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Reseña Betty Toons
This Telenovela Was So Successful That It Came Up To Cartoon Version | Betty toons.
Revisão de Betty Toons
Esta Telenovela Foi Tão Bem-Sucedida Que Até Versão Cartoons | Betty Toons Betty toons, é uma série animada original colombiana, baseada no romance da época Betty a feia e Betty a feia, não é a mais bela feia (versão mexicana) ou as múltiplas versões desta obra-prima de romance que tem para o mundo, apoiar o produto original é bom. Tenho certeza que todo mundo já conhece a história de Betty Feia. não? que foi traduzido para mais idiomas. É sobre Beatriz, uma menina que, bom, é feia, mas se apaixona por Armando, seu patrão lindo e é muito discriminada por todos e o que acontece no final da história? Bom, acontece que ela não era feia, porque só estava mal arrumada, ela viaja com um estilista profissional, eles a ensinaram a se arrumar bem, porque em si mesma ela era uma pessoa inteligente com tantos doutorados e quem sabia muitos idiomas, virando dono da empresa, só com baixa autoestima, o romance passa recados, que as pessoas são bonitas e não tem gente feia, só mal arrumada e que tem gente que vai saber se curar, mas tem gente muito boba e atraente que pode dizer que não sei se o corpo bem formado é alto ou tem tudo que se quer mas não é muito, é como se a capacidade não o alcançasse. Enfim, o sucesso da novela foi tão grande que fez uma adaptação mexicana, uma adaptação francesa, uma adaptação americana, e aí vem essa série de 2002-2003 Betty Toons começamos com essa opinião, a série começou com a boa mãe de Betty seduzindo o papa de Betty. um cartoon dos personagens de Betty, a feia que fica com a personalidade da pessoa um tanto exagerada, embora tenha aspectos da série para crianças que tocam em alguns tópicos como De onde vêm os bebês? Finalmente, no segundo episódio de Betty toons, Betty convence seu amigo Nicolás de que ele muda a escola onde Betty estuda, porque pela forma como Betty é, eles deram a ela uma bolsa em uma escola católica, aparentemente porque eles fazem sua primeira comunhão lá e sim, este Seria um tanto satírico para uma mãe pobre dizer "o vestido que minha avó, minha mãe e eu usamos na primeira comunhão agora é a sua vez" depois descobrem que você tem que pagar por todas as despesas e como eles são pobres não podem pagar e são despesas desnecessárias. o mais engraçado foi o Novo Testamento revisado e ampliado. e tirando isso a verdade é que estive numa escola católica atrás e se eles realmente pedem muito dinheiro. se a série não livrou os clichês, aqueles chatos clichês como tarefas impossíveis que de alguma forma foram realizadas, mas uma tarefa simples não podem ser realizadas, como que algumas crianças conseguem fazer uma máquina do tempo ou um laboratório ou que uma criança sobreviveu a uma eletrocução mas como se tratava de um cartoon, a série brincava muito com esse tema. Foi um dos pontos fortes, piadas roubadas do "el chavo del ocho 'o cartoon em termos de história porque não estava isento de coisas incoerentes como o porque é uma menina loira no clube feio? Obviamente não faz parte do cânone do romance, mas por que Daniel, o irmão mais velho de Marcela está no mesmo curso? O estilo de desenho me faz rir muito. Alguém que ele tem quase olhos por cara chamando alguém feio. para falar sobre o último capítulo das melodias de Betty, o que eu vou dizer? Bem, é muito confuso neste último capítulo, Nicolás e Mora ganharam muito destaque. onde eles 2 estão presos em um lo op onde eles têm que fazer um exame repetidamente porque Mora não quer fazer o exame sem colar. Eles não nos explicam se eles têm superpoderes e eles fazem isso porque isso acontece ou qualquer coisa assim simplesmente. Para concluir, direi que é uma série onde você pode sair, você pode rir que se alguns capítulos contarem piadas religiosas, é como o ataque ao titã: júnior alta de Betty, a feia. não conta don voices em inglês
E se Annie se apaixonasse por Eren?
What if Annie loved Eren ?
Ah Eren, they had
seen that Eren was a Titan, but Annie convinced them not to speak at all. so
when they climbed to the other side of the wall, they took Eren to the
infirmary, and the garrison stood waiting for the armored to destroy the wall.
Eren waking up, Mikasa approached him and asked Eren about his power. What
power? Eren asked. Mikasa told him of her power to become a Titan, Eren
realized then that it was not a dream. and all his friends if they had died,
Mikasa tries to console Annie, but Eren told him to stay away, he gets up and
goes to look for Annie to ask about what happened and Annie confirms
everything. Annie spoke with Reiner and Bertoldo, so that they do not destroy
the wall, but wait for Que eren to join the Survey Corps and there, they take
it and take it away, Likewise after 2 months, Eren and company join the body Survey,
but only they know that Eren is a Titan. So Eren would go in another group. On
the way the female titan appears and although at first he fights against Eren,
later the female titan realizes that he cannot do it and allows Eren to win.
Levi and Erwin watched in the treetops how those 2 titans were fighting, when
Eren ripped Annie off his titan. Eren is surprised that it is Annie.
Eren comes out of
his titan intrigued that you have done this Annie. Annie cries and can't speak,
she just says, sorry, eren.
Levi and Mike go
down and knock out Eren and Annie, an awake Eren, ask them in an underground
prison why they are titans. To which Eren says he doesn't know anything and
Eren asks Annie, Annie cries and begins to tell about what the Marleys are,
about the 9 titan powers and Edila's past. Who are the colossal and armored
titan? Eren asks him. Annie sees Eren and tells him, Reiner and Bertoldo. And
why do you tell us everything? Annie was going to say that, for Love, but says
that she regretted what she has done when she believed that he had died and
when she discovered that Eren was one of the 9 titan powers, she could not give
him up. So that's why the Survey team sets a trap for Reiner and Bertoldo that
as far as they are concerned, Annie had failed, but she didn't know where they
were. In the trap, they were made to pass through a deep tunnel and there they
attacked them by cutting them and through the narrow Reiner was transformed,
but he was trapped, Bertoldo too. So in those conditions they were able to get
them out. While that was happening, the news that they have caught 2 people who
could transform into titan went viral, they took Annie and Eren to court to
determine what to do with it. Annie didn't fight back. In the end, Levi is left
with custody after showing that she could contain them. Erwin Smith after the
trial meets with Daruis Zackey to discuss the statements that they live on an
island and there is life outside the wall. and they plan to make a coup in the
future. While Eren and Annie were with the Levi squad. They are attacked by the
antihuman group commanded by Kenny Ackerman who kill the squad. Annie turns
into a titan and slaughters them, until Kenny draws his lightning spear and
rips it off his titan. Eren sees that and gets angry by turning into a titan,
but also losing to Kenny. Kenny returns alone with Eren. When Levi returned he
saw Annie alone and Annie told him what happened, Levi did not believe him.
Annie insisted that they must rescue Eren. A small group from the Survey corps
Mikasa was in went looking for where she might be. while that was happening.
Mercenaries kidnap Crista Lenz, Ymir is revealed as a Titan saving Crista. That
was the surprise for everyone, ymir takes crista and runs off with her. already
far away, ymir tells crista her origin and why she is there. Crista reveals
that her name is historia. After seeing that they did not return, Rod sends
Kenny to kidnap Historia. And Kenny almost made it if not for what. Ymir and
Crista returned and Ymir had to reveal her story to the Survey corps. The same
story, so now Crista was being cared for by Leví and the squad Mike and Leví
now if she believed her, when the military police arrived, they had a match
that they won Thanks to Leví, Mike and ymir. Kenny returns explaining the
situation and telling him that he must show the Survey corps out of the way,
but when Rod considers it, the Survey corps had followed them and they enter
the cave. Kenny was not prepared, Rod knows that they have to take the serum
and eat Eren there otherwise their whole plan will be ruined. The strongest is
injected to be able to fight the Survey body when leaving its titan, but it
collapses everything. Eren turns into a Titan and is crushed. Annie uses his
crystallization to save whoever he could and then pulled Eren out of the
rubble, Ymir killed Rod by biting his neck. While that was happening, upon
reaching the garrison, the news that the Pink wall had been pierced. Annie says
she has an idea who may have done that.
No time for them to carry out a coup against the false monarchy or crown the Historia Queen, since she just suspects that she is the King's daughter. The Survey corps is going to help with the evacuation, Zeke had killed a large part of the garrison, and turned around from the walls, then he would run into the Survey corps. Annie sees him and says that yes, it is Zeke, Zeke Jueguer, being surprised that he has the same last name as Eren. But it is not explained how the titans do not harm her. Then the Survey corps goes to face them, Zeke notices their presence, she approaches the wall, climbs the wall and from the chasm she faces rocks. Eren gets angry because he has been the cause of so many deaths and turns into a titan, seeing the beast titan surprised Eren. But at the point of rocks it drifts them. Erwin has an idea, While Ymir and Annie pretend to climb the wall, Levi and Mike will climb around the corners and attack him from behind. Ymir, although she was not sure what she was doing, she thought, I do it for Crista and they did, Drifting Zeke, Then pieck grabs Zeke and runs away, Erwin tells ymir to follow her, and ymir follows her. While the rest of the Survey corps face the titans that Zeke has generated. Ymir reaches Pieck, but when he arrives, Zeke turns into a titan and with his jaw he destroys Ymir and torturing her he brings out the truth, So Annie is a traitor, thinks Zeke, Zeke takes Ymir to the Ship, while, taking the truth out of her , He and Pieck go and attack the capital while it was giving the coronation of Historia to free Reiner and Bertoldo. When she did, she saw Levi arrive and Zeke left in pieck, already in shinganchina, they plan how to get the coordinate back. and the same strategy as the original story, When the Survey body arrives Annie covers the wall, The beast appears and blocks the path with a rock, Reiner climbs, Eren turns into a titan, reiner goes down and faces Eren, Eren He beats him by subduing him with mixed martial arts and with lightning spears they take Reiner off his titan. Reiner yells, Zeke habiente to Bertoldi. While that was happening Annie crosses the wall and attacks Zeke from behind, Annie tries to use her martial arts, but apart from being very strong, her anatomy is not the same as that of a human being. But as they face off, the Survey corps approaches and Leví pulls Zeke off his titan. Zeke yells, Pieck rescues Zeke again, Mike goes after Pieck, but Pieck is fast. Pieck goes up and pun, When he climbs the wall, Eren had been thrown against the wall. Pieck takes advantage and takes Eren off his titan, Zeke says, LET'S GO. Zeke goes for Reiner and they take him. the same Bertoldo, Mikasa reacts and quickly hooks on pieck, while pieck runs, Mikasa flies off dragged, in the style of a lion from resident ovil 4 with the giant red snapper. Levi and Mike climb to the top of the wall. And so far this part. What will happen in the next one? write it in the comments. goodbye
Si Annie se enamoraba de Eren
Bueno señores, voy a continuar este fic de Annie traicionado a Marley para ir por eldia despues de enamorarse solo por este comentario
Zeke planeaba escapar dejando a la traidora de Annie ahi y quedarse con la coordenada, Pero Annie haciendo un ultimo esfuerzo, recordemos que esta acostumbrada para hacer tranformaciones seguidas en ese entonces corre a toda velocidad. El titan Hembra es rapido, Aunque el Cuadrupedo lo es mas y es mas resistente al calor. Zeke mira a Mikasa haciendo como puede de Ancla humana diciendo QUITATE, aunque sin brazos no tiene como sacarla. Con Esto Annie Puede sacar a Eren, Viendo Zeke que los del cuerpo de exploracion han llegado en sus caballos, ignorando que ya no tienen gas y que si lucharan no tendrian como enfrentarle, Zeke ordena solo retirada haciendo que Pieck escuapa a Eren