
Steven 10

Hello people, here I leave you, what if Steven found the omnitrix? Part 1
To clarify, the universe of Steven universe and that of Ben 10 is mixed, now we start.
It all starts a day on a mission, Steven was going to try the hamburger backpack, on the way Steven sees a meteorite falling, Steven approaches the meteorite seeing that a clock is coming out of the meteorite. WOW, A MAGIC CLOCK says Steven. he takes it and puts it on, then the Crystal gems take Steven home again. once they leave, 2 guys come up and wonder what was that? back in beach city, Steven wants to impress a girl by showing her his magic watch, but it becomes a diamond. scaring the girl and scaring himself even more believing that he would never return to normal. the girl runs away, Steven panics, he is afraid. A vilgax robot falls, the gems come to confront the robot, Steven tries to help, but his time is up. The robot recognizes the omnitrix and shoots. with some effort they manage to destroy the robot. After that Steven tells about the clock, Pearl does not understand the clock and tries to take it off without success, so Steven continued using it, so an adventure began, Steven went to the missions trying different aliens until one day the bounty hunters of vilgax arrived and They were able to beat them because Tetrax betrayed them. Steven is impressed, one of my monsters, Tetrax mentions that they are not human, they are Gemsapiens, some conquering alien races. tetrax seeing that the omnitrix is ​​in good hands returns to his ship. Steven continued his missions training each alien until vilgax personally came to beach city. Steven was like a beast towards vilgax, vilgax touched the omnitrix and changed it to human and took it to his ship. while the ship was taking off amethyst it says "fan me garnet" and garnet fanning it. amethyst infiltrates the ship. Steven tried to make vilgax see the beauty of the earth, but he suffered a blow of reality. there are bad people, in the amethyst ship he oppresses random buttons, the ship is overloaded and explodes Steven regrets not being able to reason with him one day peridot and jasper arrive note the evacuation of the original story did not occur because Steven was not curious about the mirror and did not release lapis lazuli and she couldn't run into jasper and peridot. Steven's father confesses to Steven that the gems are aliens that invaded the earth centuries ago - Jasper mocks you army is a pearl, a faulty amethyst and that thing? Jasper orders to attack With the laser, Steven wants to become a diamond to resist the impact, but he becomes ultra ty and receives the impact. Jasper volleys, where did that metamorphic galvanic come from? goes for Steven trying to wake him up. pearl touches the omnitrix to make it xlr8. where did that quinosederan come from? Peridot wondered. Steven with his speed disarmed jasper and then made her a gem. Then Steven goes peridot. Peridot says not to break it, he has cluster information, and Pedidor is haunted. As the original story Steven would free Peridot and tell him about the cluster, Steven says that with the ship he can drill through ultra t. peridot is surprised with that device. Asking what that device is. Steven takes control of the ship, turns it into a drill and went to pierce the earth's crust and did not feel the pain of the cluster gems, but halfway through, he ran out of time and returned to being human feeling the pain of all the cluster gems, but talking to them to be bubble themselves. peridot is interested in the watch, talks about what it is and how it works says that it can unlock the master control. Unlimited access to all the aliens in the galaxy, Garnet and Pearl refuse to do that, but Amethyst if you want. in the night the omnitrix went to hacker the ship, but they only overloaded it, amethyst tries to get Steven and the ship explodes, from the explosion the aliens come out diamond, beast, ultra t and the last ghostfreack saying "I am free". a hologram comes out of the omnitrix and it's azmuth "who dared to manipulate the omnitrix?" who are you? "I am the creator of the omnitrix, your transformations eluded and they will die if you do not recover them in 24 hours, to recover them you have to touch the omnitrix. I will scan their DNA. I will speak to you child afterwards. Out of the rubble comes deformed amethyst and with the broken gem. Peridot says that he can track the transformations with the tracker that I create. Pearl and Garnet arrive. Garnet says "I warned you, but you didn't listen to me." So I fight four arms against diamond, beast against gray matter and ultra t against fire, they did not find ghostfreack so Steven feels bad because he thinks he died since they found his symbol and blanket. They cure amethyst with rose's tears, but her shapeshifter no longer works. Peridot is fond of planet earth and insults yellow diamond. Some time later the rubies arrive, only they do not play baseball with pencil. the rubies leave, but return when they cannot find jasper and since the amethyst cannot take forms, Steven tries to see if the omnitrix will have taken the jasper DNA. pearl and garnet merge into zardonix beating the rubies. Steven oppresses the omnitrix discovering widevand. They take away the physical form of the rubies, Peridot laments for jasper. Steven is fascinated by fusion. I try to merge a few times, but never successfully. after a while he discovers a pink lion and the gem of arguing, it passes as the original story. but by showing bismuth the breaking point Steven became Erte in fire, I beat bismuth by being invulnerable to fire, he went out to the house and had a serious chat with his friends and decided to take some time. Steven had strange dreams, he goes with his father to explore the world since Greg had earned a great commission for his songs. he runs into a blue diamond who takes him, Steven trying to avoid taking his father turns into a canonball, but he could not, he went to ASK for help to the gems who go to the zoo in the ship that they took from the rubies, the difference in the human amethyst zoo remains in the ship since its shapeshifter does not work. As they left the zoo, Amethyst comes out of the ship and fights against Amethysts. leaving without it. on earth they would plan how to save amethyst when azmuth arrives with bismuth to have that serious talk. claiming that the omnitrix was not for him but for a plumber named Max tennis son. in that comes yellow diamond and blue diamond. Aquamarine did not make it to earth since Steven did not mention human names from the beginning and became friends with Steven. Seeing Amuth says "ok, but only this time" changes the omnitrix and turns Steven into Way big, what will happen in the next part? Write it in the comments. Goodbye

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