Gaby saw that and immediately went to ask Reiner for help, Reiner couldn't believe it, believed that Gaby had gone crazy but He followed . Then he saw that they were effectively taking Falco, and he became a titan to follow him, they were surprised when there was an extraterrestrial ship at the end of the road, Reiner approaches. Reiner assumes that ship to be self-destruct, so as Titan grabs the ship's device, it goes out and mounts on the device and an explosion occurs. Reiner receives all the impact, causing Gaby and Falco to remain safe from the explosion. How has Reiner been? . Because of the position in which Reiner was, his titan was very damaged but his neck was intact. From the back of the neck, Reiner is flying hurt, after all that, Baz-el repairs his ship and leaves, gives them to ship. Reiner wakes up watching the ship leave and since then Ship lives in Marley, This news cannot be hidden, it was at the hands of William Tiber the extraterrestrial encounter, It has been 4 years since Dr. Saichobos attacked, escaped ghostly from the omnitrix, Eren read his father's diaries and the truth about the world was published with the approval of the furious Erwin Smith, the recruited graduate 104, leaving Mikasa first, Jean in second, picture in third, followed by Sasha, Connie, Ymir, Armin and mine, history is no reason to join the army. Ymir joined because I heard that such a girl would join the army, but it never happened, although Marley could not create the same level of vilgax technology 5 if she could advance a bit more in technology, such as making omnitrix remote cordless phones unlock other aliens Just like Goop Fire Swamp Stone Cold Humungosaur Cerebron Jetray Monkey Spider Eco Eco, one day the titans appear titans, the scouting body will evacuate. Along the way, Mike encounters the ape ape, the ape ape kills Mike, Eren when he finds the body of his master cries, turns into xlr8 and goes around the wall until he finds the ape ape, faces the grave and throws it on the ground, and takes it out when he sees Zeke, identifies with his father, then appears as if he was trying to catch them. They are, but they are escaping, they reach the strongest man in humanity, Levi Ackerman, and they talk to him about what he saw. He is Zeke, he thinks, the exploration body reaches the West. Or that it was invaded and now it is the base of the warriors, Eren is not going to kill, wants to know about his brother, Pieck smells like humans and informs the zeke by phone, when he arrives, he uses the omnitrix and becomes a humonosaurus and So far this part, what will happen in the next? Write it in the comments, Goodbye.
Follow another timeline. Hello people, we
started a new facet in the Fanfic called Eren 10 Alien Forcé. We are going to
adapt the Hihtfreid Saga. What would have happened if Eren found the omnitrix?
Part 4. I remember. Eren remembers reading his father's slides and realizing
that he will only live 13 years. They were angry, and with the omnitrix
calibration and humongosaurus unlocking, the titan was no longer useful. Phantom takes
control of a Marleyan scientist who was trying to repair Vilgax's ship. now
with ghostly he was able to repair his radio to call someone. In the Middle
East there are views of a mummy and above I know there is evidence of a
werewolf. The Middle East could not catch the mummy, nor the werewolf. but they
managed to find a strange radioactive material. So it went through ... they
stored it and would use it in wars. While a scientist arrives at Marley, Dr.
Victor who wanted to boost Marley's space program. but Marley's militia did not
give her freedom, "What a late planet" said Fantasmatico.
Fantasmatico and Dr. Víctor do the space program in Secret, but since This is
Marley, you can't keep secrets. Eventually the Marleyan authorities find Dr.
Victor conspiring. They try to arrest them. but ghostly leaves the scientist's
body and owns Zeke. once possessed of Zeke, he tries to become a Titan counting
himself, LET'S SEE THE POWER. But The mistake of his life, since as the power
of the Titans works with sunlight. Spooky in doing that is Zeke. Zeke is
released as Titan Beast. Dr. Victor then says NO. Understand the rocket with
the radioactive mineral, for space. Unless the plan succeeds, I can revive the
master later. A fight opens between Zeke and Dr. Victor which Zeke wins by
throwing Victor into the River and drowned, The warriors discover Victor's
plan, and what to do now? Desperate Reiner reveals the secret of ship, Ship
becomes a spaceship with which they go to space and destroy the ghostly
satellite, avoiding the death of mankind. While EL GRANDE falls in the Middle
East, who will wake up and end the life of the entire planet, the people of the
Middle East listen to that and do not take it well, resulting. They go to the
Sultan of the Middle East, how much do we have? 27 hours My relationship with
the King of Marley is not the best. I don't want to. Don't we have a plan for
invasions of any kind? Yes, but it's dangerous, so the Middle East used its
cannon with the purple ore and the big one exploded. as a result, they spent
their best weapon and that area was radioactive and inevitable forever. Now the
Middle East is weak and Marley very strong. a war could happen Back to the
present, Eren turns into a smoke-guru to fight, enters the district, Annie
appears, Eren grows big, Annie e the lizard grew up, Eren tries with physical
strength, but with physical strength Annie uses the techniques from jui jitsu,
then Eren remembers the phrase of tetrax, "think before acting" and
remember that the last time he won was when I use a ghostly, outside, Zeke
becomes a titan and a scream generates many titans, who go towards the Surver
Corps, the Surver Corps faces the Titans, surver Corps. It is winning thanks to
the newly formed Levi squad, Petra says "we can win captain." But
just a stone thrown by Zeke hits with Petra, Levi sees it and gets angry. while
inside the Eren district it changes from humongosaurus to cold and enters
Annie. Annie says no, not again, Eren freezes Annie's arms and neck until she
leaves. Annie faints from the cold when Eren grabs her the omnitrix says
"Genetic Damage detected, preparing Repair and the omnitrix does something
to Annie," without understanding Eren what happened. Outside Erwin makes
the suicide plan, but on a smaller scale, using the squad. Levi, to distract
the ape ape while Levi approaches the back of his neck, which is like being on
the other side and sees Levi facing the ape. When Eren as the cold says
"No, wait, my brother says." Levi says "he killed hundreds of
us," Zeke says: are you ?, but right there Pieck goes and rescues Zeke and
Annie. Zeke shout that "we will rescue you, Eren," then Titans appear
for the screams and move to the right so as not to hit the scouting body. Levi
and Eren face the Titans. The omnitrix returns Eren to his humanity, Erwin gets
up between the rubble and says: Do you let him run away? and Eren says: it's
time to visit Marley, because when he recovered, Eren, with a plan to
infiltrate Marley, would go to Marley, spend time as a spy, when he has enough
data, sent a signal and prepared an Erwin approves that plan, Eren arrives at
Marley using xlr8 to reach the port, quickly hides in a house, assaults a man
to take off his clothes, goes to see how the situation is in Marley to see how
to attack it, but when it attacks it, the mask falls and it is revealed that it
is and man is not Eldian, but an Alien, Eren is surprised. The man confronts
Eren, his speed is minimal, until the omnitrix says that the genetic damage
detected, preparing the repair, the omnitrix heals that dnalien, becoming
human, Eren sees him massaging and says, how does this work? Eren thinks about
the appearance he wants to have and puts it on, taking that form and passes
through Marley and thinks, If the omnitrix could heal that parasite man,
can he cure the curse of 13 years? While watching the omnitrix, right out
there, look and collide with Reiner, but none of them recognizes, Reiner is
with his cousin, The Marleyanos are as happy as the inhabitants of the walls
before the fall. The official Marleyians give Eren's statement that the band
has the reverse, Eren reacts and puts it on correctly, spends time and meets
with his half-brother Zeke to discuss, there Eren gives him the xenoxic that
took a boy and affirms what is this? Zeke says, I've never seen it. Where did
you get it from? Eren says where I found it and what counts is that the
omnitrix and how to use it, according to Marley's regulations, finds the
manufacture of xenosites, there it cools to freeze the river, while Eren on the
Titan Beast faces the higrbride, winning , another Marleyan . The warriors
kill the dnaliens, others are infected, but they are cured, followed by an echo
echo to destroy the factory, Zeke tells him that "we send Marleyan ships
to attack the walls, must go to help them", they see that the dnaliens are
I like the cold, the weather. It's cold on the walls, why could it be an easy
target? Eren says zeke, give me your hand. "The omnitrix does the genetic
damage again" Hoping Eren has cured him of the curse of the 13 years and
says goodbye to zeke. Eren returns to the walls with xlr8, there he finds that
Yelena betrayed Marley and is now an ally of Eldia. In Marley Zeke he tells his
superiors about the Dnaliens alien attack, William Tibur says Extraterrestrial?
Seriously, the war chief, Zeke, my life was normal until I sent the warriors to
the island. William Tibur Eren arrives and tells them everything that is seen
in Marley, so he has Erwin sent to make expeditions to the north in search of
something suspicious, thanks to Armin after a while, between the mountains they
found a strange giant construction. Ymir is infected by a DNAlien. and Ymir desperately
begins to hit a log until it bleeds from the hand and the heat of the explosion
killed the dnaliens who protected him, Ymir faced the higtbread that wanted the
area and killed him, The Soldiers would go to the area. Levi, and others would
face helping her, So supplying that ymir is a Titan, they don't know what that
construction is, but they suspect it's a bad thing. Eren tried to destroy her
like Humungosaurus, but he only hurt himself. Then they tried Explosives, it
didn't work either. and Eren came up with an idea, when he becomes a titan, it
generates an explosion. So it occurred to him. In human form hitting, that
would hurt him and generate the titan with the wound. I try that. The portal
was barely scratched and the omnitrix was put into self-destruct mode. which
gave an alarm that attracted Tetrax. A being had arrived. Eren wonders what was
that? leaving the Tetrax ship. Tetrax would happily say "hello boy, it's
been a long time". Eren asks, tetrax, what are you doing here? tetrax would
say that he received the self-destruction alarm from the omnitrix. We must go
with the omnitrix Creator to turn off the mode. who is he? Mikasa asks, telling
Eren that he is Tetrax, he met him 5 years ago. AN ADVENTURE IN SPACE AFTER.
They arrive at Azmuth, Azmuth reviews the omnitrix and says, So that's where my
most valuable Creation went. as a step? Eren tells him the story. Azmuth finds
out about the portal on earth, they arrive on earth. Azmuth tells him that a
galvanic morphic goal will work, turning Eren into Ultra T, Eren says "so
that for this Serbian this Serbian." Eren destroys the portal, Azmuth sees
that Eren planned to use the omnitrix for war reasons, which Azmuth didn't want
to. With the portal, Azmuth had a clue to the Higthbread invasion. Therefore,
Galván was prepared and Galván won the War to the Higthbread. Meanwhile Albedo
makes a copy of the omnitrix. And Azmuth doesn't approve of Eren being the
bearer of the omnitrix, is not worthy and takes it away.Eren has lost the most
powerful weapon in the universe.But he still has his titanic power and Ymir is
on his side.Ymir had to tell his story so they wouldn't kill her. he prostrates
himself as an independent nation, they make diplomatic relations with the
nation of Hizuru, and in Marley they have done away with the Dnaliens and the
higtbread, that threat is over, phase 2 begins. Eren infiltrates Marley
again.Kill William Tiber. It becomes tit He destroying a building and leaving
Bertoldo out of combat. The war hammer that was beating Eren appears. Mikasa
appears behind winning Eren. The Marleys attack him with cannons, but Eren
covers his neck. But without their hardening the guns pierced Eren, add to that
his lack of practice with his titanic power. Leaving Eren badly hurt by Mikasa,
the Warhammer rises, but Ymir jumps over her. Reiner would go like Titan, but
seeing the titan who ate Marcel would be shocked. Pieck would face Ymir. While
fighting, the Warhammer goes through Ymir. With lightning spears defeat the
Armor. Levi got Zeke to the last and makes one think that he is dead, returning
to the walls, but without Ymir since ymir sacrificed himself so that Warhammer
did not destroy the Zeppelin Gaby and Falco would not strain, since they would
have been watching reiner . Meanwhile in space. Vilgax finally escaped the
gladiatorial cruise, waiting for Revenge for who did that to him. What will happen in
the next part? Write it in the comments. Goodbye .
Hi guys, Here what would have happened if Eren found the omnitrix part 5, let's start. 1985 years before 0 years, Ymir Fritz made a pact with an interdimensional demon named Diagon. In exchange for 9 Titan powers, Diagon will rule that world someday. That was how Eldia's empire was born. transferring its titan power from generation to generation. First the Eldia clan, then the Eldia tribe and finally the Eldia nation. expanding throughout the world. The children of a changing titan and a changing titan are called Ackerman. At that time a being named Azmuth seeing a planetary alignment was motivated to create the most powerful sword, ascalon. Someone was robbery destroyed the planet. Azmuth regretted that, I work on something for peace. the omnitrix, one day azmuth arrived on earth, the day that was planned for Diagon to return to claim his domain, being supported only by the Fritz tribe. But the other tribes could not beat him, Azmuth decides to intervene knowing an Ackerman named Helos. to whom he gave the ascalon sword. Helos took Diagon's heart and banished him to his dimension. The heart and the sword are buried underground and the seal in the catillo, After that weakening, the Marleys allied themselves with the Tiber tribe and defeated Eldia. Escaping the Fritz tribe and the Kruger Tribe to an island, the other Eldia are treated as slaves in Marley. Some time ago Vilgax, injured by the explosion, got into the water and when he left, ready for revenge, he was kidnapped by these gladiators. The intergalactic cruise. Here he did many battles and a subject took him as a teacher, Texnoc. since I don't kill him, now his life belonged to Vilgax. Until one day they passed very close to the sun, and an electromagnetic pulse turned off all the pages and Vilgax fled, ready to take revenge on whoever did that to him. so he went to other planets and his 10 champions stole his powers. While, on earth, although they won the battle, the Marleys lost their King, so now Miss Tibur was crowned the queen of Marley. Miss Tibur was preparing for Marley's counterattack. They send Pieck to infiltrate the walls. Erwin regrets losing Ymir, While they interrogate Zeke and without much effort Zeke reveals all about his Titan power, not knowing that Vilgax was approaching. NOTE, I did not like Ben 10 omniverse, except for its plot of predators, so the rest I will not consider canon. One good day, 5 aliens of the Andromeda galaxy fall on the ground, The Red He repaired his ship. The radioactive tried to get him out of the armor, but his capture found him the same as Andreas. Galapagos arrived at the walls and told his story, He became friends with its inhabitants, until one day Agregor arrived, who wanted his power -When they went to confront Agregor. the swords, Agregor absorbed the material of the swords. Bamboo Steel Then Eren became Titan to face Agregor, but Agregor won, "what an interesting power, I'll take it" says aggregator and absorbs Eren, leaving Eren's titan thin. Agregor leaves, but strangely, Eren awakens, is still alive, returning to the space to look for the red one, an aggregator is captured by the plumbers who absorbed his accumulated power, but there was a power that had no place to return to, Albedo de Galván learned of that power and stole it. I add that strange source of Power to his Omnitrix Version, Zeke on the walls, he was a prisoner, Eren no, because this plan had been approved by Erwin, and the day came, Vilgax arrived on earth and transmitted in all the media communication, bone in Radios. His message. That made the world aware of the alien attack, but he wasn't the only one. The message also came to Tetrax that informed Azmuth. Azmuth had used the omnitrix so that along with stone r They will run the planet of tetrax. and restore his life, Azmuth upon arriving that the superomnitrix is ready. What are you talking about, tetrax question?. Azmuth says that the omnitrix that I believe was just a prototype. In recent years I have created the definitive omnitrix, when tetrax tells him that Vilgax will challenge the jeaguer, Azmuth tells him that then he takes a ship, we must return to the earth .Eren appeared in the fight and lost. Thus Vilgax realizing that the Titan's power is not typical of the omnitrix. Azmuty and Tetrax arrive on Earth, why doesn't he give that power to ask tetrax? axmuth replies that the last time level 20 technology like the omnitrix came to a planet with war, the planet was destroyed. Eren said "damn it, I'm already dead, can't do anything". At that time, some diamonds distract Vilgax Eren sees where did those things come out? Those things had my favorite alien. Tetrax is it you? Seven seven would say words that would not be understood. Come on, I would say Tetrax. the 2 aliens approached. Then the omnitrix came out of a satellite. Eren takes that omnitrix, well, like said tetrax, with this I will defeat everyone. This is the last battle, putting the omnitrix on his wrist. Eren turned into a diamond, all surprised, Eren saying "YES, MY FAVORITE ALIEN I RETURN" now I will defeat you, starting to run towards Vilgax, I will finally kill you, says Eren Diamond crashing fists. The attacks of Vilgax, Eren Diamond dodges them, thanks to his ability the walls are safe, Eren would say. Eren creates a sword and a shield that collide with Vilgax's, Vilgax spits saliva. Eren makes Vilgax return, impacting Vilgax on the rubble, Eren is human again, no, it can't be so fast, Eren sees that it is green so press again. Touch the omnitrix again becoming Wolf. He had never seen this, what will he do? he wondered. Mikasa arrives are you alright Eren? Has it hurt you? Mikasa asks, I'm fine, better than ever Eren answered. Tell them to go to the walls fast. Me and my aliens will take care of Vilgax. Okay Eren would say Mikasa. Eren runs fast and jumps, Vilgax says "it can't be that a human who goes to Kill. Eren opens his mouth and makes a great noise. And now what will you do? Asks Eren. And beat Vilgax. Meanwhile, Albedo was at about to test his omnitrix when he saw that something happened, the omnitrix was being recalibrated, bone someone was using it, so I disconnected it from the Codon stream.In the land Vilgax is promised to return. Now, after Albedo obtained his own DNA samples for his own omnitrix, he went to the ground for the homo sapiens blood sample, since he realized that this power did not react with the aliens, only with humans. the earth and with a machine takes blood samples from one “Crista Lenz.” Erwin and Eren see the Marleyan ships approaching saying Erwin, with what happened previously, the Marleyano army took us by surprise, but now again with the omnitrix we won Rein er throws himself into the water and becomes titan. Then the ship apparently comes to life and joins Reiner similar to a black and green war backpack Remembering Eren the color of ultra T, Erwin says "damn, I didn't expect those weapons to have that ability." we have to go back, why don't we go ahead, ask a Marleyano, it is possible that this minefield, I see them go back in a specific direction, says Teo magath, the plane will be in charge, the plane is derived, falling a lot of humans, who at the car with his last willpower the serum is infected and the titans appear, effectively when they fall to the floor they explode.Anie becomes titan, but a rare thing happens from the day of the scanner, since as soon as her titan is transformed she begins to fall apart and needs to ingest Titan serum to continue his powers in Human Form, although on the other hand he no longer suffers wear and tear.Eren attracts her to a place, instead of facing her he causes her to fall into a trap, telling Eren to take her away. the beach as a base Albedo suddenly heard war sounds Marley is attacking the walls in shignanchina They had found in the castle a strange resistant object that they suspect is a war shield, Eren usa that shield to face the Warhammer, Warhammer hurt the shield. When Pokko Galiard comes out from behind and captures Eren, but Pokko's jaw is broken and Diamond comes out of it. They were changed to xlr8, and went to the castle. With diamond create crystals. Then he returns to the titan and takes the shield to face pokko, pokko breaks the shield. When a light comes out of the shield, leaving Daigon. What is that thing albedo wondered from afar? So Albedo decides to try his new version of the omnitrix, does the titanitrix it consists of ?, since the titan powers only work with humans, the omnitrix mixes the alien DNA with human DNA to make it compatible. Thus becoming very great titan. Note, as Diagon still has her heart out, it's not that powerful. But in comparison. The warriors do not know what is happening, then albedo changes to Eco Eco Titan. and disorients Diagon. then, realizing that Diagon is pure energy, he absorbed Diagon with his cannon absorbs energy that he brought in his ship. After having Diagon, Azmuth arrived, used the password and disconnected the titanmatrix scolding Albedo. telling him that I always get on top of that, and seeing that the omnitrix was reused in a war, I take Eren and albedo from his omnitrix. to the last Use the power that Diagon had, as energy For the planet Galván. and the founding power that had the titantrix began to study Azmuth that kind of Power and so far this part what will happen in the next? Write it in the comments. Goodbye
.Ben 10000 says "I guess we're in another part of time. Ben 23 says" how disgusting, earth and what is that? Paradox says you never saw a lizard? It's from a different land, now I have to look for azmuth, I will tell you that we are in a different land.
Hi folks, here part 6 of "If Eren found the omnitrix"
Elsewhere Azmuth says "I see, you want the bearer of the omnitrix to take it away, because there is a war between Bens Tenizon, I don't think I can allow that" why not? says paradox. Azmuth says he thinks he is the only one he will say, but on the walls there was a plumber, the best plumber, the one destined to have the omnitrix. That he was probably killed for knowing too much, which was the brother of the Mother of the bearer of the omnitrix in this Reality, Eren jeager and he is not worthy of it, so I take it away. Feeling ben 23 identified with this. They go.
Returning to the walls, After Diagon's attack, the Marleyan troops withdrew. Leaving the walls alone for now. Meanwhile, after not explaining what had happened, the walls enter the seal, facing the lucubras, the lucubra tried to possess Mikasa, but as ackerman she was immune to mind control, and they killed several lucubras, seeing within the Diagon dimension a desert-like place with phosphorescent lights in the sky. So seeing that it was dangerous for its inhabitants. They closed the seal with fragments of walls. While that was happening, Zeke and Levi had not even noticed the war, because they were away in a camp. Through Yelena, Zeke thought to convince Eren of his Euthanasia plan, So one day. Zeke screams, he had contaminated the wine the soldiers drank. Turning them into titans. Levi kills all the Titans, and with Annie's same weakness, Zeke is torn from his titan, Levi puts a lightning spear on him so he doesn't move, but if he is to kill Levi, Zeke moves, seemingly killing to Levi, And Zeke almost dies, But one of the surviving titans eats Zeke, and Zeke leaves the invisible roads completely. Moving to Shinganchina. where Eren quarrels with Mikasa telling him that he hated him, but without raising suspicion, the 2 brothers get to meet and hold hands, but nothing happened, they could not enter the invisible roads, They did not understand why. The reason is because Agregor had taken away the founding power of Eren 6 months ago. Both plans were already ruined, both of Eren with his Rumble and of Zeke with his euthanasia, Mas The contact made Eren could see his father's memories. Knowing Eren what he has to do, they go to the seal and enter it. Seeing zeke that was right there when he escaped and revived, realizing that the seal is a portal between the invisible roads and his world. When Eren tried to become a titan, Ymir Fritz arrived immediately and formed him. Zeke orders the lucubras to move away, but they ignore him, Zeke yells at ymir that it is real blood, to which Ymir looks at him and Zeke tells him to move away from the lucubras, and he does, seeing Zeke that Ymir Fritz heed, Order that he sterilize the Eldians. But Eren holds Ymir and tells him to remember, thus convincing Ymir Fritz to make the rumble. The walls are broken and the colossal with the order of Destroy Marley. Zeke and Eren leave the seal, surrounded by Erwin Smith, Mikasa, and the others. Zeke asks Eren why he wants to destroy the world. Eren tells him that the attack Titan can see the future and saw that he should activate the rumble so that Marley does not attack them again, while in Marley they were about to leave to end the walls when the colossal titans leave the ocean, and they passed 2 days with their technology killing all the colossal, finishing all their weapons and no way to attack in those conditions. So Marley didn't attack for another 5 years. Already passing the 5 years. Eren was punished for having done that. Zeke was ready to die, he was going to be eaten by Darius Zackey. Eren also had to be eaten, but Eren realized that he was not affected by the 13-year-old rule, the same in Marley with annie, so The Colossal Titan was given to Udo, Gaby's armor, Pokko was still years old The quadruped to Falco. By the time Marley was again able to fight the walls, the walls were already updated militarily and technologically. Thanks to the nation of Izuru. And besides that on the walls they returned to the roads to free Ymir Fritz, so without Ymir, the Eldians no longer became Titans, so that way, the 9 Titan powers were eliminated and with the fact that the humanity is not alone, it is that humanity joined. The end